Through Dec. 5: Hamlet {solo} at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
Through Dec. 8: Collected Stories performed by Florida Repertory Theatre at Arcade Theatre. 332-4488, floridarep.org
Through Dec. 15: Becky Shaw at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
Through Dec. 19: An Ear for Music, an Eye for Art: The Ahmet Ertegün Collection at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
Through Dec. 21: Our Town performed by The Naples Players at Sugden Community Theatre. 263-7990, naplesplayers.org
Through Dec. 25: Away in the Basement: A Church Basement Ladies Christmas at Off Broadway Palm Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
Through Dec. 25: Swingin’ Christmas at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
Through Dec. 28: Hannah Ineson Watercolor & Oil at Marco Island Historical Museum. 389-6447, themihs.com
Through Dec. 31: Christmas at Palm Cottage. 261-8164, napleshistoricalsociety.org
Through Jan. 11: Breaking Through with Color: Artists Reveal the Power of Color at The von Liebig Art Center. 262-6517, naplesart.org
Through Jan. 12: Papiers à la Mode: The Exquisite Art of Isabelle de Borchgrave at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
Through Jan. 15: CUBA: The Natural Beauty at the Collier County Museum. 252-8476, colliermuseums.com
Through Feb. 16: Connected and Disconnected: The Sculpture of Hanneke Beaumont at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
1: Gulf Coast Showcase Basketball Tournament at Germain Arena. 948-7825, germainarena.com
1: Jazz in the Garden featuring the Stu Shelton Trio at Naples Botanical Garden. 643-7275, naplesgarden.org
1: Naples Concert Band in Cambier Park. 263-9521, naplesconcertband.org
1: Ninth Annual Iron Joe Turkey Ride at North Collier Regional Park. 252-4000, naplespathways.org
1: The Nutcracker at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
2: Bonnie Raitt at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
2: Yanni at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
5: 39th Annual Christmas Walk and Tree Lighting Ceremony on Fifth Avenue South. 692-8436, fifthavenuesouth.com
5-6: Beethoven 7 Naples Philharmonic Masterworks performance at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
5-7, 12-15: Becky Shaw performed by Theatre Conspiracy at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 936-3239, theatreconspiracy.org
5-8: Ahmed Ahmed at Off The Hook Comedy Club. 389-6901, offthehookcomedy.com
6: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
6: Erich Kunzel Community Concert Series featuring Dr. Michael Baron, Priscila Navarro and Steinway Piano Society Young Artist Winners at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
6-7: Christmas Luminary Trail on Sanibel and Captiva islands. 472-1080, sanibel-captiva.org
6-22: Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol performed by Gulfshore Playhouse at The Norris Center. 261-7529, gulfshoreplayhouse.org
6-22: My Three Angels performed by Florida Repertory Theatre at Arcade Theatre. 332-4488, floridarep.org
6-23: Babes in Toyland Children’s Theatre at Broadway Palm. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
6-28: Rejectamenta at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
7: Art in the Park on Park Street, Naples. 262-6517, naplesart.org
7: Holiday Pops Concert by the Fort Myers Symphonic Mastersingers and Gulf Coast Symphony at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 489-3033, bbmanpah.com
7: Swamp Heritage Day Festival at Big Cypress Swamp. 695-4758, nps.gov
8: Bluegrass in the Theatre with Acoustic Music Society/Palmgrass at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
8: Bonita Springs Concert Band at Riverside Park. 405-3320, bonitaspringsconcertband.com
8: Jazz on the Green featuring Danny Sinoff Quartet at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
8: Masters of Bluegrass featuring Del McCoury at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
8: Naples Dixieland Jazz Band in Cambier Park. 263-1113, naplesdixielandjazzband.com
8: Stanislav Khristenko at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
9: Red, White and Rhapsody in Blue presented by Classic Chamber Concerts at Sugden Community Theatre. 434-8505, classicchamberconcerts.org
9-15: PGA Tour Franklin Templeton Shootout hosted by Greg Norman at Tiburón Golf Club. Shootout 5K on Dec. 14. 594-2040, franklintempletonshootout.com
10: Naples Christmas Parade in downtown Naples. 213-7120, naplesgov.com
10: Sarah Chang at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
11: All That Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
11-Jan. 12: Rescued from the Flames: Socialist Realism Paintings from the Soviet Union at Gallery on Fifth, Mercato. 220-7503, artorg.net
12: Tuba Christmas and Holiday Evening on Fifth Avenue South. 692-8436, fifthavenuesouth.com
13: A Choral Christmas at Artis—Napes. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
13: Christmas Concert by Paradise Coastmen Barbershop Chorus at the Norris Center. 352-6366, naplesbarbershopchorus.org
13-15, 19-21: A Christmas Carol at The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 218-0481, laboratorytheaterflorida.com
14: Art in the Glades at McLeod Park. 695-0008, colliermuseums.com
14: Youth Symphonia Fall Concert at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
15: Michael McDonald at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
15, 17: Beethoven and Mozart at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
16: A Spectacular Evening of Russian Vocal Music presented by Classic Chamber Concerts at Sugden Community Theatre. 434-8505, classicchamberconcerts.org
17-22: We Will Rock You at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
18: Art After Hours at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
18: Wynton Marsalis at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
18-23: 41st Annual City of Palms Classic basketball tournament at Bishop Verot High School. 671-9347, cityofpalmsclassic.com
18-23, 26-30, Jan. 2-5: Night Lights at Naples Botanical Garden. 643-7275, naplesgarden.org
18-29: The Santaland Diaries performed by Florida Repertory Theatre at Arcade Theatre. 332-4488, floridarep.org
19: The Four Freshman at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
19: Naples Daily News Half Marathon on Fifth Avenue South. 262-5653, gcrunners.org
19: SWFL Big Band Under the Stars at Center for the Arts Bonita Springs. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
19-22: Holiday Pops at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
19-31: Holiday Spectacular at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
20: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com
20-22: A Christmas Story performed by the Marco Players Children’s Theater. 642-7270, themarcoplayers.com
21: Downtown Saturday Art Fair on First Street, Fort Myers. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersartwalk.com
26-29: West Side Story at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
28-29: 2013 Florida College Hockey Classic at Germain Arena. 948-7825, germainarena.com
28-Feb. 15: South Pacific at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
30: Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
30-31: Bert Kreischer at Off The Hook Comedy Club. 389-6901, offthehookcomedy.com
31: Fort Myers Beach Birthday Party and New Year’s Eve Celebration. 765-0202, fortmyersbeachfl.gov
31: New Year’s Eve on Third Street South. 434-6533, thirdstreetsouth.com
31: A Viennese New Year’s Eve at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
1: Dave Cranor 5K at Lowdermilk Park. 434-9786, gcrunner.org
1-Feb. 28: Lothar Nickel Artist-in-Residence at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
2: Salute to Vienna at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
3: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
3-4: Pictures at an Exhibition Naples Philharmonic Masterworks performance at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
3-25: Relatively Speaking comedies performed by Theatre Conspiracy at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 936-3239, theatreconspiracy.org
4: Art in the Park on Park Street, Naples. 262-6517, naplesart.org
4: Preservation Hall Jazz Band at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
4-5: 18th Annual Downtown Naples New Year’s Art Fair on Fifth Avenue South. 262-6517, naplesart.org
4-5: Estero Fine Arts Show at Miromar Outlets. (941) 755-3088, hotworks.org
5: Jazz in the Garden featuring The Rick Howard Trio at Naples Botanical Garden. 643-7275, naplesgarden.org
6: The “ESSSS” Factor by Jodie DeSalvo at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
7-11: Disco Days and Boogie Nights at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
8: All That Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
8-26: The Fox on the Fairway performed by the Marco Players. 642-7270, themarcoplayers.com
9: Calidore String Quartet at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
9: Dan Heck—Jazz Guitar Greats Tribute at Center for the Arts Bonita Springs. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
9-12, 16-19: Whistle Down the Wind performed by TheatreZone at Community School of Naples. (888) 966-3352, theatrezone-florida.com
10: Erich Kunzel Community Concert Series featuring Anton’s Soiree at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
10-29: Arsenic and Old Lace performed by Florida Repertory Theatre at Arcade Theatre. 332-4488, floridarep.org
10-Feb. 1: Death of a Salesman at The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 218-0481, laboratorytheaterflorida.com
10-Feb. 15: Into the Woods at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
11: The Rossano Sportiello/Nicki Parrott/Eddie Metz Trio featuring Harry Allen at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
11-12: Bonita Springs National Art Festival at Riverside Park. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
11-12: HITS Triathlon Series at Vanderbilt Beach. hitstriathlonseries.com/naples-fl
12: The David Mayfield Parade at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
12: Jim Belushi at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
12: Kevin James at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
12: Naples Dixieland Jazz Band in Cambier Park. 263-1113, naplesdixielandjazzband.com
12, 14: Mendelssohn and Schumann at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
13: Steve Tyrell at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
14: An Evening with Maxine Carter at Center for the Arts Bonita Springs. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
15: Miami City Ballet at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
15-Feb. 8: Black Tie performed by The Naples Players at Sugden Community Theatre. 263-7990, naplesplayers.org
16-March 15: Nana’s Naughty Knickers at Off Broadway Palm Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
17: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com
17-Feb. 9: The God Game performed by Gulfshore Playhouse at The Norris Center. 261-7529, gulfshoreplayhouse.org
18: Dance Alive National Ballet at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
18: Downtown Saturday Art Fair on First Street, Fort Myers. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersartwalk.com
18: Shotgun Wedding at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
19: Dick Hyman—Sunday Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
19: Jazz on the Green featuring Dan Heck Trio at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
19: Kaleidos Duo at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
21-26: The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
21-26: The Wizard of Oz at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
22: Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra: Miracle of Mozart at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
23: The Miracle of Mozart at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
23: Naples Philharmonic Around Town performance at First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
23-26: Plaza Suite at Center for the Arts Bonita Springs. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
24: John Pizzarelli Quartet Jazz Concert at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
25: Chalk Art 2014 on Fifth Avenue South. fifthavenuesouth.com
25: Run for the Paws 5K at Naples Municipal Airport. 643-1555, runforthepaws.wordpress.com
25-26: Swamp Buggy Races at Florida Sports Park. 774-2701, thefloridasportspark.com
25-May 18: Rediscovering Egypt: The Collection of the Dahesh Museum of Art at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
26: Bonita Springs Concert Band at Riverside Park. 405-3320, bonitaspringsconcertband.com
26: Dmitry Kouzov at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
27: The Cleveland Orchestra at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
27: Fort Myers Community Concerts presents Haifa Symphony Orchestra of Israel at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 693-4849, fortmyerscommunityconcerts.org
27: Vibrant Vivaldi, Handel and Bach: Fifth Avenue Chamber Orchestra Strings presented by Classic Chamber Concerts at Sugden Community Theatre. 434-8505, classicchamberconcerts.org
28-Feb. 1: Five By Design’s Radio Days at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
29: Art After Hours at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
29: Improv at Center for the Arts Bonita Springs. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
30: Shelley Monroe Huang at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
31-Feb. 2: ArtFest Fort Myers in downtown. 768-3602, artfestfortmyers.com
31-Feb. 20: 25th Annual Members Exhibition at Center for the Arts Bonita Springs. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
31-March 16: A Grand Night for Singing performed by Florida Repertory Theatre at Arcade Theatre. 332-4488, floridarep.org
1: Art in the Park on Park Street, Naples. 262-6517, naplesart.org
1: Susan Egan at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
1-April: Florida Contemporary at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org 2: Jazz in the Garden featuring Mudbone at Naples Botanical Garden. 643-7275, naplesgarden.org
2: Naples Dixieland Jazz Band in Cambier Park. 263-1113, naplesdixielandjazzband.com
2, 4: Haydn and Mozart at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
3: A Fifth Year Anniversary Celebration: The Jasper String Quartet presented by Classic Chamber Concerts at Sugden Community Theatre. 434-8505, classicchamberconcerts.org
3: Mandy Patinkin at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
4: Glenn Miller Orchestra at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
5-6: Dukes of Dixieland at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
5-March 1: Good People performed by The Naples Players at Sugden Community Theatre. 263-7990, naplesplayers.org
6: Fort Myers Community Concerts presents pianist Theresa Walters at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 693-4849, fortmyerscommunityconcerts.org
6: The Lomazov/Rackers Piano Duo at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
6-7: Beethoven Pastoral Naples Philharmonic Masterworks performance at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
6-9, 13-16: High Society performed by TheatreZone at Community School of Naples. (888) 966-3352, theatrezone-florida.com
7: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
7: Erich Kunzel Community Concert Series featuring Naples Ballet, Tir Na Nog Academy of Irish Dance, Pablo Repun Tango and Colours School of the Arts at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
7-8: The Second City’s Happily Ever Laughter at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
7-23: The Beauty Queen of Leenane performed by Theatre Conspiracy at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 936-3239, theatreconspiracy.org
7-March 1: Gale Bennett 75 at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
8: The Piano Men starring Jim Witter at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
8: Pilobolus at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
8-9: Bonita Springs National Art Festival at Riverside Park. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
9: Michael Reinstein at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
10: Jay Leno at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
10: Jodie and Glenn at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
11: Fort Myers Community Concerts presents Krasnoyarsk National Dance Company of Siberia at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 693-4849, fortmyerscommunityconcerts.org
11-15: Rodgers & Hammerstein at the Movies at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
12: Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra: Great Music of the Opera at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
12-March 2: Apartment 3A performed by the Marco Players. 642-7270, themarcoplayers.com
14-March 5: The Hound of the Baskervilles performed by Florida Repertory Theatre at Arcade Theatre. 332-4488, floridarep.org
14-March 8: The Altruists at The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 218-0481, laboratorytheaterflorida.com
14-May 11: LEGO® Sculptures in the Garden at Naples Botanical Garden. 643-7275, naplesgarden.org
15: Cars on Fifth Show on Fifth Avenue South, Naples. 293-4244, specialneedschildrenfund.com
15: Downtown Saturday Art Fair on First Street, Fort Myers. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersartwalk.com
15: Las Vegas Contemporary Dance Theater at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
16: Bonita Springs Concert Band at Riverside Park. 405-3320, bonitaspringsconcertband.com
16: Jazz on the Green featuring Stu Shelton Trio at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
16: Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
16: Tony Bennett at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
18: Lang Lang at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
18-23: Once at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
19: All That Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
19: Irish Rovers at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
20-March 2: Defamation at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
20-April 12: Les Miserables at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
21: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com
21-22: I Pagliacci performed by Opera Naples at The Ritz-Carlton, Golf Resort. 963-9050, operanaples.org
21-March 16: Ken Ludwig’s The Game’s Afoot performed by Gulfshore Playhouse at The Norris Center. 261-7529, gulfshoreplayhouse.org
21-March 27: Bits and Pieces at Center for the Arts Bonita Springs. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
22-23: 35th Annual Naples National Art Festival at Cambier Park. 262-6517, naplesart.org
24: Another Tribute to Victor Borge at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
24: Renée Fleming with the Naples Philharmonic at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
25: Tommy Emmanuel at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
26: Art After Hours at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
26: Miami City Ballet at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
27: Fauré Quartett BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
MARCH 2014
1: Art in the Park on Park Street, Naples. 262-6517, naplesart.org
1: Dance Alliance: Momentum and Memories at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
1: Indigo Girls at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
1-2: Fifth Annual Mercato Fine Arts Festival at Mercato. 262-6517, naplesart.org
1-2: Swamp Buggy Race Winter Classic at Florida Sports Park. 774-2701, thefloridasportspark.com
2: Jazz in the Garden featuring The Naples Sunshine Jazz Band at Naples Botanical Garden. 643-7275, naplesgarden.org
2: Ramsey Lewis and John Pizzarelli at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
2: Shakespeare Fest at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org 2, 4: Onslow and Schubert at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
3: Broadway Bound! at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
3: Don Quixote at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
3: Washington Saxophone Quartet at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
4: Detroit Symphony Orchestra at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
5-8: Late Nite Catechism at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
5-April 5: The Drowsy Chaperone performed by The Naples Players at Sugden Community Theatre. 263-7990, naplesplayers.org
6: Fort Myers Community Concerts presents L’Elisir D’Amore by Teatro Lirico D’Europa at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 693-4849, fortmyerscommunityconcerts.org
6, 8: Sublime Schubert at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
6-9, 13-16: Chess performed by Theatre-Zone at Community School of Naples. (888) 966-3352, theatrezone-florida.com
7: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
7: Tom Paxton at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
7-27: Burnett, Fithian and Ocasio at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
7-April 5: Romance/Romance at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
8-9: Bonita Springs National Art Festival at Riverside Park. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
8-9: Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Festival and Parade at Lynn Hall Memorial Park. fortmyersbeachshrimpfestival.com
8-9: Old Florida Festival at the Collier County Museum. 252-8476, oldfloridafestival.com
8-July 6: Museum to Scale 1/7 at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
9: 105 Years of Broadway at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
9: Davina & the Vagabonds at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
9: The Grascals at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
9: Harlem Globetrotters at Germain Arena. 948-7825, germainarena.com
10: The Young Virtuoso Returns: Philipp Kopachevsky presented by Classic Chamber Concerts at Sugden Community Theatre. 434-8505, classicchamberconcerts.org
11-16: Jersey Boys at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
11-16: War Horse at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
13: Naples Philharmonic Around Town performance at First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
14: Erich Kunzel Community Concert Series featuring Rebecca Richardson, Opera Naples and Guests at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
14: Naples Philharmonic Around Town performance at Wesley United Methodist Church, Marco Island. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
14-16: Disney on Ice presents Rockin’ Ever After at Germain Arena. 948-7825, germainarena.com
14-29: The Whale performed by Theatre Conspiracy at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 936-3239, theatreconspiracy.org
15: Downtown Saturday Art Fair on First Street, Fort Myers. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersartwalk.com
16: Bonita Springs Concert Band at Riverside Park. 405-3320, bonitaspringsconcertband.com
16: Jazz on the Green featuring Steve Uscher Group at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
17: Jim Curry Take Me Home: A Tribute to the Music of John Denver at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
17: The Peking Acrobats at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
18: Michael Bolton at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
19: All That Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
19-23: Fort Myers Film Festival. 810-6323, fortmyersfilmfestival.com
19-April 6: Art performed by the Marco Players. 642-7270, themarcoplayers.com
20, 22: Christopher Seaman Returns at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
20-May 11: Dixie Swim Club at Off Broadway Palm Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
21: The Bronx Wanderers at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
21: Country Royalty: Jason Petty & Carolyn Martin’s Musical Tribute to Hank Williams & Patsy Cline at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
21: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com
21-April 5: The Graduate at The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 218-0481, laboratorytheaterflorida.com
21-April 9: Clybourne Park performed by Florida Repertory Theatre at Arcade Theatre. 332-4488, floridarep.org
22: Antique Auto Show at the Naples Depot Museum. 262-6525, colliermuseums.com
22: The Band Perry at Germain Arena. 948-7825, germainarena.com
22-23: 26th Annual Downtown Naples Festival of the Arts on Fifth Avenue South. 262-6517, naplesart.org
23: Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
24, 27: Fort Myers Community Concerts presents The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields and Joshua Bell at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 693-4849, fortmyerscommunityconcerts.org
25: Israel Philharmonic Orchestra at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
25: Mendelssohn Marathon at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
26: Art After Hours at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
26: Southwest Florida Symphony: Mendelssohn Marathon at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
26-April 19: Distracted performed by The Naples Players at Sugden Community Theatre. 263-7990, naplesplayers.org
28: Richard Nader’s Doo Wop and Rock N’ at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com Roll
28-29: Marco Island Seafood Festival at Veteran’s Park. 394-7549, marcoislandseafoodfestival.com
28-April 19: All My Sons by Arthur Miller performed by Gulfshore Playhouse at The Norris Center. 261-7529, gulfshoreplayhouse.org
29: The Barber of Seville performed by Opera Naples and the Naples Philharmonic at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
30: Dick Hyman—Sunday Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org 31: 19th Season Finale: The Dawn of the Twentieth Year presented by Classic Chamber Concerts at Sugden Community Theatre. 434-8505, classicchamberconcerts.org
APRIL 2014
1-6: Evita at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
1-6: Million Dollar Quartet at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
4: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
4: Erich Kunzel Community Concert Series featuring Wendy Willis Flute Cocktail and Chrysalis Chamber Players at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
4-24: Oddities at Center for the Arts Bonita Springs. 495-8989, artcenterbonita.org
5: Art in the Park on Park Street, Naples. 262-6517, naplesart.org
6: BBQ, Bands & Brew at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
6: Jazz in the Garden featuring The Marc Vee Quartet at Naples Botanical Garden. 643-7275, naplesgarden.org
7: Young-Ah Tak at Shell Point. 454-2067, shellpoint.org/concerts
10-12: Beethoven 9 Naples Philharmonic Masterworks performance at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
11-May 3: The Big Bang at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
12: Jazzin’ It Up concert at Hodges University. 275-5834, footstepstothefuture.org
13: Jazz on the Green featuring David C. Johnson Trio at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
16: All That Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
17-May 24: The Music Man at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
18: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com
18-May 3: Glengarry Glen Ross at The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 218-0481, laboratorytheaterflorida.com
19: Downtown Saturday Art Fair on First Street, Fort Myers. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersartwalk.com
19: Earth Day at the Refuge at J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge. 472-1100, dingdarlingsociety.org
22-26: A Tribute to Marvin Hamlisch at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
23-May 17: Moon Over Buffalo performed by The Naples Players at Sugden Community Theatre. 263-7990, naplesplayers.org
25-27: The Odd Couple performed by the Marco Players Children’s Theater. 642-7270, themarcoplayers.com
25-May 11: Heart Song performed by Florida Repertory Theatre at Arcade Theatre. 332-4488, floridarep.org
26-27: Upcycle! Art Fest at the Sanibel Community House and Sanibel Community Park. 292-0566, dingdarlingsociety.org
28: Wendy Webb and Friends at BIG Arts. 472-6862, bigarts.org
30: Art After Hours at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
30: Boz Scaggs at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. 481-4849, bbmannpah.com
MAY 2014
1-4, 8-11: Forever Plaid performed by TheatreZone at Community School of Naples. (888) 966-3352, theatrezone-florida.com
1-10: ArtsNaples World Festival. 390-2788, artsnaplesworldfestival.org
2: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
2: Erich Kunzel Community Concert Series featuring Naples Music Club Scholarship Winners and Seacrest School Choral Group at Edison State College, Collier campus. 775-2800, bayshorecapa.org
2: Nabucco performed by Opera Naples at Artis—Naples. 963-9050, operanaples.org
2-23: Aleatoric Art in the 21st Century at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
2-23: Freckleface Strawberry Children’s Theatre at Broadway Palm. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
3: Swamp Buggy Race Spring Classic at Florida Sports Park. 774-2701, thefloridasportspark.com
3: Youth Symphonia Spring Concert at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
4: 19th Annual Taste of the Beach on Fort Myers Beach. fortmyersbeach.org
4: Philharmonic Youth Chorus Recital at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
4: Smadbeck, Stravinsky and More at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
8-9: Italian Symphony at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
15-16: Patriotic Pops at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
16: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com
17: Link Up to Naples Philharmonic free concert at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
18: Community Day at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
18: Side-by-Side Spring Concert at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
21: All That Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
24: Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Recital at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
28: Art After Hours at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
29-June 21: Mid-life the Crisis Musical at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
30-Aug. 1: 28th Annual All Florida Juried Exhibit at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
JUNE 2014
1: Family Fare Spring Concert at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
6: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
8: Organ Fest at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
11: All That Jazz at Artis—Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
13: Youth Chamber Concert at Artis— Naples. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
20: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com
25: Art After Hours at The Baker Museum. 597-1900, artisnaples.org
26-Aug. 9: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
JULY 2014
3-Aug. 2: The Little Mermaid Children’s Theatre at Broadway Palm. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
4: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
10-Aug. 9: Boeing, Boeing at Off Broadway Palm Theatre. 278-4422, broadwaypalm.com
18: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com
1: Art Walk in the Fort Myers River District. 278-5236, fortmyersartwalk.com
8-29: Diametrically Opposed—Members Exhibition at Lee County Alliance for the Arts. 939-2787, artinlee.org
15: Music Walk in the Fort Myers River District. (855) 732-3836, fortmyersmusicwalk.com