We’re so proud of our production manager Martha Leavitt, who returned this past Monday to run in the Boston Marathon. We’re proud to know someone who can run 26.2 miles and proud she felt the need to go back after not being allowed to finish after the fatal bombings last year.
“This year was different,” Martha says. “There was all the security, of course—dogs, helicopters, swat teams. And the greater support than ever from the crowd. But this was about finishing, about Boston Strong. After the bombings last year, I was stopped at Mile 23 and I and so many of the others stopped now had the chance to make our statements. It was my best running day ever. I had such a feeling of healing and finishing.”
Martha says that when she crossed the finish line in just under six hours, she was so profoundly happy, but also convinced that this would be her last Marathon. Now, a couple of days later and back in Naples, her legs still very sore, she vows she going back next year. Boston Strong lives on.