Backlit keyboard
OK, time to stop staring at your computer or cellphone. Well, read this first. And then take a break.
Experts are saying that 70 million workers worldwide are at risk of something called computer vision syndrome. A study published in Medical Practice and Reviews estimates that more than 70 percent of people who uses computers as part of their jobs suffer from everything from headaches to eyestrain. For those of us who stare at a computer most of the day, the news that screens bother our vision isn’t too surprising. But improper posture can lead to neck, shoulder or back pain. And, it doesn’t take too long for problems to emerge. The study notes that anyone using a computer for more than three hours a day could start having vision and other issues.
The New York Times recommends using the 20-20-20 rule to combat computer vision syndrome: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. Be sure to blink, too. Yeah, it’s kind of a strange to have to remind yourself to blink. But staring at a computer for too long actually slows your blink rate, making your eyes dry and possibly irritated.
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