[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D6109/23/2014 14:48:50.00Time Zone and Date: UTC-5, DST:ONLossless Compressed RAW (14-bit)Image Size: L (6016 x 4016), FXLens: VR 70-200mm f/2.8GFocal Length: 145mmExposure Mode: ManualMetering: MatrixShutter Speed: 1/3sAperture: f/11Exposure Comp.: 0EVExposure Tuning:ISO Sensitivity: ISO 100Optimize Image:White Balance: Preset manual d-1, 0, 0Focus Mode: AF-AAF-Area Mode: AutoAF Fine Tune: OFFVR: ONLong Exposure NR: OFFHigh ISO NR: ON (Normal)Color Mode:Color Space: sRGBTone Comp.:Hue Adjustment:Saturation:Sharpening:Active D-Lighting: OFFVignette Control: NormalAuto Distortion Control: OFFPicture Control: [SD] STANDARDBase: [SD] STANDARDQuick Adjust: 0Sharpening: 3Contrast: 0Brightness: 0Saturation: 0Hue: 0Filter Effects:Toning:Map Datum:Dust Removal:[#End of Shooting Data Section]
You could say some of the pieces in artist and furniture designer Bob Timberlake’s newest collaboration with Wildwood Lamps are for the birds.
The artist, known for his realist wildlife and landscape paintings, transfers his love of nature into the Quill and Hoot lamps, among other earthly elements including milkweed, maize and twigs. A single feather—also Timberlake’s logo—curves gracefully along the Quill’s support. The lamp, $690, is available in matte white bisque or antiqued nickel finish with a black marble mount and silk-linen drum shade. Hoot, $510, features a wide-eyed iron owl hand-colored with a bronze finish, a faux stone roost and a black silk drum shade.
Both lamps are available at Agostino’s Furniture & Design, Naples.