[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D3X2015/01/01 14:13:36.16Time Zone and Date: UTC-8, DST:OFFRAW (12-bit)Image Size: L (6048 x 4032), FXLens: VR 70-200mm F/2.8GArtist: Copyright: A.DUKE Focal Length: 112mmExposure Mode: ManualMetering: MatrixShutter Speed: 1/50sAperture: F/16Exposure Comp.: 0EVExposure Tuning:ISO Sensitivity: ISO 160Optimize Image:White Balance: Color Temp. (5560K), 0, 0Focus Mode: AF-CAF-Area Mode: Dynamic, 21 pointsAF Fine Tune: OFFVR: ONLong Exposure NR: OFFHigh ISO NR: OFFColor Mode:Color Space: sRGBTone Comp.:Hue Adjustment:Saturation:Sharpening:Active D-Lighting: OFFVignette Control: NormalAuto Distortion Control:Picture Control: [SD] STANDARDBase: [SD] STANDARDQuick Adjust: 0Sharpening: 3Contrast: 0Brightness: 0Saturation: 0Hue: 0Filter Effects:Toning:Map Datum:Image Authentication: OFFDust Removal:Image Comment: [#End of Shooting Data Section]
Glass fishing floats make a splash in Troy Lighting’s Outer Banks pendants featuring smoked-glass shades covered in hand-woven rope netting. Available in one-, three, seven- and 13-light groupings, the collection is ideal for today’s coastal-inspired interiors. The pendants are accented with hand-worked, wrought-iron metalwork and strung from cords with an adjustable ring to change the look depending on your mood.
$2,474, as shown, at Wilson Lighting.