[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D3X2015/06/11 18:46:58.00Time Zone and Date: UTC-8, DST:OFFRAW (12-bit)Image Size: L (6048 x 4032), FXLens: VR 70-200mm F/2.8GArtist: Copyright: A.DUKE Focal Length: 86mmExposure Mode: ManualMetering: MatrixShutter Speed: 1/50sAperture: F/16Exposure Comp.: 0EVExposure Tuning:ISO Sensitivity: ISO 160Optimize Image:White Balance: Color Temp. (5260K), 0, 0Focus Mode: ManualAF-Area Mode: SingleAF Fine Tune: OFFVR: ONLong Exposure NR: OFFHigh ISO NR: OFFColor Mode:Color Space: sRGBTone Comp.:Hue Adjustment:Saturation:Sharpening:Active D-Lighting: OFFVignette Control: NormalAuto Distortion Control:Picture Control: [SD] STANDARDBase: [SD] STANDARDQuick Adjust: 0Sharpening: 3Contrast: 0Brightness: 0Saturation: 0Hue: 0Filter Effects:Toning:Map Datum:Image Authentication: OFFDust Removal:Image Comment: [#End of Shooting Data Section]
Corbett Lighting captures the age-old fine art of scrolling script in its new Calligraphy lighting collection. Emulating the curlicues and the almost-lost art of cursive (what with smartphones, laptops and all), LED lighting floats amid winding bands of handcrafted iron finished in silver leaf and suspended by aircraft cable from its stainless steel canopy. The collection offers four pendant sizes and wall sconces. The largest pendant (shown) retails for $3,126 and can be found at Wilson Lighting’s Southwest Florida locations.