Round up all your unused medication to take to the National Drug Take-Back event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday, Sept. 26, in six Collier County sites.
The take-back has been going on for 10 years now—a means of helping people get rid of those expired drugs before they are accidentally taken or fall into the wrong hands—but this year you’ll be leaving with something that will allow for drug disposal to get easier.
Collier County residents will get a Deterra disposal packet when they come to the event. The Deterra packets mixed with the medication deactivate the drugs, essentially making them useless. Collier County is one of four communities in Florida participating in a pilot program to give out Deterra.
To find the drop-off site closest to you, click here.
If you can’t make the take-back event, Drug Free Collier has several recommendations about how to dispose of unneeded prescription medications.