Steven Fogarty (© Copyright 2006-2011 http://www.FogartyFOTO.com)
If you’d like a crown, a boxing glove, a perfume bottle or some other statement concoction as your next special-occasion cake, Miranda Prince is your go-to person. She’s recently been promoted to cake designer at Norman Love Confections and promises to create the masterpiece of your dreams.
Born and raised in Las Vegas—and wanting to be a baker since she was five years old—she stepped up to making celebrity custom cakes at the nightclubs there and thus came the boxing glove for pugilist Floyd Mayweather, the three-foot-tall, 100-pound crown for Lebron (King) James and the perfume bottle for Kim Kardashian (as she introduced a new scent).”My favorite so far?” she says. “My QBert cake shaped like arcade games.”
She started at Norman Love with the chocolates and that’s where she learned the airbrush technique that gets the colors onto the chocolate. “Norman’s the best there is at this,” Miranda says, “and I now use that on other cakes, too.”
“We make all the cakes from scratch,” she says, “and you should know that it often takes a few days to build and decorate them. She’s happy to whip up such fun flavors as cookies-and-cream, s’mores and lemonberry (lemon cake, raspberry jam, lemon curd, lemon cream and fresh raspberries). And beyond happy is her own #1 choice: banana cake with nutella, peanut butter filling and a fresh banana.
Cake-lovers, start your imaginations. Miranda is ready with airbrush and flair to make your dreams into tasty realities.