In much the same way that there’s an ongoing discussion about the practicalities of women wearing hosiery in the heat of SW Florida, so there is one about men and socks. My husband for one, wouldn’t be seen without socks when attired in a suit or dress pants; on the other hand (or should I say foot?), there are gentlemen for whom the very thought of wearing socks in Florida is unbearable.
Whatever your preference, one absolute crime of fashion is wearing socks with sandals. Sadly—and it grieves me to say it about my fellow countrymen—the British abroad are frequently guilty of this practice.
So what’s the dress code when it comes to socks? If you like a formal look, wear black socks with dark colored suits, although it’s perfectly okay to wear navy socks with a navy suit. Lighter colored slacks need lighter colored socks. As a guideline, match your socks with your pants rather than your shoes.
If you like to show some personality with your sock choices, pick up on a color in your tie or pocket square. Referencing my spouse again—he’ll sometimes team a pair of purple silk socks with his favorite suit, the coat of which has a purple lining.
A word of caution about patterned socks with formal clothing—small, textured patterns are one thing, but comedy socks and those bearing slogans are quite another.Avoid them at all costs.
However, for casual wear, you can really have some fun. Stripes, dots, traditional Argyle patterned socks or even an edgy skull and crossbones motif add a playful touch and let you show your true colors.
Cotton multi stripe socks, orange socks, skull & crossbone socks, all by Nigel Knox Nifty Socks, at John Craig Clothier, Third Street South, Naples.