Photo: Courtesy of Gucci
Dear Cheryl,
Almost everything in my closet has the same neckline. I’d really like to branch out a bit but don’t know what to try. Suggestions, please?
—Janette H., Estero
It’s worth taking the time to try different shapes and styles, as the right neckline or collar can optically take off 10 years and 10 pounds. To start off, your new go-to style could be a V-shaped neckline. V-necks suit just about everyone, as they visually lengthen the neck. Collared shirts or blouses with the first couple of buttons unfastened achieve the same effect. Whatever neckline shape you choose, balance and proportion are key to a flattering and harmonious look. To help with this, you’ll need to know your “balance points.”
• With a tape measure (or a length of string), measure the length of your face from hairline to chin. Now measure the same distance from the bottom of your chin to your chest.
• Next, determine the widest part of your face. Whether the garment has a scooped, square or round neckline (or collar), its opening should be at least as wide as the widest part of your face.
If you apply these two proportional pointers, you’ll find you can wear just about any neckline style. Have fun finding your new favorites.
Cheryl Lampard, founder of Style Matters International, answers your questions each month. If you have a question for Cheryl, send it to jfoerster@gulfshorelife.com.
Founded in palm beach 15 years ago, the concept is based on fashionistas in the community donating new or gently used handbags, which are then auctioned off at this lively event. Proceeds benefit The Shelter for Abused Women and Children, which this year marks its 25th anniversary. The 2014 Old Bags Luncheon takes place on April 8 at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples. This stylish event is also intended to be fun, so a flippy pleated skirt or a pair of this season’s favorite wide-legged pants teamed with a button-up collared blouse would both be suitably fashion-forward looks, and practical enough to allow you to move quickly to bag something beautiful.