Dear Cheryl,
I love sky-high heels, but they’re not practical for every day; flats aren’t flattering to my legs, so what else looks good with a dress?
—Penny J, Port Charlotte
You couldn’t have picked a better time to ask this question, as the newest trend in footwear is the chunky—or block— heel. Lighter looking than a wedge, these wider, chunky heels appear on every type of shoe and in every heel height. Unlike their spindly sisters, block heels distribute the wearer’s weight more evenly, so balance and posture tend to be better (not to mention their being kinder to flooring). Chunky-heeled shoes pair effortlessly with jeans and pants, and look fresh and modern worn with skirts and dresses. They’re especially effective teamed with this season’s feminine fl orals—preventing the look from becoming too prissy.
If you feel that a block heel is a major switch from your usual high heels, try a shoe with a chunky, clear plastic heel. Bold and striking for sure, the transparency gives a light, airy feel to the shoe—and it’s also the hottest- yet-coolest look for summer.
Have a question for Cheryl? Send it to jfoerster@gulfshorelife.com.
WHAT TO WEAR: The Florida Heart Ball
Last year, the heart ball campaign raised $51 million nationwide, funding research and education programs across the country and in the Southwest Florida community. This year’s ball takes place on May 4 at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, and the organizers hope to exceed previous totals.
Red is an obvious—and fabulous— color to wear to the event, but not all reds are equal. Pink-reds and blue-based reds (cherry, ruby, raspberry) tend to work best for cooler skin tones, whereas yellow- reds and orange-based reds (tomato, poppy, fire-engine red) are more flattering to warmer skin tones. If red next to your face isn’t right for you, wear it in an accessory, such as a great shoe, purse, stole, or even something as simple as a red watch strap. Sometimes less is more, and strong colors can be more effective in smaller amounts. Heart-shaped jewelry or a bag with a heart clasp is another delightful way to show your allegiance to the cause.
A creative alternative for gentlemen to add a spot of red (other than the predictable red tie) is to choose one of the following: a pair of red or heart-shaped cufflinks; red socks; or a red silk pocket square—any of which would cut a dash set against the black of a tuxedo.