It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Southwest Florida—even if it is 70 and sunny out most of the time. Here's our guide to all the holiday events coming up this month in Fort Myers, Naples and everywhere in between.
Another Night Before Christmas
Nov. 17 through Dec. 25, Off Broadway Palm Theatre performs this comedy about a cynical social worker-turned-merry. broadwaypalm.com
A Christmas Cactus
Cactus O’Riley solves mysteries and delivers small miracles in this holiday play, performed Nov. 30 through Dec. 18 by The Marco Players. themarcoplayers.com
A Christmas Carol
Big ARTS hosts this adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic Nov. 28 through Dec. 23. bigarts.org
Coney Island Christmas
The Naples Players perform the funny and heartwarming play from Pulitzer Prize winner Donald Margulies Nov. 23 through Dec. 18.
Great Russian Nutcracker
The Moscow Ballet wows to the tune of Tchaikovsky at the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall on Dec. 28. bbmannpah.com
Irving Berlin’s White Christmas: The Musical
Some of the greatest holiday songs ever written form the soundtrack to this performance Nov. 24 through Dec. 25 at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. broadwaypalm.com
The Most Famous Reindeer Of All
See the twist on a classic at the Broadway Palm Children’s Theatre Dec. 2-24. broadwaypalm.com
The Nutcracker
The Miami City Ballet performs the beloved George Balanchine classic with the Naples Philharmonic at Artis—Naples Dec. 3-4. artisnaples.org
Deck the Halls
Gulf Coast Symphony performs with the Fort Myers Symphonic Mastersingers on Dec. 18 at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. gulfcoastsymphony.org
Home for the Holidays
TheatreZone actors and musicians sing Christmas standards for this cabaret series Dec. 9-11. theatrezone-florida.com
Holiday Brass
Opera Naples presents a performance by the Philharmonic Brass Quintet on Dec. 5. operanaples.org
Holiday Pops
The Naples Philharmonic, Naples Philharmonic Chorus and Naples Philharmonic Youth Chorus perform in holiday tradition Dec. 15-18 at Artis—Naples. artisnaples.org
Holidays in Paradise
The Southwest Florida Symphony treats three times: Dec. 12 at Shell Point Village Church, Dec. 13 at First Presbyterian Bonita Springs and Dec. 17 at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. swflso.org
Laud the Nativity
Gulfshore Opera performs a Renaissance-style Christmas pageant at varying locations Dec. 3-4, 9 and 11. gulfshoreopera.org
Naples Concert Band
The band plays holiday favorites in Cambier Park on Dec. 6. naplesconcertband.org
Salute to Vienna New Year’s Concert
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall hosts the 20th annual event on Dec. 30. bbmannpah.com
A Viennese New Year’s Eve
Spend the countdown at Artis—Naples for a concert performed by the Naples Philharmonic Dec. 31. artisnaples.org
We're All Family Holiday Concert
WGCU presents the performance with Ethan Bortnick at the Southwest Florida Performing Arts Center on Dec. 18.
Ave Maria Celebration Of Lights
Get in the holiday spirit with a town parade, musical performances, dancing, ice skating, yummy treats—and, of course, a visit with Santa. The old-fashioned gathering commences Dec. 2. avemaria.com
Christmas at Palm Cottage
The oldest home in Naples offers tours, special lights and decorations Tuesdays through Saturdays from Nov. 15-30, and Dec. 1-23 and 27-30. napleshistoricalsociety.org
Christmas Boat Parade on Naples Bay
The annual Marine Industries Association event promises sparkling views from anywhere along Naples Bay. Pick a spot in Tin City, Crayton Cove and more on Dec. 10. miacc.org
Christmas Island Style Boat Parade
The waters of Marco Island light up on Dec. 10. christmasislandstyle.com
Christmas on Third
Third Street South launches the holiday season with lights, “snow,” decorations and the lighting of the Christmas tree on Nov. 21. The fun continues Nov. 22-23 and 25-26 with musical performances during the Celebration of Lights. thirdstreetsouth.com
Christmas Walk & Tree Lighting Ceremony
Don’t miss this 42nd annual tradition on Fifth Avenue South. The family-friendly festivities include photos with Santa, holiday decorations, and performances by local choral and dance groups on Dec. 1. fifthavenuesouth.com
Edison & Ford Holiday Lights
The Edison & Ford Winter Estates holds its 41st annual seasonal celebration Nov. 25 through Jan. 1, complete with millions of lights, historic decorations, nightly entertainment, and—on select nights—visits from Santa. edisonfordwinterestates.org
Festival of Trees
The Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center hosts this showcase of trees, wreaths, gifts and holiday fare through Nov. 30 through Dec. 4.
Fort Myers Beach Christmas Boat Parade
More than 30 decked-out boats light up beginning at 6 p.m. on Dec. 3. The 28th annual parade will pass by lots of waterfront eateries that make the perfect viewing perch. chamber.fortmyersbeach.org
Luminary Festival
The main roads of Sanibel (Dec. 2) and Captiva (Dec. 3) islands will glow with more than 3 miles of candles, along with decorated storefronts; entertainment and refreshments from local businesses; complimentary trolley service; and tidings from Santa. sanibel-captiva.org
Naples Christmas Parade
Grab a seat along Broad Avenue South, Third Street South, Fifth Avenue South or Eighth Street South to catch the Christmas floats on Dec. 6. fifthavenuesouth.com
Night Lights
Live music and family activities are brightened by thousands of lights at the Naples Botanical Garden each evening Dec. 15-23 and 26-30 and Jan. 2-4. naplesgarden.org
Winter Fest
A trip to the Naples Zoo gets added holiday cheer Dec. 16-18, including breakfast with Santa Dec. 16-17. napleszoo.com