9 Reception for Jurg Furrer Retrospective Exhibit at the Museum of the Everglades to benefit Friends of the Museum of the Everglades. 1 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Patricia Huff, (239) 695-2397, info@evergladesmuseum.org. evergladesmuseum.org
15 Par-Tee for Tots Golf Tournament at West Bay Golf Club to benefit Child Care of Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: $125. Chair: Bill Emo. Contact: Bill Emo, (239) 298-8970, bemo@bbnaples.com.
16 23rd Annual Gold Ribbon Classic Golf Tournament at Bonita Bay Club East to benefit Candlelighters of Southwest Florida. 9 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: golf. Chair: Klair M. Snellbaker. Contact: (239) 432-2223. candlelightersswfl.org
16 International Coastal Cleanup at Fort Myers Beach Elementary School to benefit Keep Lee County Beautiful. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: beach. Contact: Mike Thomas, (239) 334-3488, mike@klcb.org. klcb.org/coastal-cleanup.html
22 Inaugural Pickup the Ball Golf Tournament at Bonita National Golf & Country Club to benefit Pickup the Ball. 11 a.m. Tickets: $600 per foursome. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Ron McEwan, Butch Perchan. Contact: Ted Sottong, (239) 229-9870, teds@pickuptheball.org.
23 Docs & Duffers Charity Golf Tournament at Bonita Bay Club Naples to benefit the Foundation of Collier County Medical Society. 8 a.m. Tickets: $175 per golfer, $650 per foursome. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Dr. Rolando Rivera, Dr. Richard Pagliara, Jeremy Darstek. Contact: April Donahue, (239) 435-7727, april@ccmsonline.org. ccmsfoundation.org
24 FAASWFL Hawaiian Night at La Venezia Ballroom, Cape Coral, to benefit the Filipino American Association of SWFL (FAASWFL). 6 p.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: Hawaiian-themed, no shorts. Chairs: Jeanne Isberto, Pearl Cruz. Contact: Pearl Cruz, (239) 771-9911, faaswfl@gmail.com. facebook.com/faaswfl
30 Crystal Ball at the Beacon Executive Suites, Fort Myers, to benefit Visuality. 7 p.m. Tickets: $85. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Susan Christiano. Contact: Susan Christiano, (239) 898-1194, susan.christiano813@gmail.com.
30 Golf Event at Magnolia Golf Club to benefit the Dr. Piper Center for Social Services. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $350 per team. Dress code: country club-casual. Chairs: Steve Nemazie, Martin Hass. Contact: (800) 332-5346. drpipercenter.org
2 Celebrity Island Dinner at Traders Restaurant to benefit the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. Contact: Dorrie Hipschman, (239) 395-2233.
5 Becoming Cosmopolitan: Fire & Ice at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Community Cooperative. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Stefanie Ink Edwards, (239) 332-7687, stefanie@communitycooperative.com. communitycooperative.com/events EVENT CANCELED
6 Sandra Schulberg—Nuremberg: It's Lesson for Today Lecture on-site to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. 12:15 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
7 Badges and Buckets at Dunbar High School to benefit Pickup the Ball. 11 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Ted Sottong, Jeff Pierot. Contact: Ted Sottong, (239) 229-9870, teds@pickuptheball.org.
7 The Busey Bank Run for Prevention at Centennial Park to benefit the Lee County Coalition for a Drug-Free Southwest Florida, 6 p.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: athletic. Chairs: Jonathan and Stephanie Engh, Dan and Rachele Mills. Contact: (239) 931-9317. runsignup.com/race/fl/fortmyers/buseybankrunforprevention
7 Fancy Pants Golf Tournament at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 8 a.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: fancy pants! Chair: Sonny (Salvatore) Grech. Contact: Jodi Bisogno, jodi@cancerallianceofnaples.org. cancerallianceofnaples.org
7 Fifth Annual Save a Life Golf Scramble at Wyndemere Country Club to benefit the NCH Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition. 8 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: golf. Contact: Paula DiGrigoli, (239) 624-4033. safehealthychildren.org
7 Fourth Annual Golf Tournament at the Golf Club of the Everglades to benefit Naples Christian Academy. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: $150. Contact: Kayla Walling, (239) 455-1080, walling@ncanaples.com.
7 Making Stars at Lab Theater on-site to benefit The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: dressy, theatrical. Chairs: Geri McArdle, Kate Dirrigl. Contact: Kate Dirrigl, (860) 810-6507, educate@laboratorytheaterflorida.com. laboratorytheaterflorida.com CANCELLED
7 Partners Human Pink Ribbon at Miromar Outlets to benefit Partners for Breast Cancer Care. Tickets: $20 donation for pink umbrella. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Gail Marra, Kris Thompson. Contact: Janet Darnell, (239) 454-8583. pfbcc.org
7 Scavenger Dash at Sugden Theatre to benefit Girls on the Run of Collier County. 10 a.m. Tickets: $180 per team of four. Dress code: athletic wear. Chair: Melissa Alvarado. Contact: Melissa, (239) 450-5501, melissa.alvarado@girlsontherun.org. gotrcc.org/events
10 Dinner with Artists to benefit The Naples Art Association. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
11 Signature Chefs Auction at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit March of Dimes. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Bryon and Kellie McCartney. Contact: Trent Howe, (239) 271-2562, thowe@marchofdimes.org. signaturechefs.org/event/swflorida
12 40-under-40 presented by Gulfshore Business magazine at Miromar Design Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $55. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
12 Sunset Soiree at Shangri-La at Shangri-La Springs to benefit Valerie’s House. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: island-casual. Contact: Angela Melvin, (239) 478-6734, angela@valerieshouseswfl.org. valerieshouseswfl.org
13 Off the Wall Art Auction at Bayfront Inn 5th Ave to benefit ABLE Academy. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Colleen Cornwall, Josh Cornwall, Kim Raiser. Contact: Kim Raiser, (239) 352-7600, kim@theableacademy.org.
13-29 Scarecrows in the Park at Lakes Regional Park to benefit the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 533-1333.
14 10th Annual MS Turkey Shoot Golf Tourney at Collier’s Reserve Country Club to benefit the Heil Luthringer Foundation for MS. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: golf. Chair: Dr. Alan Galbut. Contact: Dr. Alan Galbut, (239) 860-2313, agalbut@aol.com.
14 SFNPT at Naples Beach Brewery to benefit the South Florida National Parks Trust. 6 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Don Finefrock, (305) 665- 4769, dfinefrock@southfloridaparks.org. southfloridaparks.org/event/naples-beach-brewery-2
14 Walk for Wishes® at Florida Gulf Coast University to benefit Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: athletic. Chairs: Tammy Teece, Dorothy Blasingim. Contact: Taylor Marini, (239) 992-9474, ext. 23, tmarini@sflawish.org. walkforwishessfla.net
15 First Concert of the Season at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
17 Family-Friendly Business Awards at the Hilton Naples to benefit Collier Child Care Resources (CCCR). 8 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Tiffany Cawley, (239) 643-3908, tiffanyc@collierchildcare.org. collierchildcare.org
17 Stiletto Sprint at Mercato to benefit Susan G. Komen Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $35. Chair: Garden of Hope and Courage. Contact: Sarah Owen, (239) 498-0016, sowen@komenswfl.org. komenswfl.org
18 ElevateHer SWFL at the Talis Park Vyne House to benefit the Women’s Foundation of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: by invitation. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Women’s Foundation of Southwest Florida Board of Directors. Contact: Brenda Tate, brenda@fundwomenfl.org. fundwomenfl.org
18 Under the Stars—Moondance at Mercato to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100-150. Dress code: cocktail-chic. Contact: Jodi Bisogno, jodi@cancerallianceofnaples.org. cancerallianceofnaples.org
19 2017 PINK PARTY at Physicians Regional Medical Center—Pine Ridge to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 6 p.m. Tickets: donations appreciated. Dress code: pink attire. Chair: Marti Van Veen. Contact: Lynn Ciecierski, (239) 304-4805, lynn.ciecierski@physiciansregional.com.
19 Swing for the Kids Golf Tourney at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Mental Health Association of Southwest Florida. Noon. Tickets: $300. Dress code: golf. Chair: Petra Jones. Contact: (239) 261-5405. mhaswfl.org
19 The Shelter NextGeneration Purple Party Masquerade at Cavo Lounge to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $65. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Lisa Hulme. Vice chair: Mike Gebeau. Contact: Rebecca Thompson, (239) 775-3862, rthompson@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/purpleparty
20 26th Annual Founder’s Cup Golf Tournament at Quail Creek Country Club to benefit Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $500 per golfer. Dress code: golf. Chair: Joe Gammons. Contact: Lindsey Touchette, (239) 590-1016, ltouchet@fgcu.edu. alumni.fgcu.edu/founderscup
20 Arts on Tap on-site to benefit Alliance for the Arts. 6 p.m. Dress code: casual. Contact: Jessica Clark Wisdom, (239) 939-2787, jessica@artinlee.org. artinlee.org
20 “GO GREEN” Golf Fundraiser at Plantation Golf & Country Club to benefit Keep Lee County Beautiful. 11:45 a.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: golf. Chair: Keith Banasiak. Contact: Trish Fancher, (239) 334-3488, trish@klcb.org. klcb.org/go-green-golf-fundraiser.html
20 Toast to Hope at a residence in Cape Coral to benefit Hope Healthcare. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: donation. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Gloria Tate. Contact: Heather Chester, (239) 489-9164. facebook.com/hopehcs
21 12th Annual Walk/Run to Prevent Child Abuse at The Club at Pelican Preserve to benefit the Children’s Network of Southwest Florida. 7:30 a.m. run, 8 a.m. walk. Dress code: casual. Chair: Nadereh Salim. Contact: Michelle Leonard, (239) 226-1524, mleonard@cnswfl.org. childnetswfl.org
21 Brew-Ha-Ha Craft Beer Festival at Mercato to benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Tickets: $40 per general admission, $60 per VIP. Dress code: casual. Chair: Shannon Starr. Contact: Shannon Starr, (239) 437-0202, shannon@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
21 Chip in for DLC Golf Tournament at Wyndemere Country Club to benefit the David Lawrence Center. 11:30 a.m. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Rob Edwards, Robert P. Magrann. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505, jenniferde@dlcmhc.com.
21 First Annual Halloween Party at Design Studio by Raymond to benefit Project HELP. 6 p.m. Tickets: $60. Dress code: business-casual or optional costume contest. Chair: Laura Press. Contact: Nicole Pigford, (239) 649-1404, nicole@projecthelpnaples.org. eventbrite.com/e/project-helps-halloween-party-tickets-35266474976
21 Get into Gardening at ECHO Global Farm to benefit ECHO. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Danielle Flood. Contact: Danielle Flood, (239) 567-3312, dflood@echonet.org.
21 Third Annual Golf Tournament at The Vineyards Country Club to benefit Path2Freedom. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: golf (no cargo shorts or denim). Chair: Skip Davis. Contact: (239) 770-5964. path2freedom.org
21-22 Over the Edge Rappelling Event at the Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village to benefit The Heights Foundation. 4 p.m. Oct. 21, 9 a.m. Oct. 22. Tickets: $1,200 raised per rappeller, free for observers. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jan-Erik Hustrulid, Tracie Bagans. Contact: Karen Lesza (239) 482-7706, karen@heightsfoundation.org. heights-overtheedge.com
22 Backyard Family Bash at Alliance for the Arts to benefit the Rotary Club of Fort Myers. 11 a.m. Tickets: donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Beth Lobdell, Marshall Howard. Contact: (239) 332-8158. rotaryfortmyers.org
23 13th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at TwinEagles Golf & Country Club, The Talon Course, to benefit Gulfshore Playhouse. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: golf club attire. Chair: Bob Harden. Contact: Kelly Colligan, kcolligan@gulfshoreplayhouse.org. gulfshoreplayhouse.org
26 Business Hall of Fame, Collier County, at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Tickets: $250 per person, $2,000 per table. Dress code: nice business. Chair: Stacey Herring. Contact: Jodie Greenhoe, (239) 225-2590, jgreenhoe@jaswfl.org. jaswfl.org/home/business-hall-of-fame-collier-county
27 2017 Civic Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit The Salvation Army. Noon. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business. Contact: Robin Wendell, (239) 210-4006. salvationarmynaples.org
27 Boat Dedication Ceremony on-site to benefit AMIkids Southwest Florida. 11 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: John Ingraham. Contact: (239) 560-6344.
28 Fifth Annual Golf Tournament at Hammock Bay Golf & Country Club to benefit the Marco Island Center for the Arts. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: country club golf dress code. Chair: Bruce Robertson. Contact: Hyla Crane, (239) 394-4221, hyla@marcoislandart.org. marcoislandart.org
28 Fort Myers Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Centennial Park to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association—Florida Gulf Coast Chapter. 8 a.m. registration. Dress code: casual/comfortable. Chair: Rob Roberts. Contact: Ann Lefcakis, (239) 405-7008. act.alz.org/fortmyers
28 Halloween Trick-or-Trolley to benefit the Naples Junior Woman’s Club. 7 p.m. Tickets: Halloween costumes. Chair: Julia Brackett. Contact: Julia Brackett, development@naplesjuniors.com. naplesjuniors.com
29 Symphony Spooktacular at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. 1 p.m. Dress code: costumes encouraged. gulfcoastsymphony.org
30 Annual Mental Health Luncheon at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre to benefit Hope Clubhouse. 11 a.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Christin Collins. Contact: Christin Collins, (239) 267-1777, christin.collins@leehealth.org. hopeclubhouse.org
31 Halloween Spooktacular on 5th on Fifth Avenue South to benefit the 5th Avenue South Business Improvement District. 4:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: festive-casual. Contact: Lisa Sundrla, (239) 692-8436, lise@fifthavenuesouth.com. fifthavenuesouth.com
Also in October:
Celebration of Inclusion Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Special Olympics Florida—Collier County. Noon. Tickets: $1,000 per table of eight. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Sue Palmer. Contact: Sue Palmer, (239) 775-1991, info@specialolympicscollier.org. specialolympicscollier.org
United Way Campaign Kickoff Breakfast to benefit United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades & Okeechobee. Chairs: Beth Hendry, John Clinger. Contact: Louise Hawthorne, (239) 433-7204. unitedwaylee.org
1 For Your Eyes Only to benefit Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Amy Lane, (239) 659-3986.
1-15 Fourth Annual Forget-Me-Not Fundraising Auction online to benefit the Care Club of Collier County. Chair: Kenn Voegele. Contact: Kenn Voegele, (239) 353-1995, kenn@colliercareclub.org. biddingforgood.com
2 2017 Artisans Boutique Preview Party at the Naples Woman’s Club Clubhouse to benefit the Naples Woman’s Club. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $40. Dress code: smart-casual. Chairs: Stacy Vermylen, Teresa Stohs. Contact: Stacy Vermylen, (847) 616-1140. gfwcnapleswomansclub.org
2 2017 MDA Toast to Life Gala at the Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. 6 p.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Erin Randall, (239) 437-6900, erandall@mdausa.org. mdagala.com
2 Connect the Dots/Friend-Raiser to benefit the Collier Resource Center. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Collier Resource Center board members. Contact: Nina Gray, (239) 777-5341, 01ninagray@gmail.com.
2 Corks, Forks and Ale at Fort Myers YMCA to benefit the Fort Myers YMCA. 6 p.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Jen Robinson, Mary Salgado. Contact: Joey Belanger (239) 275-9622, joeyb@fortmyersymca.org. swflymca.org/corks
2 Get Involved Collier! Volunteer Expo 2017 to benefit the Leadership Collier Foundation. Contact: Amanda Beights; (239) 403-2903, amanda@napleschamber.org. web.napleschamber.org/events
2 Men & Women of the Year presented by Gulfshore Life magazine at the Naples Grande Beach Resort. 6 p.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: black-tie. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
2 Scene to be Seen: A Runway Art Show at Volvo of Naples to benefit The Naples Art Association. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $25 per student with ID, $75 per general admission, $150 per VIP. Dress code: your best artistic outfit. Chair: Amanda Jaron. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
2 Uncommon Evening at the Burroughs Home & Gardens to benefit the Uncommon Friends Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: semi-formal, cocktail. Chairs: Kerri Goldsmith, Caryn Smith. Contact: Jennifer Nelson, (239) 337-9503, jennifer@uncommonfriends.org. uncommonfriends.org
3 10th Annual Baby Basics Champagne Brunch & Fashion Show to benefit Baby Basics of Collier County. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $95. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Jean Ann Lynch. Contact: Jean Ann Lynch, (617) 510-4468, dandja@hotmail.com. babybasicscollier.org
3 Annual Fall Fundraiser: Tides of Change at Marine Max of Fort Myers to benefit PACE Center for Girls of Lee County. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200 per person, $1,500 per table of eight. Dress code: boating-chic. Chairs: Cheryl Komnick, Noelle Casagrande-Montgomery, Marc Collins. Contact: Allyson Ross, (239) 470-7548, allyson.ross@pacecenter.org. pacecenter.org/locations/lee
3 Annual Gala at the Florida Gulf Coast University Cohen Center to benefit Quality Life Center of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Anna Wallace, (239) 334-2797, ext. 108, awallace@qlcswfl.org.
3 Celebration of Philanthropy at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Community Foundation of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $185 per person, $1,850 per host table, $2,250 per patron table. Dresss code: business-casual. Chairs: Dottie Gerrity, Tom McCann. Contact: Carri Kreisman, (239) 649-5000, ckreisman@cfcollier.org. cfcollier.org
3 New York Times Best-seller Edwin Black Holocaust Lecture on-site to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. Noon. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
3-5 RedSnook Catch & Release Fishing Tournament at Naples Yacht Club to benefit the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: yacht club attire. Chairs: Henley Shotwell, Mokey Shea. Contact: Nikkie Dvorchak, (239) 403-4219, nikkied@conservancy.org. conservancy.org/redsnook
4 14th Annual Fore-the-Kids Golf Tournament at Fiddler’s Creek Golf & Country Club to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 9 a.m. Tickets: $1,000 per golfer. Dress code: golf attire and cocktail attire. Chairs: Mary Osbourn, Lea Smith, Jane Kerr, Ann Lee, Jay Levitt, Greg Faulkner. Contact: Audra DiNanno, (239) 325-1765. bgccc.com
4 Benefit Dinner with Keynote speaker Jennifer O’Neill at the Naples Yacht & Sailing Club to benefit Sunlight Home. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Jean Beauchamp. Contact: Linda Hale, (239) 352-0251. sunlighthome.org
4 Brew for the Birds on-site to benefit the Everglades Wonder Gardens. 3 p.m. Tickets: $30. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Sabra Smith, Kristin Parsons, Zach Smith. Contact: Thomas Hecker, thomas@evergladeswondergardens.com. evergladeswondergardens.com
4 Cooking for the Arts on-site to benefit the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. 6 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: (239) 333-1933. sbdac.com
4 Courage to Dream Big LifeWalk at Jaycee Park to benefit Lifeline Family Center. 7:45 a.m. registration and breakfast, 8:45 a.m. walk. Tickets: participants asked to get sponsors. Dress code: casual. Contact: Kathy Miller, (239) 242-7238, lifeline4moms2b@lifelinefamily.org. lifelinefamilycenter.org
4 The Giver Challenge at Quail West Naples to benefit Charity for Change. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Kathy Feinstein, Sonya Sawyer. Contact: Karen Conley, (239) 592-6787, karenconley@charityforchange.org. charityforchange.org
4 Monofilament Madness at the Mound House, Fort Myers Beach, to benefit Keep Lee County Beautiful. 8 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: boating. Contact: Mike Thomas, (239) 334-3488, mike@klcb.org. klcb.org/monofilament-madness.html
4 Opening Cocktail Reception: The Maestro Returns at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall to benefit Southwest Florida Symphony. 5 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Chairs: Liz Marnul, Pam Simon. Contact: Liz Marnul, (239) 418-0996. swflso.org/symphony-society/societyevents
4 Walk 4 Life and Fun Fest at Golden Gate Community Park to benefit the Pregnancy Resource Center of Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: athletic wear. Chair: Jillian Young. Contact: (239) 217-4838. supportprc.org/walk4life
5 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
5 Bikers for Babies from North Collier Regional Park to Six Bends Harley-Davidson to benefit March of Dimes. 9 a.m. Tickets: $25. Contact: Megan Flores, (239) 271-2564, maflores@marchofdimes.org. bikersforbabies.org/southwestflorida
5 SW Florida Diabetes Conference at the Greater Naples YMCA to benefit Help a Diabetic Child. 10 a.m. Tickets: $10-35. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Dolph and Sharon von Arx. Contact: Tami Balavage, (239) 821-5051, hlpdiabeticchild@aol.com. swfldiabetes.com
5 Taste of the Town at Alliance for the Arts to benefit the Junior League of Fort Myers. 11 a.m. Tickets: $10 per admission, $2-5 per food and drink ticket. Dress code: casual. Chair: Laura Richardson. Contact: Laura Richardson, (239) 277-1197, tasteofthetown@jlfm.org. jlfmtaste.com
6 Fall Dinner Dance at Shadow Wood Country Club to benefit the Shadow Wood Charitable Foundation. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Lillian Young. Contact: Lillian Young, (239) 390-9401, eyoung2980@aol.com.
6 Friends of Hope Tea at a residence in Bonita Bay to benefit Hope Healthcare. 3 p.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: ladies’ tea. Chair: Donna Roberts. Contact: Heather Chester, (239) 489-9164. hopehcs.org
6 Starshine in the 239 Talent Showcase at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre to benefit AMIkids Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Caryn Clark. Contact: (239) 634-5039.
6-7 Battle of the Sexes with Nancy Lopez and Chris DiMarco to benefit Swinging with Purpose. Dress code: golf. Contact: Diana Riley, diana@swingingwithpurpose.org. swingingwithpurpose.org
7-12 Paint the Beach at Santini Marina Plaza to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 5 p.m. Tickets: $10. Dress code: casual. Chair: Michele Buelow. Contact: (239) 689-1221, paintthebeachfmb@gmail.com. paintthebeach.com
8 Hats in the Garden on-site to benefit Naples Botanical Garden. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $650 per person, $1,500 per patron, $15,000 per table host. Dress code: cocktail dress and your most festive millineries. Chair: Eleanor Chabraja. Contact: Cindy Learned, (239) 325-1927. naplesgarden.org/calendar/hats-in-the-garden
9 Brushstrokes from the Soul at FineMark Bank, Fort Myers, to benefit the Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center. 5:30 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Sharon Eldred. Contact: Jan Kerlin, (239) 437-3007. alzheimersswfl.org
9 World Wine Tour at Bell Tower Shops to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $40 in advance, $50 at the gate. Dress code: casual. Chair: Shannon Starr. Contact: Shannon Starr, (239) 437-0202, shannon@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
9-12/10 Bonita Springs Light Festival at artcenterbonita.org to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 7 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Susan Bridges, (239) 495-8989, bridges@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org
10 Fashion Show & Luncheon: The Real Housepets of Naples at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit The Humane Society Naples. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: luncheon-chic. Chairs: Philip Douglas, Doug Olsen. Contact: Annemarie Zoller, (239) 634-1880, events@hsnaples.org. hsnaples.org
10 Retirement Rethink at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit the Financial Planning Association of Southwest Florida. 7 a.m. Tickets: $250 per member, $350 per nonmember. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Tom Patriccia, Pat Logue. Contact: Mollie Page, mollie@printpageusa.com.fpa-swfl.org/november_2017_symposium
10 Shop for Success at Crowne Plaza Fort Myers at Bell Tower Shops to benefit Dress for Success SW Florida. 2 p.m. Tickets: free after 5 p.m., $50 VIP early entrance. Dress code: casual. Contact: Barbara Dell, (239) 689-4992, swflorida@dressforsuccess.org. dfsswflorida.org
10 The Sounds and Tastes of America at the Cape Coral Yacht Club to benefit Southwest Florida Symphony. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $70 per person, $500 per table of eight. Dress code: dressy-casual. Contact: Symphony Society, (239) 418-0996. swflso.org/symphony-society/societyevents
10 Uncorked at Mediterra Beach Club to benefit Youth Haven. 5 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: resort-chic. Chair: Erin Brahms. Contact: Meredith Chase, (239) 687-5155, meredith.chase@youthhavenswfl.org.
11 12th Annual Bootstrap Boogie Barn Dance on-site in the Riding Arena to benefit the Naples Therapeutic Riding Center. 7 p.m. Tickets: $175 and up. Dress code: casual. Contact: Kim Minarich, (239) 596-2988, kminarich@ntrc.org. naplestherapeuticridingcenter.org
11 Annual Luncheon at the Jubilee Center of St. Ann Catholic Church to benefit Providence House. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $60. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Joan Conroy. Co-chairs: MaryLou Steffens, Audrey Messick. Contact: Jean Takacs, (239) 692-8779, info@providencehousenaples.org. providencehousenaples.org/events
11 Arts for ACT Fine Art Auction at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Abuse Counseling and Treatment (ACT. 5 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Stephen Blancett. Contact: Jennifer Benton, jbenton@actabuse.com. artsforactfineartauction.com
11 BaconFest at the Naples Airport to benefit the Kiwanis Club of Pelican Bay. 10 a.m. Tickets: $15. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jessica Macera, Sandra Melanie Black, Kathie Verderber. Contact: (239) 254-9736. baconfestnaples.com
11 Christmas Market at Trinity by the Cove Parish Hall to benefit Women of Trinity. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jeanne Feight, Sally Weir. Contact: Jeanne Feight, (239) 403-3012, bayshoreplaces@aol.com. trinitybythecovechristmasmarket.org
11 A Home for the Holidays at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Gulf Coast Humane Society. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Lee Meyers, Lynda Case, Paul Howell, Jennifer Galloway. Contact: events@gulfcoasthumanesociety.org. gulfcoasthumanesociety.org/a-home-for-the-holidays.html
11 NCH Hospital Ball at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit the NCH Healthcare System Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: black-tie. Contact: Monica Biondo, (239) 624-2019. nchmd.org/hospitalball
11 The Red Gala at the Hilton Naples to benefit Path2Freedom. 6 p.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Aliette Pettay, Loryn Standifer. Contact: Ana Stevenson, (239) 398-9961, ana@path2freedom.org. path2freedom.org
11-12 Ushering in the Holidays on-site in the Figge Conservatory to benefit Artis—Naples. 3:45p.m., 9:45 a.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: business/festive. Contact: Patron Services, (239) 597-1900. artisnaples.org
12 2017 Charity Classic Pro-Am Pairings Party at The Old Collier Golf Club to benefit The Immokalee Foundation. Tickets: Pro-Am fees $5,000 and up. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Kevin Johnson, Sunny Sapiente. Contact: (239) 430-9122, info@immokaleefoundation.org. immokaleefoundation.org
12 Concert in the Park at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
12 Tour for Epilepsy at Coastline Cyclery to benefit Epilepsy Services of Southwest Florida. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: cycling-appropriate clothing. Chair: Tina Sujana. Contact: (239) 288-4819. coastlinecyclery.com
13 2017 Charity Classic Pro-Am at Bay Colony Golf Club to benefit The Immokalee Foundation. 7:30 a.m. breakfast and golf demonstrations; 9 a.m. shotgun start. Tickets: $5,000 and up. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Kevin Johnson, Sunny Sapiente. Contact: (239) 430-9122, info@immokaleefoundation.org. immokaleefoundation.org
13 Music Under the Stars at Vineyards Country Club to benefit Lighthouse of Collier. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Art and Sue Bookbinder. Contact: Robin Goldstone Garcia, (239) 430-3934, info@lighthouseofcollier.org. lighthouseofcollier.org
13-15 Workshop Vladislav Yelisleyev “Achieving the Freedom of Brushstroke" on-site to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 9 a.m. Tickets: $315 per member, $355 per non-member. Dress code: painting clothes. Chair: Kay Cowan. Contact: Kay Cowan, fmbaaworkshops@gmail.com. fortmyersbeachart.com/workshops.php
14 Dinner with Artists to benefit The Naples Art Association. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
14 “Faces of the Future” Great Futures Start Here Breakfast at the Hilton Naples to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 7:30 a.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Alisa Marie Coccari, (239) 325-1757. bgccc.com
14 Second Annual Loverly Tea at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit Gulfshore Playhouse. Noon. Tickets: $200 per regular ticket, $250 per premium ticket. Dress code: festive attire; hat and gloves optional. Chairs: Jane Akin, Ricki Baker. Contact: Kelly Colligan, kcolligan@gulfshoreplayhouse.org. gulfshoreplayhouse.org
15 The Future of Small Business in Collier County at the Naples Daily News Community Room to benefit SCORE Naples. 8 a.m. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Gray Poehler, Cheryl McDonnell, Ken Antonelli. Contact: Cheryl McDonnell, (239) 430-0081, cheryl.mcdonnell@scorevolunteer.org. scorenaples.org
15 Santa PAWS—The Puppy Project at the Hilton Naples to benefit PAWS Assistance Dogs. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125 per person, $3,00 per patron table. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Kathy Gumph, (239) 775-1660, kathy@pawsassistancedogs.org. pawsassistancedogs.org
16 Casino Night at The Club at Olde Cypress to benefit Literacy Volunteers of Collier County. 7 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: casual. Chair: Janet Saltarelli. Contact: Christopher Nind, (239) 262-4448. collierliteracy.org/events
16 ForEverglades Naples at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit The Everglades Foundation. 5:15 p.m. Tickets: $500 and up. Dress code: forever fun, never formal. Chairs: Ellin Goetz, Fred Genung. Honorary chairs: U.S. Rep. Francis and Kathleen Rooney. Contact: Caroline Ridgway, (239) 206-1685, cridgway@evergladesfoundation.org. evergladesfoundation.org
16 Sip & Sample at The Village Shops on Venetian Bay to benefit Friends of Foster Children Forever. 5 p.m. Tickets: $40. Dress code: casual. Chair: Rosemary Hammar. Contact: Gisela Estrada, (239) 262-1808, gisela@friendsoffosterchildren.net. friendsoffosterchildren.net
17-19 Hogs and Air Dogs at Six Bends Harley-Davidson to benefit Gulf Coast Humane Society. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jen Gayten, Doug Dailey, Sharon Torregrossa, Paul Howell. Contact: events@gulfcoasthumanesociety.org. gulfcoasthumanesociety.org/hogs--air-dogs.html
18 19th Annual Patrick Solis Charity Golf Classic at The Club at Olde Cypress to benefit Special Olympics Florida—Collier County. 9 a.m. shotgun, lunch to follow. Tickets: $400 per foursome by Oct. 20, 2017; $500 per foursome after that. Dress code: golf attire; collared shirt, no denim. Chair: Sue Palmer. Contact: Sue Palmer, (239) 775-1991, info@specialolympicscollier.org. specialolympicscollier.org
18 Christmas Open House on-site to benefit St. John’s Shoppe, Ministry of St. John’s Episcopal Church. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair, Sharon Marceau. Contact: Sharon Marceau, (239) 597-9518, stjohnsthriftshoppe@gmail.com. stjohnsshoppe.com
18 Elephant Fest at the Naples Zoo to benefit the Alzheimer’s Support Network. 9 a.m. Tickets: $25 suggested donation. Dress code: casual. Chair: Liz Neri. Contact: Liz Neri, (239) 262-8388, liz@alzsupport.org. alzsupport.org
18 Heroes for Homeless 5K Run/Walk in downtown Ave Maria to benefit St. Matthew’s House. 8 a.m. Tickets: $20 to register. Dress code: athletic apparel. stmatthewshouse.org
18 Keys of Life at Moorings Presbyterian Church to benefit One by One Leadership Foundation. Afternoon and evening shows. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Keith and Lisa Banks. Contact: (239) 841-4044, icoarts.florida@gmail.com.
18 Music Carnival—Members Recital at First United Methodist Church to benefit Naples Music Club. 4 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Sonya Light. Contact: Sonya Light, slight@his.com. naplesmusicclub.org
18 Naples Walk to End Alzheimer’s at North Collier Regional Park to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association—Florida Gulf Coast Chapter. 8 a.m. registration. Dress code: casual/comfortable. Contact: Ann Lefcakis, (239) 405-7008. act.alz.org/naples
18 Sunshine Kids Rise and Shine Gala at La Playa Beach & Golf Resort to benefit the Sunshine Kids Foundation. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $140. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Joanne Callahan, Dena Wilcoxson. Contact: Brenda Fioretti, (239) 595-6219, brendafioretti@bhhsfloridarealty.com. supportsunshinekids.com
18-19 Edison Garden Festival on-site to benefit the Edison & Ford Winter Estates. 9 a.m. Tickets: free admission; does not include tours. Dress code: casual. Chair: Debbie Hughes. Contact: Debbie Hughes, (239) 334-7419, dhughes@edisonfordwinterestates.org. edisonfordwinterestates.org/events/annual-events
18-19 Old Florida Festival at the Collier Museum at the Government Center to benefit Friends of the Collier County Museum. 10 a.m. Contact: (239) 252-8476. colliermuseums.com
19 15th Annual Sing-Along Messiah at Naples United Church of Christ to benefit Voices of Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 455-2582. voicesofnaples.org
19 FAASWFL Thanksgiving Picnic at Veteran’s Park, Cape Coral, to benefit the Filipino American Association of SWFL (FAASWFL). Noon. Tickets: free. Dress code: summer-casual. Chairs: Jeanne Isberto, Pearl Cruz. Contact: Pearl Cruz, (239) 771-9911, faaswfl@gmail.com. facebook.com/faaswfl
19 PFLAG Naples Gay-La at Vineyards Country Club to benefit PFLAG Naples. Noon. Tickets: $30. Dress code: casual. Chair: Elissa Goldstein. Contact: David Goldstein, (239) 455-2004, goldsteindb@aol.com.
22 2017 Farm City BBQ to benefit the Leadership Collier Foundation. Contact: Amanda Beights, (239) 403-2903, amanda@napleschamber.org. web.napleschamber.org/events
23 Annual Benefit Featuring Darlene Love on-site at Schein Hall to benefit BIG ARTS Sanibel Island. 8 p.m. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: (239) 472-9700. bigarts.org
24-12/31 Holiday Nights on-site to benefit the Edison & Ford Winter Estates. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual. Chair: Lisa Sbuttoni. Contact: Leeanne Criswell, (239) 334-7419, lcriswell@edisonfordwinterestates.org. edisonfordwinterestates.org/events/annual-events
25 Holiday Sale at the United Church of Marco, Dissiler Hall, to benefit the Marco Island Shell Club. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Becky Miller. Contact: (239) 394-7399. marcoshellclub.com
25 Rose Ball at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Mother Frances de Sales Auxiliary to the Homeless. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Allyson Richards, Mari Rodriguez. Contact: Allyson Richards, (770) 366-0653. motherfrancesdesales.com
25 Starlight Auction at the Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa to benefit the Animal Refuge Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Betty Hughes. Contact: Betty Hughes, (239) 841-0810. animalrefugecenter.com
26 Fit & Fuel Iron Joe Turkey Ride at Fit & Fuel Bicycle Café to benefit the Naples Pathways Coalition. 7 a.m. Tickets: $40-60. Dress code: athletic wear. Chair: Craig Manchen. Contact: Beth Brainard, (239) 777-7718, bethbrainard@naplespathways.org.
28 Festival of Trees Preview Party at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Susan Hegarty. Contact: Susan Hegarty, (239) 271-5200, susanhegarty@goodwillswfl.org. goodwilltrees.com
29-12/3 Festival of Trees at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida. 11 a.m. Tickets: $2. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Susan Hegarty, Carolyn Johnson. Contact: Carolyn Johnson, (239) 822-0916, carolynjohnson@goodwillswfl.org. goodwilltrees.com
30 “A Fashion & Friendship Celebration!” Beauty Bash, Fashion Show and Luncheon presented by Royal Palm Academy and Lilly Pulitzer, Waterside Shops, present at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Royal Palm Academy. Tickets: $125. Chairs: Jessica Santella, Gisselle Calleja. Contact: Lynn Girouard, (239) 594-9888, lgirouard@royalpalmacademy.com. royalpalmacademy.com
Also in November:
Annual Solicitation Appeal Letter to benefit the Fresh Start Fund for Abused Women and Children. freshstartfund.org
Insights into Business, Designed for Women by Women to benefit SCORE Naples. 8:30 a.m. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Margaret Holt, Angela Buckner. Contact: Angela Buckner, (239) 300-3782,angela.buckner@scorevolunteer.org. scorenaples.org
1 Naples Golisano Gala at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: garden-cocktail. Chairs: Jennifer Parisi, Rob Wilson. Contact: Nicki McTeague, (239) 214-0639, nicole.mcteague@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/golisanogala
1 Night at the Nest on-site at Alico Arena to benefit Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200 per person, $2,000 per table. Dress code: resort-casual. Contact: Matt Ring, (239) 590-7107, mring@fgcu.edu. fgcuathletics.com/nan
1 Power of the Purse at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit the Women’s Foundation of Collier County. 11 a.m. Tickets: $275 per person, $500 per patron, $2,750 per host table, $6,000 per patron table. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Ann Westerfield, Allyson Richards, Lynne Shotwell. Contact: Carri Kreisman, (239) 649-5000, ckreisman@cfcollier.org. wfcollier.org
2 Emergency Relief Food Packing Party to benefit Hope for Haiti. 8:45 a.m. Tickets: $20 suggested donation. Dress code: holiday pajamas. Chair: Niki Whelan. Contact: Stephanie Jepsen, (239) 434-7183, stephanie@hopeforhaiti.com.
2 Food, Wine & Beer Festival at Bayfront to benefit The Rotary Club of Naples. Dress coe: casual. Chair: Mia Delk. Contact: Mia Delk, (239) 272-5186, miadelk@me.com. napleswine.org
2 Jazz & Blues Series—The Dan Heck Blues and Truth Sextet at the Wang Opera Center to benefit the CAPA Cultural and Performing Arts Center. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $40 per general admission, $50 per VIP. Contact: Nikki Clark, (239) 775-2800, info@CAPAcenter.org. capacenter.org
2 Nutcracker at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall to benefit Gulfshore Ballet. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Contact: (239) 590-6191, gulfshoreballet@gmail.com. gsballet.org/events
2 One Walk at The Village Shops on Venetian Bay to benefit JDRF. 8 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Pamela Schmidt-Alagel, (239) 591-2825, palagel@jdrf.org. walk.jdrf.org
3 Concert in the Park at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
4 The First Tee Invitational at Calusa Pines at Calusa Pines Golf Club to benefit The First Tee of Naples/Collier. 11 a.m. Tickets: trustee event; $750 per person. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: Terri Fisher. Contact: Cindy Darland, (239) 825-4851, darlandnfl@aol.com. thefirstteenaplescollier.org
5 60th Anniversary Celebration at Hamilton Harbor Yacht Club to benefit the Mental Health Association of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Brian Follweiler. Contact: (239) 261-5405. mhaswfl.org
5 Home for the Holidays at Emmanuel Lutheran Church to benefit Voices of Naples. 7 p.m. Tickets: Goodwill offering. Dress code: casual. voicesofnaples.org
7 2017 Diamond Ball at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Immokalee Child Care Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Carolyn Malinowski, (239) 261-1774, naplesiccc@aol.com. immokaleechildcarecenter.org
7 44th Annual Christmas Walk & Tree Lighting Ceremony on Fifth Avenue South to benefit the 5th Avenue South Business Improvement District. 5 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Lisa Sundrla, (239) 692-8436, lise@fifthavenuesouth.com. fifthavenuesouth.com
7 Second Annual Veterans Memorial Celebration on-site to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. 4 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
8 Ignite the Spark Within at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit NAMI Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Caroline Ridgway, Gina Thomas. Contact: (239) 260-7300. namicollier.org
8 Ronald McDonald House Charities Grampy’s Pro-Am at Fiddlesticks Country Club to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. Chairs: Shannon Starr, Jim Castle. Contact: Shannon Starr, (239) 437-0202, shannon@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
9 23rd Annual Golf Tournament at Treviso Bay to benefit The Greater Marco Family YMCA. 8 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: casual golf. Chair: Jean Shaw. Contact: Jean Shaw, (239) 248-4366, ejeanshaw@comcast.net. marcoymca.org/event/golf-tournament
9 The Haute Holiday Tea at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Dress for Success SW Florida. 11 a.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: proper tea attire; gloves and hats welcome. Chair: Terri Sobeck. Contact: Barbara Dell (239) 689-4992, swflorida@dressfor success.org. dfsswflorida.org
9 Holiday Tea at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida. 2 p.m. Tickets: $125 per adult, $75 per child. Dress code: holiday. Chair: Dylan Sanders. Contact: Lesley Colantonio, (239) 992-9474, ext. 22, lcolantonio@sflawish.org.
9 Third Annual Zonta Sparkle Fundraiser at Cypress Woods Golf & Country Club to benefit the Zonta Foundation of Naples. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: holiday-festive. Chair: Jean Sloan. Contact: (239) 263-0085.
10 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
10 Candle Lighting at St. Johns the Evangelist Catholic Church to benefit The Compassionate Friends of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Janet Congero. Contact: Linda Wallace, (612) 812-0186, info@tcfswfl.org. tcfswfl.org
10 Holiday Party at Bonita Bay Club to benefit Naples Music Club. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $65. Dress code: festive holiday attire. Chair: Sue Townsend. Contact: Sue Townsend, sctowns@aol.com. naplesmusicclub.org
10 Santa on the Sand at Lovers Key State Park presented by Friends of Lovers Key State Park and the Rotary Club of Bonita Springs to benefit Friends of Lovers Key. 1 p.m. Tickets: pre-registration required; free event for children under 8 with one unwrapped toy donation; park entry fees do apply. Dress code: casual. Chair: Judy Greenwood. Contact: (708) 359-0466, fjgreenwood@gmail.com. friendsofloverskey.org
14 Dinner with Artists to benefit The Naples Art Association. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
15 The Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit The Holocaust Museum & Education Center of Southwest Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $150 per person, sponsorships available. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Tim Morrison, (239) 263-9200, tim@holocaustmuseumswfl.org. holocaustmuseumswfl.org
15 TUBA Christmas in Sugden Plaza on Fifth Avenue South to benefit the 5th Avenue South Business Improvement District. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: festive-casual. Contact: Lisa Sundrla, (239) 692-8436, lise@fifthavenuesouth.com. fifthavenuesouth.com
16 Holidays Without Hunger—Naples at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Meals of Hope. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Katie Schweikhardt, (239) 777-9113, katie@mealsofhope.org. holidayswithouthunger.org
16 Reindeer Run 5K at Community School of Naples to benefit Girls on the Run of Collier County. 8 a.m. Tickets: $10-25. Dress code: running attire. Chair: Chelsea Garlock. Contact: Chelsea Garlock, (203) 537-5880, chelsea.garlock@girlsontherun.org. gotrcc.org/events
17 FAASWFL Christmas Ball at La Venezia Ballroom, Cape Coral, to benefit the Filipino American Association of SWFL (FAASWFL). 6 p.m. Tickets: $45. Dress code: formal. Chairs: Jeanne Isberto, Pearl Cruz. Contact: Pearl Cruz, (239) 771-9911, faaswfl@gmail.com. facebook.com/faaswfl
17 Major Gifts/Keepers of the Gate 18th Annual Recognition Event at Quail West Golf and Country Club to benefit Hadassah—Collier/Lee Chapter. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $1,000 minimum donation, $45 couvert. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: Nancy Wiadro. Contact: Nancy Wiadro, (239) 269-3666, nwiadro@hadassah.org.
23 Holidays Without Hunger—Lee at Lee Civic Center to benefit Meals of Hope. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Katie Schweikhardt, (239) 777-9113, katie@mealsofhope.org. holidayswithouthunger.org
5 Open House on-site to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Julie Nusbaum. Contact: Julie Nusbaum, (239) 463-3909. fortmyersbeachart.com
8 CAPA Gala—Hitting the Right Note at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit CAPA Cultural and Performing Arts Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $295. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Susan Gibbons. Contact: Nikki Clark, (239) 775-2800, info@capacenter.org. capacenter.org
9 Visionaries of the Visual Arts Awards at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit the Harmon-Meek Gallery Fund at Southwest Florida Community Foundation. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $175 per person, $1,500 per patron table. Dress code: cocktail, coat and tie. Chairs: Juliana Meek, Kristine Meek. Contact: Juliana Meek, (239) 262-2699, juliana@harmonmeek.com. harmonmeekgallery.com/visionaries.html
11 Healthcare Networker of the Year honoring Jerry Nichols at the Hilton Naples to benefit Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: Sarah Hawes, (239) 658-3116, shawes@healthcareswfl.org, or Andrea Diehl, (239) 658-3109, adiehl@healthcareswfl.org.
11, 25 Elliot Katz Lecture Series on-site in the Stock Building/John White Community Room to benefit Hodges University. 10 a.m. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/lifelonglearning. Continues Feb. 8 and 22, March 8 and 22.
12 ARTREACH Exhibition at the Naples Art Association to benefit Human Trafficking Awareness Partnerships. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business. Chair: Nola Theiss. Contact: Nola Theiss, (239) 415-2635, info@humantraffickingawareness.org. humantraffickingawareness.org
12 Helping Kids with Cancer Radiothon at Mel’s Diner, Fort Myers, to benefit Barbara’s Friends. 6 a.m. Tickets: entrance free; appreciation breakfast reciprocated to those who donate $5 or more. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Mel’s Diner, IHeart Media. Contact: Sue Robbins, (239) 214-0639, susan.robbins@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/radiothon
12 March for Life, Naples, with special guest Alveda King on-site to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. 11 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
13 12th Annual Wishmaker’s Ball at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $350. Contact: Lesley Colantonio, (239) 992-9474, ext. 22, lcolantonio@sflawish.org. wishmakersball.net
13 An Evening for Better Tomorrows at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit JFCS of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $375. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: Dr. Jaclynn Faffer, (239) 325-4444, jfaffer@jfcsswfl.org, or Laura Bidireanu, (239) 325-4444, lbidireanu@jfscswfl.org. jfcsswfl.org
13 Annual Charitable Event at St. John the Evangelist Church, Naples, to benefit Action for Life. Chair: Naples Pro Life Council. Contact: Jocelyn, (239) 262-5433. actionforlife.net
13 Puttin’ on the Ritz 50th Anniversary Celebration Gala at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit the David Lawrence Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $550 per person, $1,500 per patron including invitation to Golden Soiree. Dress code: cocktail, white dinner jacket optional. Chairs: Jill and Father Michael Basden. Honorary chairs: Joyce and Bill O’Meara. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505, jenniferde@dlcmhc.com. davidlawrencecenter.org/events/puttin-ritz-50th-anniversary-gala
13 Robbie’s Run at The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club, Sanibel, to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. 4 p.m. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Shannon Starr, Jim Castle. Contact: Shannon Starr, (239) 437-0202, shannon@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
13-14 Bonita Springs National Art Festivals at Riverside Park to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 10 a.m. Tickets: free; optional donation. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Ehren Gerhard, Susan Bridges. Contact: Ehren Gerhard, (239) 495-8989, artfest@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org. Continues Feb. 10-11 and March 3-4.
14 Concert in the Park at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: Free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
15 Nick Linn Lecture Series at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit Friends of the Library of Collier County. Noon. Tickets: $250-500 for the series. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Nick Linn. Contact: Marlene Kern, (239) 262-8135, mkern@collier-friends.org. collier-friends.org. Continues Feb. 5, March 12 and March 26.
15-18 Kathleen Conover "Chaos to Order" Mixed Media on-site to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 9 a.m. Tickets: $415 per member, $455 per non-member. Dress code: painting clothes. Chair: Michele Buelow. Contact: Michele Buelow, fmbaaworkshops@gmail.com. fortmyersbeachart.com/workshops.php
16 Annual Gala at Vineyards Country Club to benefit the Latchkey League. 6 p.m. Tickets: $275. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Richard and Lynette Merillat. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
17 Third Annual Paragon Awards at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Alisa Marie Coccari, (239) 325-1757. bgccc.com
17 Welcome Aboard at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Guadalupe Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Amy Moglia Heuerman. Contact: Tracy Connelly, (239) 657-7120, tconnelly@guadalupecenter.org. guadalupecenter.org
18 Cypress Celebration on-site to benefit Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: by invitation. Dress code: evening-casual, comfortable footwear. Contact: Tabitha Stadler, (239) 348-9151, ext. 114, tstadler@audubon.org. corkscrew.audubon.org
19 Off the Walls at the Center for Performing Arts Bonita Springs to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Susan Bridges, (239) 495-8989, bridges@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org
19 Soiree of the Season at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Youth Haven. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Jessica Santella. Contact: Meredith Chase, (239) 687-5155, meredith.chase@youthhavenswfl.org. youthhavenswfl.org/events/soiree-of-the-season
19 Wild About Fashion fashion show at Windstar on Naples Bay to benefit Literacy Volunteers of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Jackie Mears. Contact: Christopher Nind, (239) 262-4448. collierliteracy.org/events
20 20th Annual Wildlife & Wildlands Art Show at Delnor-Wiggins Park, Area 3, to benefit Friends of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park. 9 a.m. Tickets: free with park admission. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Valerie Thompson, Kathy Foster. Contact: Lori Heath Thorn, (239) 593-2658, lori.heaththorn@dep.state.fl.us. delnorwiggins.org
20 21st Annual Chocolate Extravaganza at the Hodges University White Room to benefit Project HELP. 6 p.m. Tickets: $95. Dress code: business-casual or optional rocking-through-the-decades-themed costume contest. Chair: Laura Press. Contact: Nicole Pigford, nicole@projecthelpnaples.org. eventbrite.com/e/21st-annual-chocolate-extravaganza-tickets-35266413793
20 Ninth Annual Baby Basics Walking/5K Challenge at North Collier Regional Park to benefit Baby Basics of Collier County. 9 a.m. Tickets: $25 for one walker and a child and $10 for additional children. Dress code: casual. Chair: Dick Lynch. Contact: Dick Lynch, (617) 510-4468, dandja@hotmail.com. babybasicscollier.org
20 TD Bank Bike Brunch & Family Festival at Cambier Park to benefit the Naples Pathways Coalition. 6:30 a.m. Tickets: $40-60. Dress code: athletic wear. Chair: Craig Manchen. Contact: Beth Brainard, (239) 777-7718, bethbrainard@naplespathways.org.
20 WINK News Feeds Families Hunger Walk at Miromar Outlets to benefit Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida. 8:30 a.m. registration, 9:30 a.m. walk. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Kayla Richmond. Contact: Marta Hodson, (239) 344-7007, ext. 132, martahodson@harrychapinfoodbank.org. winkhungerwalk.com
20-21 Art Fest Naples at Fleischmann Park to benefit Additional Needs. 10 a.m. Tickets: $5 donation. Dress code: casual-festival. Chair: Taire Malloy. Contact: (239) 634-2337. artfestnaples.com
21 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
21 JHSSWF Celebrates Jewish History with Murray Hendel at the Hilton Naples to benefit the Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $85. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Peter Klein. Contact: Marina Berkovich, (239) 566-1771, jhsswf@gmail.com. jhsswf.org
21 A Tribute to Ella at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. gulfcoastsymphony.org
22 Nonfiction Lecture Series at the Country Club of Naples to benefit Friends of the Library of Collier County. 9:30 am. Tickets: $45-55 per lecture, $125-155 for the series. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Louise Franck, Bob Levine. Contact: Marlene Kern, (239) 262-8135, mkern@collier-friends.org. collier-friends.org. Continues Feb. 22 and March 19.
23 Friends for Friendship, this year honoring Dr. Edward F. Banaszak, at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit the Senior Friendship Health Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: cocktail-casual. Chair: Cherry Smith. Contact: M J Scarpelli, (239) 658-3105, mjscarpelli@srfhc.org
24 Open House on-site to benefit Bishop Verot Catholic High School. 6:30 p.m. Contact: Jill Rhone, (239) 274-6760, jill.rhone@bvhs.org. bvhs.org
25 Saint Ann Latino Contemporary Art Auction at The Baker Museum to benefit Saint Ann School. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Casandra Ruanova-Cordero. Contact: Casandra Ruanova-Cordero, (239) 262-4100, chair@salcaa.org. salcaa.org
25-28 Bonita Springs International Film Festival at the Center for Performing Arts Bonita Springs to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $75 premiere. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Susan Bridges, (239) 495-8989, bridges@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org
26 Celtic Ball at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit St. John Neumann Catholic High School. Tickets: $200. Chair: Maria Gal. Contact: (239) 919-0764.
26-28 Naples Winter Wine Festival at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Naples Children & Education Foundation. 11 a.m. Jan. 27. Tickets: $10,000 and up per couple. Dress code: varies by event. Chairs: Becky and Lewie Card, Susie and David McCurry, Kathy and Dan Mezzalingua. Contact: Barrett Farmer, (239) 325-2970, barrett@napleswinefestival.com. napleswinefestival.com
26-28 Scholar in Residence on-site to benefit Temple Shalom. Contact: Jeanette Fischer, (239) 455-3030, jfischer@naplestemple.org. naplestemple.org
27 Annual Celebration at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit Hope for Haiti. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: cocktail, carnival theme. Contact: Stephanie Jepsen, (239) 434-7183, stephanie@hopeforhaiti.com.
27 Empty Bowls at Cambier Park to benefit Empty Bowls Naples. 11 a.m. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual. Chair: Betsy Dawson. Contact: (239) 591-8848. emptybowlsnaples.com
27 New Play Contest Fundraiser on-site to benefit Alliance for the Arts. 7 p.m. Contact: Bill Taylor, (239) 939-2787, theatre@artinlee.org.
27 Run for the Paws 5K Fun Run at Naples Municipal Airport to benefit The Humane Society Naples. 8 a.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: casual run/walk gear. Chair: Alison Duffey. Contact: Annemarie Zoller, (239) 643-1880, events@hsnaples.org. hsnaples.org
27 Screening at Chalk Art on 5th to benefit the Naples Lions Club Foundation. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Dr. Howard Freedman, Dr. Renate Chevli. Contact: Dr. Howard Freedman, (239) 352-7950. napleslionsclub.com
27 Symphonic Chorale SOIREE at The Landings Yacht Club to benefit the Symphonic Chorale of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $85. Dress code: dressy. Chair: Soy Williams. Contact: Soy Williams, (239) 560-5695, symphonicchorale@yahoo.com. symphonicchorale.org
27 Verot Viking 5K on-site to benefit Bishop Verot Catholic High School. 8 a.m. Tickets: $25. Contact: Gina Lombardo, (239) 274-730, gina.lombardo@bvhs.org. bvhs.org
30 Love Your Neighbor at a private riverfront home in Gulf Harbour to benefit The Heights Foundation. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: resort-casual. Contact: Karen Lesza, (239) 482-7706, karen@heightsfoundation.org. heightsfoundation.org/lyn
31 The Art of Giving at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The Archangel Fund for Collier County Charities. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: business. Chairs: Laurie Blatt, Cheryl Bradshaw, Patsy Zalokar. Contact: Patsy Zalokar, (239) 262-0353, cpatzgo@aol.com. artofgivingnaples.org
31 Night of Champions at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Champions For Learning. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: business-formal. Chairs: Barbara Melvin, William Beynon. Contact: Heather Noel, (239) 643-4755, hnoel@championsforlearning.org. championsforlearning.org
Also in January:
2018 NWC Kitchen Tour at the Naples Woman’s Club Clubhouse to benefit the Naples Woman’s Club. Tickets: $140. Dress code: resort-casual. Chair: Lee Kraus. Contact: Lee Kraus, (239) 262-6331. gfwcnapleswomansclub.org
Best New Restaurants presented by Gulfshore Life magazine. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
Chris & Brianne Sale FGCU Shoe Drive at the FGCU basketball arena to benefit Laces of Love. Tickets: admission price plus one pair of new sneakers for a needy child. Dress code: casual. Honorary chairs: Chris and Brianne Sale. Contact: Jeanne Nealon, (239) 591-1172.
House Party Silent Auction to benefit the Gargiulo Education Center. gargiuloed.org
Water Works Luncheon on-site to benefit the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $200 per individual, $400 per patron package (two premium seats); ambassador tables available. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Nikkie Dvorchak, (239) 403-4200, nikkied@conservancy.org. conservancy.org/water-works
Please note: The 2018 Cattle Baron’s Ball has been moved to October 2018. Contact Stacey Mueller at stacey.mueller@cancer.org for more information.
3 2018 House & Garden Tour at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Naples Garden Club. Tickets: $175 per person, $275 per patron. Chair: Ann Howat. Contact: Ann Howat, annhowat@yahoo.com. naplesgardenclub.org
3 Annual Gala at Gateway Golf & Country Club to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Contact: (239) 277-1700. gulfcoastsymphony.org
3 Golf Ball at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit Susan G. Komen Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Tickets: $500. Chair: Christopher Obetz. Contact: Sarah Owen, (239) 498-0016, sowen@komenswfl.org. komenswfl.org
3 Gourmet Vintner Dinner at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Neighborhood Health Clinic. 6 p.m. Tickets: $375. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Susan Jones. Contact: Marcie Burland, (239) 316-7416, mburland@neighborhoodhealthclinic.org. neighborhoodhealthclinic.org/block-party
3 Power of Community Celebration at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Jewish Federation of Collier County. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Rosalee Bogo, Karen Deutsch, Stephanie Heuer, Joan Saperstein, Phyllis Seaman, Phyllis Strome. Contact: Julie Hartline, (239) 263-4205, jhartline@jewishnaples.org. jewishnaples.org
3 Under the Sea to benefit the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. Contact: Dorrie Hipschman, (239) 395-2233.
3 Venetian Charity Ball at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice. 6 p.m. Tickets: $225. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Charles Anderson. Contact: Charles Anderson, (239) 337-4193, venetianball@ccslee.org. catholiccharitiesdov.org
3-4 ArtFest Fort Myers on Edwards Drive, downtown Fort Myers, to benefit ArtFest Fort Myers. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: outdoor-casual. Contact: Sharon McAllister, (239) 768-3602, info@artfestfortmyers.com. artfestfortmyers.com
3-4 Mendelssohn Violin Concerto at Temple Shalom to benefit Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7:30 p.m. Feb. 3 and 3:30 p.m. Feb 4. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
4 Jazz on the Gulf at a private home to benefit the Latchkey League. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: smart-casual. Chair: Chrissie Paddock. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
5 Strides for Education 5K Run/Walk at Florida SouthWestern State College to benefit The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. 7 a.m. Tickets: $30. Contact: Alicia Miller, (239) 337-0433, alicia@leeschoolfoundation.org.
6 Let Us Entertain You at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit The Naples Players. 6 p.m. Tickets: $350-500. Dress code: theater character or black-tie. Chair: Delores Sorey. Contact: Delores Sorey, (239) 263-2673, soreysan@aol.com. naplesplayers.org
7 Student Scholarhsip Fundraiser—Paint Around on-site to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 5 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Pam Flaherty. Contact: Pam Flaherty, fmbaapublicity@gmail.com. fortmyersbeachart.com
8, 22 Elliot Katz Lecture Series on-site in the Stock Building/John White Community Room to benefit Hodges University. 10 a.m. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/lifelonglearning. Continues March 8 and 22.
9 Evening of Vision Gala on-site to benefit Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250 per person, $2,500 per patron level. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Dr. Joseph and Jean Beauchamp. Contact: Amy Lane, (239) 659-3986. bascompalmer.org
9 Help Fun Time Kids Bloom! at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit Fun Time Early Childhood Academy. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: casual, plant/garden party theme. Chair: Robin Larkin. Co-chair: Jackie Fritsch. Contact: (239) 261-8284, moreinfo@funtimeacademy.org. funtimeacademy.org/events
9 Pet Lovers Gala: Krewe de Paws: Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit The Humane Society Naples. 7 p.m. Tickets: $400. Dress code: black-tie, masks optional. Honorary chairs: Sharon and Dolph von Arx. Contact: Annemarie Zoller, (239) 643-1880, events@hsnaples.org. hsnaples.org
9 Zoobilee on-site to benefit the Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens. 7 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: Florida-casual. Chairs: Carlo Zampogna, Lee Pinto. Contact: (239) 262-5409, ext 145. napleszoo.org/zoobilee
9-11 Everglades Seafood Festival in Everglades City to benefit the Betterment Association of the Everglades Area. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Carol Foss. Contact: Carol Foss, (239) 695-2277. evergladesseafoodfestival.org
9-11 Lovers Key Nautical Flea Market & Boat Show presented by Friends of Lovers Key and the Rotary Club of Bonita Springs at the boat ramp opposite Lovers Key State Park on Route 865 (Estero Boulevard) to benefit Friends of Lovers Key State Park. 9 a.m. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. Sunday. Tickets: $5 suggested donation, free for children under 10. Dress code: casual. Chair: Mark Generales. Contact: Mark Generales, (239) 676-5676, markgenerales@hotmail.com. loverskeynauticalmarket.com
9-11, 16-18 From Shabby to Chic Designer Showcase at private renovated homes to benefit Southwest Florida Symphony. 10 a.m. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual. Chair: Liz Marnul. Contact: Symphony Society, (239) 418-0996. swflso.org/symphony-society/societyevents
10 The Butterfly Ball at the Naples Airport to benefit the Avow Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: military uniform,1940 USO or cocktail attire. Honorary chairs: Former POWs Capt. Wayne Smith and PFC Jessica Lynch. Contact: Sally Wilson, (239) 430-3476, sally.wilson@avowcares.org. avowcares.org/butterflyball
10 Cars on 5th on Fifth Avenue South, Naples, to benefit St. Matthew’s House. 9 a.m. Tickets: $10 suggested donation. Dress code: casual. Chair: Ferrari Club of Naples. stmatthewshouse.org
10 The Choice Affair 2018 at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit Planned Parenthood of SW & Central Florida. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: business. Chair: Craig Jones. Contact: Rene Givens, (239) 687-2910, rene.givens@ppswcf.org. plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-southwest-central-florida
10 Friends of Hope Evening at Bonita Bay Club to benefit Hope Healthcare. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $235 and up. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Barbara Caccese. Contact: Heather Chester, (239) 489-9164. hopehcs.org
10 Imagination Ball at the JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort to benefit the American Cancer Society—Marco Island. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: black-tie optional. Chair: Debra Shanahan. Contact: Sue Olszak, (239) 642-8800, ext. 3890, sue.olszak@cancer.org. acsimaginationball.com
10 Night at the Museum: Pirate Ball on-site to benefit the Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: pirate-themed attire highly encouraged. Contact: Laura Richardson, (239) 260-1604, development@cmon.org. cmon.org
10 Unveil the Mask of Mental Illness Gala at The Club at Pelican Preserve to benefit NAMI Lee, Charlotte and Hendry Counties. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: sponsorship levels available. Dress code: Mardis Gras, black-tie. Chair: Sally Scott. Contact: Vacharee Howard, (239) 337-9024, vhoward@namilee.org. namilee.org
11 Chorale Concert at Sanibel Congregational UCC Church to benefit Voices of Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: Goodwill offering. Dress code: casual. voicesofnaples.com
11 Concert in the Park at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: Free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
11 Edison’s Birthday Party on-site to benefit the Edison & Ford Winter Estates. 10 a.m. Tickets: free admission; does not include tours. Dress code: casual. Chair: Lisa Sbuttoni. Contact: Leeanne Criswell, (239) 334-7419, lcriswell@edisonfordwinterestates.org. edisonfordwinterestates.org/events/annual-events
11 Junior Parade in downtown Fort Myers to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
11 Mitzvah Day on-site to benefit Temple Shalom. 9 a.m. Contact: Jeanette Fischer, (239) 455-3030, jfischer@naplestemple.org. naplestemple.org
12-18 The Chubb Classic—Pro/Am at TwinEagles Golf & Country Club to benefit The First Tee of Naples/Collier. Tickets: $2,500. Dress code: golf. Chair: Cindy Darland. Contact: Cindy Darland, (239) 825-4851. thechubbclassic.com
15 Annual Golf Outing and Dinner at Shadow Wood Country Club to benefit the Shadow Wood Charitable Foundation. 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. shotgun starts. Tickets: $250. Dress code: casual. Chair: William Lentz. Contact: William Lentz, (239) 498-0253. shadowwoodcharitablefoundation.org
15 Enchanted, An Evening of Wonder on-site to benefit the Everglades Wonder Gardens. 6 p.m. Tickets: $185-250. Dress code: jackets requested. Chairs: Connie McIntosh, Trish Leonard. Contact: Thomas Hecker, (239) 992-2591, thomas@evergladeswondergardens.com. evergladeswondergardens.com
15 Seventh Annual Scholarship Dinner at the The Ritz Carlton, Naples to benefit Ave Maria University. 5 p.m. Tickets: $375. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Katy Thoele, katy.thoele@avemaria.edu.
16 Celebration of Reading at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250 per person, $5,000 and up per sponsorship. Dress code: business-casual. Honorary chair: Jeb Bush Jr. Contact: Angela Bell, (239) 277-6295, angela@gsma.pro. barbarabush.org/events/florida-celebration-of-reading
17 16th Annual NAMI Walk at Cambier Park to benefit NAMI Collier County. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Alex Kincaid, (239) 260-7300. namicollier.org
17 24th Annual Storybook Ball Honoring Kathy Bridge-Liles at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300 per person; sponsorships available. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Beverly Fewster. Contact: Laura Ragain, (239) 437-0202, laura@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
17 Asia Fest 2018 at Alliance for the Arts to benefit the Naples Asian Professionals Association. 10 a.m. Tickets: $5 per general admission, free for children under 12. Dress code: casual. Chair: Dr. Colin Feng. Contact: Dr. Colin Feng, (239) 770-1501, colinfeng@embarqmail.com. napaflorida.com
17 Celebration of Love—Members Recital at First United Methodist Church to benefit Naples Music Club. 4 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Sonya Light. Contact: Sonya Light, slight@his.com. naplesmusicclub.org
17 For the Love of Art on-site to benefit The Naples Art Association. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: general admission $150 per person or $250 per couple, or $1,250 for groups of 10. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
17 Gold Garden Gala at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Greater Naples YMCA. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: formal. Contact: Deb Carr, (239) 963-3766, dcarr@greaternaplesymca.org. greaternaplesymca.org
17 Grand Parade of Light from Fort Myers High School to downtown Fort Myers to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
17 Signature Event with honored guest Newt Gingrich at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. 5 p.m. Dress code: business-professional. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
17-18 All-Choral Program with Chamber Ensemble at Temple Shalom to benefit the Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7 p.m. Feb. 17 and 3:30 p.m. Feb. 18. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
18 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
18-19 Mending Broken Hearts with Hope Designer Boutique at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Sue Utz, (239) 775-3862, sutz@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/mbh
19 Let’s Get Historical! Gala at The Community House to benefit the Sanibel Historical Museum & Village. 6 p.m. Chair: Sherry Halleran. Contact: Emilie Alfino, (239) 472-4648, info@sanibelmuseum.org. sanibelmuseum.org
19 Mending Broken Hearts with Hope Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 11 a.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: Semi-formal. Chair: Linda Meak. Vice chairs: Donna Issenmann, Denise Wilburn. Contact: Sue Utz, (239) 775-3862, sutz@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/mbh
20 Lunch and Fashion Show at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit Hope After Stroke Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: Allison O’Reilly. Contact: Allison O’Reilly, (703) 926-3382, allisonoreilly@aol.com. eventbrite.com/e/luncheon-fashion-show-to-benefit-nch-stroke-tickets-35085788538
20 Opera in the Garden at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit Opera Naples. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $350 or $500 per person, $3,500 or $5,000 per table of 10. Dress code: floral attire with black-tie optional. Chair: Richard Gray. Contact: Signe Larson, (239) 963-9050. operanaples.org
22 Give Your Heart to Breast Cancer Care Luncheon at Legends Golf & Country Club to benefit Partners for Breast Cancer Care. 11 a.m. Tickets: $55. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Janet Darnell, Barbara Farrell, Joyce Carden. Contact: Janet Darnell, (239) 454-8583. pfbcc.org
22 Lesley Stahl: Her Stories Today Patron Party to benefit The League Club. 5 p.m. Tickets: $325. Dress code: cocktail. leagueclub.org
22 Pacesetter Dinner at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Collier County. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: by invitation. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Jennifer Pash, (239) 775-0036, jpash@habitatcollier.org.
22 Third Annual Wine & Wildlife at Emmanuel Lutheran Church to benefit the South Florida National Parks Trust. 5 p.m. Tickets: $50 per general admission, $100 per VIP. Dress code: smart-casual. Contact: Don Finefrock, (305) 665- 4769, dfinefrock@southfloridaparks.org. southfloridaparks.org/event/winewild
23 Lesley Stahl: Her Stories Today at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The League Club. 11 a.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Gigi Stewart. Contact: (239) 353-3100.
24 19th Annual Heart and Soul Walk at Centennial Bank, Naples, to benefit the Parkinson Association of Southwest Florida. 9 a.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: casual. Chair: Tricia Leite. Contact: (239) 417-3465. pasfi.org
24 2018 CREW Concert & Silent Eco-Auction at Riverside Park to benefit CREW Land & Water Trust. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $15 in advance, $20 at the gate. Dress code: casual. Chair: Brenda Brooks. Contact: Anne Reed, (239) 657-2253. crewtrust.org
24 The Gala at Island Country Club to benefit the Marco Island Center for the Arts. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: black-tie optional. Contact: Hyla Crane, (239) 394-4221, hyla@marcoislandart.org. marcoislandart.org
24 Kings’ Celebration Gala at LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort to benefit Royal Palm Academy. 6 p.m. Tickets: $225. Dress code: cocktail attir. Chair: Amy Blair. Contact: Lynn Girouard, (239) 594-9888, lgirouard@royalplamacademy.com. royalpalmacademy.com
24-26 OKLAHOMA! at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. gulfcoastsymphony.org
25 Eighth Annual Tour de Marco on-site to benefit The Greater Marco Family YMCA. 8 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: casual. Chair: Steve Reynolds. Contact: Steve Reynolds, (239) 285-6785, communityrelations@marcoy.org. marcoymca.org/event/tour-de-marco
25 Honor Run at Six Bends Harley-Davidson to benefit Collier County Honor Flight. Dress code: biker. Chairs: Cindy McCue, Carla DeMarco. Contact: Cindy McCue, cindy@collierhonorflight.org.
25 The Phantom Gala at Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church and The Strand Country Club to benefit Gulfshore Opera. 3 p.m. concert, 5:30 p.m. dinner. Tickets: $225. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Stephanie Schwetz, Claudia Polzin. Contact: Michelle Westley, (239) 529-3925, michelle@gulfshoreopera.org. gulfshoreopera.org
25 Singing for Scholarships at Naples United Church of Christ to benefit Voices of Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 455-2582. voicesofnaples.org
26 Imagine Solutions Conference at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Imagine Solutions Conference. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: $650 per person, $320 per nonprofit leadership. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: Randall Antik. Contact: (214) 215-6000. imaginesolutionsconference.com
27 Youth of the Year at The Club at Pelican Bay to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 5 p.m. bgccc.com
28 Thanks a Million cocktails, dinner and speaker event at a private club in Naples to benefit Books for Collier Kids. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300 per person; various levels available, including $500 per classroom. Dress code: business (jackets for men). Chairs: Nora Kolmer, Donna Eskra. Contact: Nora Kolmer, (239) 598-9598, info@booksforcollierkids.org. booksforcollierkids.org
Also in February:
2018 Fashion Show at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit the Saint Ann School Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $750. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Tina Ferrao, Mitzi Magin, Mary Wasmer. Contact: Pamela Macia, (239) 262-4110. stann.net
Annual Gala to benefit Naples Music Club. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Sue Townsend, Beth Smith, Jerry Beaubien, Kathryn Zagel. Contact: Sue Townsend, sctowns@aol.com. naplesmusicclub.org
Crafts on the River at Centennial Park to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
Drug House Odyssey —A Lee County Prevention Event at the Lee County Civic Center to benefit the Lee County Coalition for a Drug-Free Southwest Florida. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jonathan Engh, Dan Mills. Contact: (239) 931-9317. drugfreeswfl.org
Everblades/Laces of Love Hockey at Germain Arena to benefit Laces of Love. Tickets: admission price plus one pair of new sneakers for a needy child. Dress code: casual. Contact: Jeanne Nealon, (239) 591-1172.
Hearts & Minds of Hope to benefit Hope Clubhouse. hopeclubhouse.org
Immokalee Community Screening at the ITECH Center to benefit the Naples Lions Club Foundation. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jack Arvold. Contact: Dr. Howard Freedman, (425) 785-1447. napleslionsclub.com
Keep the Wheels Rolling mailing to benefit the Christ Child Society of Naples. christchildnaples.org
Minnesota Twins Celebrity Golf Classic at Fiddlesticks Country Club to benefit the Regional Cancer Center. 11 a.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: golf/business-casual. Chair: Debby Welsh. Contact: Nicki McTeague, (239) 214-0639, nicole.mcteague@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/twins
Mutt Strut in downtown Fort Myers to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
Red Sox Celebrity Golf Classic at The Forest Country Club to benefit the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. 11 a.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: golf/business-casual. Contact: Katy Martinez, (239) 214-0639, katy.martinez@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/redsox
Ride-A-Thon at Babcock Ranch to benefit Special Equestrians. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Sherry Gilbert, Jan Fifer. Contact: Sherry Gilbert, (239) 822-7680, gilbertboomer1@gmail.com. specialequestrians.net
STEMtastic Day of Discovery to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
Third on Canvas Art Auction on Third Street South at a private Naples club to benefit PAWS Assistance Dogs. 5 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Kathy Gumph, (239) 775-1660, kathy@pawsassistancedogs.org. thirdstreetsouth.com/third-events.html
1 Guild Luncheon at Royal Poinciana Golf Club to benefit Neighborhood Health Clinic. Dress code: country club attire. Chairs: Gretchen Brown, Anne Gainey. Contact: Rochelle Jackson, (239) 529-2262, rjackson@neighborhoodhealthclinic.org. neighborhoodhealthclinic.org/guild
1 Why Cook Interactive Dinner on-site to benefit the Bonita Springs YMCA. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Pat Suwyan, Shelley Anderson. Contact: Jamie Browning, (239) 221-7560, ext. 152, jbrowning@bonitaspringsymca.org. swflymca.org/whycook
2 Women Supporting Women at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 11 a.m. Tickets: $200-250 per person, $2,500-20,000 per sponsorship opportunity. Dress code: sassy-chic. Chair: Andrea Gordon. Contact: Jodi Bisogno, jodi@cancerallianceofnaples.org. cancerallianceofnaples.org
2-3 2018 Southwest Florida Wine & Food Fest to benefit SWFL Children’s Charities. Chef Vintner Dinners March 2 at private venues. Grand Tasting & Live Auction March 3 at 1 p.m. at Quail West Golf & Country Club. Tickets: $750-1,500. Dress code: resort-casual. Chairs: Elaine Hawkins, Brooke Denson. Contact: Melissa Cofta, (239) 433-4260, info@swflwinefest.org. swflwinefest.org
3 2018 Appraisal Faire Gala at Island Country Club to benefit the Marco Island Historical Society. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Chair: Allyson Richards. Contact: Susan Pernini, (239) 389-6447, administration@themihs.org. themihs.org
3 Annual Dinner & Auction at Gulf Harbour Yacht & Country Club to benefit AMIkids Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: John Ingraham. Contact: (239) 560-6344.
3 Beach Ball 2018 and Naples City Live Music Festival at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collier County. 5 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: garden party-chic. Contact: Bryan Lee, (239) 263-8383. caccollier.org
3 Hats for Cats at the Naples Yacht & Sailing Club to benefit the Naples Cat Alliance. 11 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: dressy-casual. Chair: Jessica James. Contact: Jessica James, (239) 641-4612, jessica@thepowerhousegroup.com. naplescatalliance.org
3 Hope Gala at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit JDRF. 6 p.m. Tickets: $400. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Contact: Pamela Schmidt-Alagel, (239) 591-2825, palagel@jdrf.org. jdrf.org
3 Naples City Live Music Festival at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collier County. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $22.50. Dress code: casual. Contact: Bryan Lee, (239) 263-8383. caccollier.org
3 Race for the Cure at Coconut Point to benefit Susan G. Komen Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: $35. Contact: Sarah Owen, (239) 498-0016, sowen@komenswfl.org. komenswfl.org
4 “From Jazz to Broadway” Benefit Concert at Covenant Church of Naples to benefit Laces of Love. 7 p.m. Tickets: $45 per general admission, $100 per VIP. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Tamra Nashman Richardt. Contact: Susan Warren, (239) 293-1215. lacesoflove.org
4 A Vintage Affair: Bright Lights & Bubbles at Quail West Golf & Country Club to benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Center of SWFL. 5 p.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Shannon Diener, Nikola (Niki) Varveris. Contact: Kay Jasso, (239) 435-1901, kay@mscenterswfl.org. mscenterswfl.org
4-5 Artists’ Studio Tour in Naples to benefit Artis—Naples. 1 p.m., 11 a.m. Tickets: $55, $70. Dress code: casual. Contact: Patron Services, (239) 597-1900. artisnaples.org
5 Triumph 2018 at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit The Holocaust Museum & Education Center of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $275 and up per person, sponsorships available. Dress code: cocktail/business. Contact: Tim Morrison, (239) 263-9200, tim@holocaustmuseumswfl.org. holocaustmuseumswfl.org
6 Fashion Show at Wyndemere County Club to benefit the Latchkey League. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $130. Dress code: smart-casual. Chairs: Sarann Kraushaar, Alisa Marie Coccari. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
7 Secret Garden Gala at Shangri-La Springs to benefit the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Susan Goldy, Scott Spiezle. Contact: Jason Powella, (239) 214-0639, jason.powella@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/kmm
8 Celebration of Hope at St. John the Evangelist Church to benefit St. Matthew’s House. 5:30 p.m. Dress code: business-casual to semi-formal. stmatthewshouse.org
8 Fashion Show at Crowne Plaza Fort Myers at Bell Tower Shops to benefit the Regional Cancer Center. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Patti Chlipala, (239) 214-0639, patti.chlipala@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/fashionforcancer
8 Magic Under the Mangroves on-site to benefit the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $750 per individual, $3,500-50,000 per patron package. Dress code: eco-chic; jackets preferred. Chair: Carol Dinardo. Contact: Nikkie Dvorchak, (239) 403-4218, nikkied@conservancy.org. conservancy.org/magic
8 Sam Galloway Jr. & Friends Soup Kitchen Benefit at Sam Galloway Ford to benefit Community Cooperative. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Stefanie Ink Edwards, (239) 332-7687, stefanie@communitycooperative.com. communitycooperative.com/events
8 Third Annual Forget-Me-Not Fashion Show to benefit the Care Club of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $65. Dress code: luncheon-casual. Chair: Mindy Johnson. Contact: Mindy Johnson, (239) 353-1994, mindy@colliercareclub.org. colliercareclub.org
8-10 Art Walks the Runway on-site to benefit the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. 8 p.m. Tickets: price varies. Dress code: fashionable. Chair: Melissa DeHaven. Contact: Melissa DeHaven, melissa.sbdac@gmail.com. sbdac.com
8-10 Shell Show and Art Sale at the United Church of Marco, Dissiler Hall, to benefit the Marco Island Shell Club. 10 a.m. Tickets: $2 donation. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jae Kellogg. Contact: (239) 394-7399. marcoshellclub.com
8, 22 Elliot Katz Lecture Series on-site in the Stock Building/John White Community Room to benefit Hodges University. 10 a.m. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/lifelonglearning.
9 Big Impressions by Little Artists® at the Hilton Naples to benefit Collier Child Care Resources (CCCR). 11 a.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Tiffany Cawley, (239) 643-3908, tiffanyc@collierchildcare.org. collierchildcare.org
9 Centennial Celebration and Gala at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the American Red Cross Florida’s Southern Gulf Chapter. 6 p.m. Tickets: $750. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Elizabeth A. Star. Contact: Jill Palmer, (239) 785-3664, jill.palmer@redcross.org.
9 Stepping Out for Scholarships at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit Hodges University. 6 p.m. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/campus-events/stepping-out-for-scholarships
10 10th Annual Benefit Luncheon at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit New Horizons of Southwest Florida. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $90. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Kathy Rhodes. Contact: Dort Bear, (239) 948-4146, dort@newhorizonsofswfl.org. newhorizonsofswfl.org/luncheon
10 2018 Night at the Museum Gala at the IMAG History & Science Center to benefit The Imaginarium Group. 7 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: Grisel Brewster, (239) 243-0043, grisel@theimag.org. theimag.org
10 The 30th Annual Auction at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Seacrest Country Day School. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Kyla de Asla. Contact: Claudia D’Alessandro, (239) 793-1986, cdalessandro@seacrest.org. seacrest.org/giving/specialevents/auction
10 Brain Fair 2018 at Collier County South Regional Library to benefit Miracles Among Us. 1 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Suzan Berg, (239) 529-5284, suzanberg@miraclesamongus.org.
10 Denim & Diamonds Gala Event at the Sanibel Harbour Marriot Resort & Spa to benefit the Dr. Piper Center for Social Services. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125 per person, $250 per couple. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Steve Nemazie. Contact: (800) 332-5346. drpipercenter.org
10 Kind Mariners Ball—Treasures of the Sea at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit the Freedom Waters Foundation. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: inspired by the seas; jacket/tie optional. Chairs: Mike and Meg Bruno. Contact: Kathleen Wheeler, (239) 290-8405, kathywheeler227@gmail.com. kindmarinersball.com
10 Southwest Florida Heart Ball at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit the American Heart Association of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: black-tie. Contact: Katie Southard, (239) 495-4911, katie.southard@heart.org. swflheartball.heart.org
10 Star Gala—Dancing Under the Stars at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Carrie and John Cooney. Contact: Becky Stark, (239) 594-9007, becky@fddswfl.org. fddswfl.org/gala
10 Third Annual Charity Fashion Show Luncheon at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Naples, to benefit St. John’s Shoppe, Ministry of St. John’s Episcopal Church. Noon. Tickets: $45. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Margo Ziollo. Contact: Sharon Marceau, (239) 597-9518, stjohnsthriftshoppe@gmail.com. stjohnsshoppe.com
11 Brick by Brick Picnic at Lakes Regional Park to benefit the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation. 3 p.m. Tickets: $25-100. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 533-1333.
11 Fifteen Years of Magic at St. Leo's Catholic Church to benefit Voices of Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: Goodwill offering. Dress code: casual. voicesofnaples.org
11 Taste of Love at The Ranch Concert Hall & Saloon to benefit Special Equestrians. 5 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Adele Smith, Freda Jones, Jan Fifer. Contact: Jan Fifer, (239) 851-7070, jtfifer@gmail.com. specialequestrians.net
11 We the People: Celebrating the American Dream on-site to benefit Temple Shalom. 7 p.m. Contact: Jeanette Fischer, (239) 455-3030, jfischer@naplestemple.org. naplestemple.org
12 A Maine Event at a private home to benefit the Latchkey League. 6 p.m. Tickets: $160. Dress code: casual. Chair: Judy Shanely. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
13 Grande Dames Tea at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre to benefit PACE Center for Girls of Lee County. 1 p.m. Tickets: $40 per person, $500 per table of eight. Dress code: afternoon tea attire. Contact: Allyson Ross, (239) 470-7548, allyson.ross@pacecenter.org. pacecenter.org/locations/lee
13 Rigoletto at St. Leo’s Parish Life Center, Bonita Springs, to benefit Gulfshore Opera. 7 p.m. Tickets: $28-78. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Steffanie Pearce. Contact: Steffanie Pearce, steffanie@gulfshoreopera.org. gulfshoreopera.org
14 Eat, Drink and Be Broadway on-site to benefit TheatreZone. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business casual; “Cuba” or “tropical” encouraged. Chairs: Joni Brickley, Sarann Kraushaar. Contact: Robin DeMattia, (239) 596-7245, robin@robindemattia.com. theatrezone-florida.com
14 Marco Mutts & Martinis at The Esplanade to benefit The Greater Marco Family YMCA. 5 p.m. Tickets: $8. Dress code: casual. Chair: Fritzi Holmes. Contact: Fritzi Holmes, (314)560-0812, fritziholmes@gmail.com. marcoymca.org/event/mutts-martinis
15 Annual Life Saver Event featuring Gov. Mike Huckabee at the Hilton Naples to benefit Community Pregnancy Clinics. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $720 per couple. Dress code: business. Contact: Domenick Micillo, (239) 262-6381. community4life.com
15 Art of the Handbag at the Center for Performing Arts Bonita Springs to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 6 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Susan Bridges, (239) 495-8989, bridges@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org
16 Batfish Bash for the Bay at Rookery Bay Reserve to benefit Friends of Rookery Bay. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: casual. Contact: Amelia Horadam, events@rookerybay.org.
16 The Bucket List Bash at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the American Cancer Society, Naples. Chair: Richard Lublin. Contact: Mackenzie Herrick, (239) 261-0337, ext. 3858, mackenzie.herrick@cancer.org. acsbucketlistbash.com
17 Global Food and Farm Festival at ECHO Global Farm to benefit ECHO. 9 a.m. Tickets: $5. Dress code: casual. Chair: Danielle Flood. Contact: Danielle Flood, (239) 567-3312, dflood@echonet.org. echonet.org/food-and-farm-festival
17 Homes Tour in Everglades City to benefit the Everglades Society for Historic Preservation. Contact: Marya Repko, (239) 695-2905. evergladeshistorical.org
17 Run 4 the Cause Fun Run & Walk on-site to benefit Christy’s Cause. 7 a.m. Tickets: $25-35. Dress code: workout attire. Chair: Christy Ivie. Contact: info@christyscause.com. christyscause.com
17-18 Mozart Flute Concerto at Temple Shalom to benefit Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7 p.m. March 17 and 3:30 p.m. March 18. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
18 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
18 Colors of Hope at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit the Tumaini Fund USA. 5 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: resort-casual. Chair: Mick Moore. Contact: Mike Moore, (239) 216-1816, mikemoore@vanderbiltbeachresort.com. tumainifundusa.org
20 16th Annual Step into Spring Fashion Show & Luncheon at The Forest Country Club to benefit the Candlelighters of Southwest Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Klair M. Snellbaker. Contact: (239) 432-2223. candlelightersswfl.org
21 Annual Fundraising Luncheon at the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs to benefit Amigos en Cristo. Noon. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Rev. Bob Selle. Contact: (239) 437-6727. amigoscenter.org/annual-luncheon
22 Benefit Dinner at McGregor Baptist Church to benefit Lifeline Family Center. 5:30 p.m. VIP reception, 6:30 p.m. dinner. Tickets: $75 per person, $440 per table of eight. Dress code: dressy-casual. Contact: Kathy Miller, (239) 242-7238, setfreeat30@aol.com. lifelinefamilycenter.org
22 Cruising for a Cause on the Naples Princess to benefit Miracles in Action. 5 p.m. Chair: Lisa Crawford. Contact: Lisa Crawford, (239) 348-0815, info@miraclesinaction.org. miraclesinaction.org/cruisingforacause
23 11th Annual Boogie Bash at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit Friends of Foster Children Forever. 6 p.m. Tickets: $275. Dress code: casual and fun. Chair: Rio DeArmond. Contact: Gisela Estrada, (239) 262-1808, gisela@friendsoffosterchildren.net. friendsoffosterchildren.net
23-24 Naples Flower Show—“Naples Style” at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Naples Garden Club. Tickets: free to Naples Botanical Garden members or with Naples Botanical Garden admission. Chair: Sally Lutz. Contact: Sally Lutz, sml02748@gmail.com. naplesgardenclub.org
24 Annual Dinner at Olde Cypress Country Club to benefit the Parkinson Association of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $70. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 417-3465. pasfi.org
24 Celebrity Martini Glass Auction at Artis—Naples and The Baker Museum to benefit PAWS Assistance Dogs. 5 p.m. Tickets: by invitation. Dress code: cocktail-chic. Chair: Kyle Reed. Contact: Kathy Gumph, (239) 775-1660, kathy@pawsassistancedogs.org. naplescmga.com
24 Emerald Ball at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Barbara Rougraff. Contact: Brenda Anderson, (239) 455-2655, banderson@catholiccharitiescc.org. catholiccharitiesdov.org
24 Extravaganza 2018 on-site to benefit Canterbury School. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150 per person, $100 per Canterbury alum. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Deena Schwartz, Elizabeth Cameratta. Contact: Julie Pearson, (239) 481-4323, ext. 213, jpearson@canterburyfortmyers.org.
26 Bubbles, Baubles and Broadway Gala at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Gulfshore Playhouse. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $600 per ticket, $1,200 patron ticket. Dress code: black-tie. Contact: Kelly Colligan, kcolligan@gulfshoreplayhouse.org.
30 Throw a Girl a Lifeline at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit PACE Center for Girls, Collier at Immokalee. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: donations accepted. Dress code: business-casual.
31 American Virtuosi on-site to benefit the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. 8 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: (239) 333-1933. sbdac.com
31 Wellfit Girls 5K at North Collier Regional Park to benefit Wellfit Girls Program SWFL. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $25 early-bird pricing until Jan. 1, 2018. Dress code: wear your tutu! Contact: Colby Hazewinkel, (239) 529-0366, colby@wellfitgirls.org. wellfitgirls.org
Also in March:
Annual Churchill Dinner at a Naples country club to benefit The English-Speaking Union. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Pamela Voss. Contact: Pamela Voss, (239) 775-4754, pgrabczynski@aol.com.
Calendar Art Contest for All Collier County Students to benefit Keep Collier Beautiful. Chair: Jim Zimmerman. Contact: Jim Zimmerman, (239) 580-8319, litternot@earthlink.net. keepcollierbeautiful.com
Cruise on the Marco Island Princess to benefit The Marco Players. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: island-casual. Contact: (239) 642-7270, info@themarcoplayers.com. themarcoplayers.com/tmp-previous-fundraisers
A Gala Evening on-site in Hayes Hall to benefit Artis—Naples. 6 p.m. Tickets: $1,000. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Chairs: Alan Einhorn and Vicki Cooper, Nancy W. and George R. Woltz. Contact: Jan Fernandez, (239) 254-2719, jfernandez@artisnaples.org. artisnaples.org
Gentle’men Against Domestic Violence Annual Tailgate Event at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 4:30 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Colin Estrem. Honorary chairs: John Jordan, Ron Ciesla. Contact: Rebecca Thompson, (239) 775-3862, rthompson@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/tailgate
Madisen’s Match at The Landing’s Golf, Yacht & Tennis Club to benefit Barbara’s Friends. 8 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: tennis attire. Chair: Duane Chaney. Contact: Patti Chlipala, (239) 214-0639, patti.chlipala@leehealth.org. madisensmatch.com
Sound Minds Mental Health Symposium at Moorings Park to benefit the David Lawrence Center. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505, jenniferde@dlcmhc.com.
3 Celebrate C.H.E.F., “The Delights of Evolving Cuisine” honoring Chef Fabrizio Aielli at Venue Naples to benefit the Culinary and Hospitality Education Foundation (C.H.E.F.). 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $150 per general admission, $500 per VIP. Dress code: cocktail-chic. Chairs: Nicole and Brian Roland, Chrissie Forbes. Contact: Venue Naples, (239) 292-1529, info@venuenaples.com. chefswfl.org
4 2018 Old Bags Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Pat Wheeler. Vice chair: Jennifer O’Dell. Contact: Rebecca Thompson, (239) 775-3862, rthompson@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/oldbags
4 28th Taste of Marco at The Esplanade to benefit The Greater Marco Family YMCA. 11 a.m. Tickets: $8 admission. Dress code: casual. Chair: Fritzi Holmes. Contact: Allyson Richards, (770) 366-0653, togetherhood@marcoy.org. marcoymca.org/event/taste-of-marco
5 Connect the Dots/Friend-Raiser to benefit the Collier Resource Center. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: (239) 434-2030.
5 Face Diversity Summit presented by Gulfshore Business and D’Latinos magazines at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $95-345. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
6 Foolin’ Around in the Garden on-site to benefit Naples Botanical Garden. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $750. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: (239) 643-7275. naplesgarden.org
6 Golden Apple Celebration of Teachers Dinner at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Champions For Learning. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: business-formal. Chairs: William M. Burke and Martha Rozman. Contact: Heather Noel, (239) 643-4755, hnoel@championsforlearning.org. championsforlearning.org
6 Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Banquet at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. 5 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: black-tie preferred. Contact: Beverly Burke, (239) 337-0433, beverly@leeschoolfoundation.org. leeschoolfoundation.org
6 Women of Initiative Awards Luncheon at Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit the Women’s Foundation of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $210 per person, $2,100 per host table, $2,500 per patron table. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Stacey Herring. Vice chair: Vicki Tracy. Contact: Carri Kreisman, (239) 649-5000, ckreisman@cfcollier.org. wfcollier.org
7 12th Annual Golf Classic & Celebration at Quail West Golf & Country Club to benefit the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Program of the Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $300 per golfer. Dress code: golf. Contact: Elizabeth Zuluaga, (239) 658-3113, ezuluaga@healthcareswfl.org. healthcareswfl.org/how-to-help
7 AAUW Scholarship Luncheon at M Waterfront Grille to benefit the American Association of University Women Foundation. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Jeannine Stetson. Contact: (239) 653-9824. aauwgnb.org
7 Butterfly Release at Cambier Park to benefit the Avow Foundation. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Sally Wilson, (239) 430-3476, sally.wilson@avowcares.org. avowcares.org/butterflyrelease
7 Kiwanis “Casino Night” at Royalwood Golf & Country Club to benefit Kiwanis Club of Naples on the Gulf. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: Mardis Gras, business-casual. Chair: Dick Klein. Contact: (239) 793-7890, beaver.wb2k@comcast.net
7 Relay for Life Marco Island at Veterans’ Park to benefit the American Cancer Society—Marco Island. 3 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual, outdoors. Chair: Cathy Nelson. Contact: Sue Olszak, (239) 642-8800, ext. 3890, sue.olszak@cancer.org. relayforlife.org/marcoislandfl
8 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
8 Ninth Annual BBQ Bands & Brew at Centennial Park to benefit Lee Builders Care. 11 a.m. Tickets: $10; free for children under 12. Dress code: outdoor-casual. Chair: Christi Pritchett Sarlo. Contact: Christi Pritchett Sarlo, (239) 938-0056, christi@bia.net. bbqbandsandbrew.com
9 10th Season Announcement & Fundraiser on-site to benefit The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 6:30 p.m. Dress code: dressy. Chairs: Kate Dirrigl, Annette Trossbach. Contact: Kate Dirrigl, (860) 810-6507, educate@laboratorytheaterflorida.com. laboratorytheaterflorida.com
9-10 The Ed Brennan Memorial Golf Tournament at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit The Founders Fund. 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. start times. Tickets: contact for sponsorship opportunities. Dress code: golf attire for golf, cocktail attire for banquet. Chairs: The Founders Fund board members. Contact: (239) 593-0124. thefoundersfund.org
10 Sound Minds Spring Lecture Series at Moorings Park to benefit the David Lawrence Center. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505, jenniferde@dlcmhc.com.
12 Wines Around the World at Shula’s Steak House, Naples, to benefit the Ricky King Children’s Fund. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Heather Tice. Contact: Jennifer Weidenbruch, (239) 449-0209. rickykingfund.org
14 Apple Blossom Awards at Vineyards Country Club to benefit Collier Child Care Resources (CCCR). 11 a.m. Tickets: $40. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Tiffany Cawley, (239) 643-3908, tiffanyc@collierchildcare.org. collierchildcare.org
14 Bay Days (The Great American Cleanup) at multiple waterway, bay and canal sites to benefit Keep Collier Beautiful. 9 a.m. Tickets: volunteer. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jim Zimmerman. Contact: Jim Zimmerman, (239) 580-8319, litternot@earthlink.net. keepcollierbeautiful.com
14 Denim & Diamonds Gala & Auction on-site to benefit Bishop Verot Catholic High School. 6 p.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual to casual. Chairs: Robin Collier, Angela Clark, Lisa Quattrone. Contact: (239) 274-6730. bvhs.org
14-15 Haydn Cello Concerto at Temple Shalom to benefit Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7 p.m. April 14 and 3:30 p.m. April 15. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
16 Friends of Hope Spring Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Hope Healthcare.10:30 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: ladies lunch. Chairs: Etta Smith, Barbara Caccese. Contact: Heather Chester, (239) 489-9164. hopehcs.org
17 Celebration Dinner at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Guadalupe Center. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $85. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Sue Hagemann, Sandy Vasey. Contact: Tracy Connelly, (239) 657-7120, tconnelly@guadalupecenter.org. guadalupecenter.org
19 Chefs Cooking for Kids at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast. 5:30 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Susan Battaglia, Ryan Love. Contact: Aimee McLaughlin, (239) 288-4224, amclaughlin@bbbssun.org. bbbssun.org/events
20 Guadalupe Charity Golf Classic at Vineyards Country Club to benefit the Guadalupe Center. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: golf. Contact: (239) 657-7711. guadalupecenter.org
21 Crawfish Boil at Walker’s Marina to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 4 p.m. bgccc.com
21 Earth Day Festival on-site to benefit the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. 10 a.m. Tickets: $10 per adult, $5 per child, free for members and children under 3. Dress code: weather-appropriate, comfortable shoes. Contact: Nikkie Dvorchak, (239) 403-4200, nikkied@conservancy.org. conservancy.org/earthday
21 First Annual Cornhole Crusade at Florida SouthWestern State College to benefit Lighthouse of Collier. 11 a.m. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Craig Bamberg, Lorie Bassano Monserrat. Contact: Robin Goldstone Garcia, (239) 430-3934, info@lighthouseofcollier.org. lighthouseofcollier.org
21 Scholarship Winners' Recital at First United Methodist Church to benefit Naples Music Club. 3 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Gerhard Samide. Contact: Gerhard Samide, gsamide@att.net. naplesmusicclub.org
21 Stroke Victor Scramble at Quail Village Golf Club to benefit the Stroke Recovery Foundation. Noon. Tickets: $80 for golf and dinner. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Bob Mandell, Nancy Dagher. Contact: Nancy Farris Dagher, (239) 598-2815, membership@quailvillagegolfclub.org. strokerecoveryfoundation.org
21 Sunshine 5K Run at Vineyards Community Park to benefit Friends of Foster Children Forever. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: runners’ attire. Chairs: Jim Derham, Craig Harrington. Contact: Gisela Estrada, (239) 262-1808, gisela@friendsoffosterchildren.net. gcrunner.org
21 A Swing of Grace at Wyndemere Country Club to benefit Grace Place for Children and Families. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $250. Chair: Erik Lutgert. Contact: Barbara Evans, (239) 234-2403, barbara@graceplacenaples.org.
21-22 Sixth Annual Breaking Par at Grandezza Golf Tournament at The Club at Grandezza to benefit Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Saturday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday. Tickets: tournament $175 per person or $700 per team, dinner/auction $65 per person. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jim Shields. Contact: Stephanie Hoffman, (239) 225-2590, shoffman@jaswfl.org. jaswfl.org/grandezza-golf-tournament
25 15th Scholarship Spring Golf Classic at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit Hodges University. 11:30 a.m. registration and luncheon, 1:15 p.m. shotgun start. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/support/golf
27 Annual Golf Tournament at the Vineyards Country Club to benefit the Parkinson Association of Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: $250 per golfer. Dress code: golf. Contact: (239) 417-3465. pasfi.org
27 Southwest Florida Go Red for Women Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit the American Heart Association of Southwest Florida. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: red. Chairs: Amy Sanford, Cathy Canterna, Lauren Canterna. Contact: Katie Southard, (239) 495-4911, katie.southard@heart.org. swflgored.heart.org
28 13th Annual Golf Classic at Vineyards Country Club to benefit Royal Palm Academy. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: golf. Contact: Lynn Girouard, (239) 594-9888, lgirouard@royalpalmacademy.com. royalpalmacademy.com
28 March for Babies at Centennial Park and Sun-N-Fun Lagoon to benefit March of Dimes. 9 a.m. (Fort Myers); 5:30 p.m. (Naples). Chairs: Jackie Chand (Fort Myers); Russell Budd and Krist Pickard (Naples). Contact: Elizabeth Esposito, (239) 271-2563, eesposito@marchofdimes.org (Fort Myers); Megan Flores, (239) 271-2564, maflores@marcofdimes.org (Naples). marchforbabies.org
28 Rising Stars Series—Naples Philharmonic Youth Chorus at the Wang Opera Center to benefit CAPA Cultural and Performing Arts Center. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $40 per general admission, $50 per VIP. Contact: Nikki Clark, (239) 775-2800,
info@capacenter.org. capacenter.org
Also in April:
31st Annual “Fairways for the Future” Golf Tournament to benefit Youth Haven. Contact: Meredith Chase, (239) 687-5155, meredith.chase@youthhavenswfl.org.
Annual Benefit Dinner to benefit Interfaith Charities of South Lee. 6 p.m. Dress code: casual. Chair: Bonnie Olson. Contact: Bonnie Olson, bonnie@icslee.org
Annual Gala to benefit Florida Repertory Theatre. floridarep.org
Annual “Who Dun It” Mystery Event to benefit LARC. 6 p.m. Contact: Angela Katz, (239) 334-6285, ext. 229, angelakatz@larcleecounty.org. larcleecounty.org
Bling & Bags Bingo at The Landings the benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center of SWFL. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $45-50. Dress code: country club-casual. Chairs: Candis Loving, Lisa Rizzio. Contact: Lisa Rizzio, (239) 939-2808, lrizzio@cac-swfl.org.
Blues by the Bay at a private home on Sanibel to benefit The Heights Foundation. 7 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: resort-casual. Contact: Karen Lesza, (239) 482-7706, karen@heightsfoundation.org. heightsfoundation.org/blues
Business Hall of Fame, Lee County, at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Tickets: $250 per person, $2,000 per table. Dress code: nice business. Contact: Jodie Greenhoe, (239) 225-2590, jgreenhoe@jaswfl.org. jaswfl.org/business-hall-of-fame-lee-county
Charity Golf Outing at Stoneybrook Golf Club to benefit LARC. 9 a.m. Chairs: Duffy’s Foundation. Contact: Angela Katz, (239) 334-6285, ext. 229, angelakatz@larcleecounty.org. larcleecounty.org
Designer Purse Bingo to benefit the Regional Cancer Cancer. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $45. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Tommie Schott. Contact: Patti Chlipala, (239) 214-0639, patti.chlipala@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/pursebingo
George DeMarco Memorial Golf to benefit the George DeMarco Foundation. Dress code: golf. Chair: Loretta DeMarco. Contact: Loretta DeMarco, (239) 643-4077.
Leadership Collier Foundation Graduation 2018 to benefit the Leadership Collier Foundation. Contact: Amanda Beights, (239) 403-2903, amanda@napleschamber.org. web.napleschamber.org/events
PFLAG Naples Interfaith Convocation to benefit PFLAG Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Ruth Dorfman, Elissa Goldstein. Contact: Ruth Dorfman and Elissa Goldstein, (239) 963-4670.
The White Party presented by Gulfshore Life magazine. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
YogaCAN at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 9 a.m. Tickets: $45-50 per person, $500-5,000 per sponsorship opportunity. Dress code: casual. Chair: Dr. Joel Waltzer. Contact: Jodi Bisogno, (239) 643-4673, jodi@cancerallianceofnaples.org. cancerallianceofnaples.org
4 Carnival After Dark at Venue Naples to benefit Girls on the Run of Collier County. 6 p.m. Tickets: $80-100. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Jaimee Sidisky, Nicole Roland, Monet Layton, Brittany Bower. Contact: Jaimee Sidisky, (239) 580-8425, jaimeesidisky@gmail.com. gotrcc.org/events
5 12th Annual Stingray Golf Tournament at TwinEagles Golf & Country Club to benefit Seacrest Country Day School. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: golf. Contact: Claudia D’Alessandro, (239) 793-1986, cdalessandro@seacrest.org. seacrest.org/giving/specialevents/stingray-golf-tournament
5 Derby Dash 2018 at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Naples Junior Woman’s Club. 5 p.m. Dress code: garden-cocktail. Chair: Julia Brackett. Contact: Julia Brackett, development@naplesjuniors.com. naplesjuniors.com
5 Kentucky Derby Party at a private home to benefit the Latchkey League. 5 p.m. Tickets: $160. Dress code: Kentucky Derby attire encouraged. Chairs: Sarann and Stan Kraushaar. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
5 March for Babies at Laishley Park, Punta Gorda, to benefit March of Dimes. 9 a.m. Contact: Elizabeth Esposito, (239) 271-2563, eesposito@marchofdimes.org. marchforbabies.org
5 Ninth Annual Golf Tournament at Worthington Country Club to benefit New Horizons of Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: golf. Chair: Barry Dunleavy. Contact: Dort Bear, (239) 948-4146, dort@newhorizonsofswfl.org. newhorizonsofswfl.org/golf-tournament
5-6 Music of MGM at Temple Shalom to benefit the Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7 p.m. May 5 and 3:30 p.m. May 6. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
9 Lifetime Achievement Awards presented by Gulfshore Business magazine at the Hilton Naples. 11 a.m. Dress code: business attire. Tickets: $45. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
11 La Fille Mal Gardee Spring Performance to benefit Gulfshore Ballet. Contact: (239) 590-6191, gulfshoreballet@gmail.com. gsballet.org/events
11 National Public Gardens Day at Lakes Regional Park to benefit the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 533-1333. lakespark.org
12 13th Annual Lovers Key Turtle Trot 5K Run/Walk at Lovers Key State Park to benefit Friends of Lovers Key State Park. 7 a.m. registration and packet pickup, 8 a.m. race start. Tickets: $35 per adult and $25 per youth under 18 through May 8, $40 per person on race day. Dress code: active-casual. Contact: Ranger Station, (239) 463-4588. friendsofloverskey.org
12 NALC Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive at the Collier Harvest Foundation warehouse, 4451 Mercantile Ave., to benefit the Collier Harvest Foundation. 1 p.m. Tickets: free; volunteer activity. Dress code: lightweight, outdoor work clothing. Chair: Connie Preu. Contact: (239) 455-3663. collierharvest.org/volunteer
12 Tosca at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. gulfcoastsymphony.org
17 FCS Foundation Golf Classic Kick-Off and Evening Reception at Heritage Palms Golf & Country Club to benefit the Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: golf-casual. Contact: Terri Gagliardi, (941) 677-7192, tgagliardi@flcancer.com. foundation.flcancer.com
18 FCS Foundation Golf Classic at Heritage Palms Golf & Country Club to benefit the Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: golf. Contact: Terri Gagliardi, (941) 677-7192, tgagliardi@flcancer.com. foundation.flcancer.com
25 State of Our Schools—Partners in Education Breakfast at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre to benefit The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. 7 a.m. Tickets: $40. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Beverly Burke, (239) 337-0433, beverly@leeschoolfoundation.org. leeschoolfoundation.org
Also in May:
Best of the Gulfshore presented by Gulfshore Life magazine. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
Lipman Golf Classic at Naples Heritage Golf & Country Club to benefit the Redlands Christian Migrant Association. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: $225. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jaime Weisinger. Contact: Kathleen Roehm, (863) 781-2874, kathleen.roehm@rcma.org. rcma.net/how-you-can-help/golf-tournament
Pars for Paws Golf Tournament and Auction to benefit Volunteer Services for Animals. Dress code: golf-casual. Chair: Sondra Rice. Contact: Sondra Rice, my7kitties@hotmail.com.
Sixth Annual SUP Poker Run at The Capri Fish House to benefit Special Olympics Florida—Collier County. 9 a.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: swimwear. Chairs: Stephanie Dangler, Becky Newell. Contact: (239) 775-1991. specialolympicsflorida.org/collier/fundraising-events/annual-sup-poker-run-benefiting-special-olympics-florida-collier-county
Sunset Cruise for Mental Health on the Naples Princess to benefit the David Lawrence Center. 6 p.m. Dress code: casual. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505. jenniferde@dlcmhc.com.
Top Doctors presented by Gulfshore Life magazine. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
Fourth Annual Grouper Slam at Port Sanibel Marina to benefit LARC. 6 a.m. Chair: Alex Newman. Contact: Angela Katz, (239) 334-6285, ext. 229, angelakatz@larcleecounty.org. fishgrouperslam.com
Laughter Is the Best Medicine at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit SalusCare. 7 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Todd Cordisco, (239) 791-1575, tcordisco@saluscareflorida.org. saluscarecomedynight.org
Youth Masterpiece Theater at the Dunbar High School auditorium to benefit Quality Life Center of Southwest Florida. Dress code: casual. Contact: Keesha Allen, (239) 334-2797, ext. 105, kallen@qlcswfl.org.
Also in August:
Love That Dress! at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit PACE Center for Girls, Collier at Immokalee. 6 p.m. Tickets: $30 per general admission, $150 per VIP. Dress code: casual. lovethatdress.org
pARTy with a Purpose to benefit Youth Haven. Contact: Meredith Chase, (239) 687-5155, meredith.chase@youthhavenswfl.org.
RumRunners Celebrity Chef Night at RumRunners, Cape Coral, to benefit Barbara’s Friends. 6 p.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Katy Martinez, (239) 214-0639, katy.martinez@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/rumrunners
Jan. | Feb. | March | April | May | June | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. |
See our guide to Southwest Florida nonprofits here.
September 2017
9 Coastal Cleanup at multiple coastal and waterway sites to benefit Keep Collier Beautiful. 9 a.m. Tickets: volunteer. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jim Zimmerman. Contact: Jim Zimmerman, (239) 580-8319, litternot@earthlink.net. keepcollierbeautiful.com9 Reception for Jurg Furrer Retrospective Exhibit at the Museum of the Everglades to benefit Friends of the Museum of the Everglades. 1 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Patricia Huff, (239) 695-2397, info@evergladesmuseum.org. evergladesmuseum.org
15 Par-Tee for Tots Golf Tournament at West Bay Golf Club to benefit Child Care of Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: $125. Chair: Bill Emo. Contact: Bill Emo, (239) 298-8970, bemo@bbnaples.com.
16 23rd Annual Gold Ribbon Classic Golf Tournament at Bonita Bay Club East to benefit Candlelighters of Southwest Florida. 9 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: golf. Chair: Klair M. Snellbaker. Contact: (239) 432-2223. candlelightersswfl.org
16 International Coastal Cleanup at Fort Myers Beach Elementary School to benefit Keep Lee County Beautiful. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: beach. Contact: Mike Thomas, (239) 334-3488, mike@klcb.org. klcb.org/coastal-cleanup.html
22 Inaugural Pickup the Ball Golf Tournament at Bonita National Golf & Country Club to benefit Pickup the Ball. 11 a.m. Tickets: $600 per foursome. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Ron McEwan, Butch Perchan. Contact: Ted Sottong, (239) 229-9870, teds@pickuptheball.org.
23 Docs & Duffers Charity Golf Tournament at Bonita Bay Club Naples to benefit the Foundation of Collier County Medical Society. 8 a.m. Tickets: $175 per golfer, $650 per foursome. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Dr. Rolando Rivera, Dr. Richard Pagliara, Jeremy Darstek. Contact: April Donahue, (239) 435-7727, april@ccmsonline.org. ccmsfoundation.org
24 FAASWFL Hawaiian Night at La Venezia Ballroom, Cape Coral, to benefit the Filipino American Association of SWFL (FAASWFL). 6 p.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: Hawaiian-themed, no shorts. Chairs: Jeanne Isberto, Pearl Cruz. Contact: Pearl Cruz, (239) 771-9911, faaswfl@gmail.com. facebook.com/faaswfl
30 Crystal Ball at the Beacon Executive Suites, Fort Myers, to benefit Visuality. 7 p.m. Tickets: $85. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Susan Christiano. Contact: Susan Christiano, (239) 898-1194, susan.christiano813@gmail.com.
30 Golf Event at Magnolia Golf Club to benefit the Dr. Piper Center for Social Services. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $350 per team. Dress code: country club-casual. Chairs: Steve Nemazie, Martin Hass. Contact: (800) 332-5346. drpipercenter.org
October 2017
1 NCEF Matching Grant Initiative Campaign Begins to benefit the Gargiulo Education Center. Contact: Thomas J. Bamrick, tom@gargiuloed.org. gargiuloed.org2 Celebrity Island Dinner at Traders Restaurant to benefit the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. Contact: Dorrie Hipschman, (239) 395-2233.
5 Becoming Cosmopolitan: Fire & Ice at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Community Cooperative. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Stefanie Ink Edwards, (239) 332-7687, stefanie@communitycooperative.com. communitycooperative.com/events EVENT CANCELED
6 Sandra Schulberg—Nuremberg: It's Lesson for Today Lecture on-site to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. 12:15 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
7 Badges and Buckets at Dunbar High School to benefit Pickup the Ball. 11 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Ted Sottong, Jeff Pierot. Contact: Ted Sottong, (239) 229-9870, teds@pickuptheball.org.
7 The Busey Bank Run for Prevention at Centennial Park to benefit the Lee County Coalition for a Drug-Free Southwest Florida, 6 p.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: athletic. Chairs: Jonathan and Stephanie Engh, Dan and Rachele Mills. Contact: (239) 931-9317. runsignup.com/race/fl/fortmyers/buseybankrunforprevention
7 Fancy Pants Golf Tournament at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 8 a.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: fancy pants! Chair: Sonny (Salvatore) Grech. Contact: Jodi Bisogno, jodi@cancerallianceofnaples.org. cancerallianceofnaples.org
7 Fifth Annual Save a Life Golf Scramble at Wyndemere Country Club to benefit the NCH Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition. 8 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: golf. Contact: Paula DiGrigoli, (239) 624-4033. safehealthychildren.org
7 Fourth Annual Golf Tournament at the Golf Club of the Everglades to benefit Naples Christian Academy. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: $150. Contact: Kayla Walling, (239) 455-1080, walling@ncanaples.com.
7 Making Stars at Lab Theater on-site to benefit The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: dressy, theatrical. Chairs: Geri McArdle, Kate Dirrigl. Contact: Kate Dirrigl, (860) 810-6507, educate@laboratorytheaterflorida.com. laboratorytheaterflorida.com CANCELLED
7 Partners Human Pink Ribbon at Miromar Outlets to benefit Partners for Breast Cancer Care. Tickets: $20 donation for pink umbrella. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Gail Marra, Kris Thompson. Contact: Janet Darnell, (239) 454-8583. pfbcc.org
7 Scavenger Dash at Sugden Theatre to benefit Girls on the Run of Collier County. 10 a.m. Tickets: $180 per team of four. Dress code: athletic wear. Chair: Melissa Alvarado. Contact: Melissa, (239) 450-5501, melissa.alvarado@girlsontherun.org. gotrcc.org/events
10 Dinner with Artists to benefit The Naples Art Association. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
11 Signature Chefs Auction at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit March of Dimes. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Bryon and Kellie McCartney. Contact: Trent Howe, (239) 271-2562, thowe@marchofdimes.org. signaturechefs.org/event/swflorida
12 40-under-40 presented by Gulfshore Business magazine at Miromar Design Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $55. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
12 Sunset Soiree at Shangri-La at Shangri-La Springs to benefit Valerie’s House. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: island-casual. Contact: Angela Melvin, (239) 478-6734, angela@valerieshouseswfl.org. valerieshouseswfl.org
13 Off the Wall Art Auction at Bayfront Inn 5th Ave to benefit ABLE Academy. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Colleen Cornwall, Josh Cornwall, Kim Raiser. Contact: Kim Raiser, (239) 352-7600, kim@theableacademy.org.
13-29 Scarecrows in the Park at Lakes Regional Park to benefit the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 533-1333.
14 10th Annual MS Turkey Shoot Golf Tourney at Collier’s Reserve Country Club to benefit the Heil Luthringer Foundation for MS. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: golf. Chair: Dr. Alan Galbut. Contact: Dr. Alan Galbut, (239) 860-2313, agalbut@aol.com.
14 SFNPT at Naples Beach Brewery to benefit the South Florida National Parks Trust. 6 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Don Finefrock, (305) 665- 4769, dfinefrock@southfloridaparks.org. southfloridaparks.org/event/naples-beach-brewery-2
14 Walk for Wishes® at Florida Gulf Coast University to benefit Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: athletic. Chairs: Tammy Teece, Dorothy Blasingim. Contact: Taylor Marini, (239) 992-9474, ext. 23, tmarini@sflawish.org. walkforwishessfla.net
15 First Concert of the Season at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
17 Family-Friendly Business Awards at the Hilton Naples to benefit Collier Child Care Resources (CCCR). 8 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Tiffany Cawley, (239) 643-3908, tiffanyc@collierchildcare.org. collierchildcare.org
17 Stiletto Sprint at Mercato to benefit Susan G. Komen Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $35. Chair: Garden of Hope and Courage. Contact: Sarah Owen, (239) 498-0016, sowen@komenswfl.org. komenswfl.org
18 ElevateHer SWFL at the Talis Park Vyne House to benefit the Women’s Foundation of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: by invitation. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Women’s Foundation of Southwest Florida Board of Directors. Contact: Brenda Tate, brenda@fundwomenfl.org. fundwomenfl.org
18 Under the Stars—Moondance at Mercato to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100-150. Dress code: cocktail-chic. Contact: Jodi Bisogno, jodi@cancerallianceofnaples.org. cancerallianceofnaples.org
19 2017 PINK PARTY at Physicians Regional Medical Center—Pine Ridge to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 6 p.m. Tickets: donations appreciated. Dress code: pink attire. Chair: Marti Van Veen. Contact: Lynn Ciecierski, (239) 304-4805, lynn.ciecierski@physiciansregional.com.
19 Swing for the Kids Golf Tourney at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Mental Health Association of Southwest Florida. Noon. Tickets: $300. Dress code: golf. Chair: Petra Jones. Contact: (239) 261-5405. mhaswfl.org
19 The Shelter NextGeneration Purple Party Masquerade at Cavo Lounge to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $65. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Lisa Hulme. Vice chair: Mike Gebeau. Contact: Rebecca Thompson, (239) 775-3862, rthompson@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/purpleparty
20 26th Annual Founder’s Cup Golf Tournament at Quail Creek Country Club to benefit Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $500 per golfer. Dress code: golf. Chair: Joe Gammons. Contact: Lindsey Touchette, (239) 590-1016, ltouchet@fgcu.edu. alumni.fgcu.edu/founderscup
20 Arts on Tap on-site to benefit Alliance for the Arts. 6 p.m. Dress code: casual. Contact: Jessica Clark Wisdom, (239) 939-2787, jessica@artinlee.org. artinlee.org
20 “GO GREEN” Golf Fundraiser at Plantation Golf & Country Club to benefit Keep Lee County Beautiful. 11:45 a.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: golf. Chair: Keith Banasiak. Contact: Trish Fancher, (239) 334-3488, trish@klcb.org. klcb.org/go-green-golf-fundraiser.html
20 Toast to Hope at a residence in Cape Coral to benefit Hope Healthcare. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: donation. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Gloria Tate. Contact: Heather Chester, (239) 489-9164. facebook.com/hopehcs
21 12th Annual Walk/Run to Prevent Child Abuse at The Club at Pelican Preserve to benefit the Children’s Network of Southwest Florida. 7:30 a.m. run, 8 a.m. walk. Dress code: casual. Chair: Nadereh Salim. Contact: Michelle Leonard, (239) 226-1524, mleonard@cnswfl.org. childnetswfl.org
21 Brew-Ha-Ha Craft Beer Festival at Mercato to benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Tickets: $40 per general admission, $60 per VIP. Dress code: casual. Chair: Shannon Starr. Contact: Shannon Starr, (239) 437-0202, shannon@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
21 Chip in for DLC Golf Tournament at Wyndemere Country Club to benefit the David Lawrence Center. 11:30 a.m. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Rob Edwards, Robert P. Magrann. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505, jenniferde@dlcmhc.com.
21 First Annual Halloween Party at Design Studio by Raymond to benefit Project HELP. 6 p.m. Tickets: $60. Dress code: business-casual or optional costume contest. Chair: Laura Press. Contact: Nicole Pigford, (239) 649-1404, nicole@projecthelpnaples.org. eventbrite.com/e/project-helps-halloween-party-tickets-35266474976
21 Get into Gardening at ECHO Global Farm to benefit ECHO. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Danielle Flood. Contact: Danielle Flood, (239) 567-3312, dflood@echonet.org.
21 Third Annual Golf Tournament at The Vineyards Country Club to benefit Path2Freedom. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: golf (no cargo shorts or denim). Chair: Skip Davis. Contact: (239) 770-5964. path2freedom.org
21-22 Over the Edge Rappelling Event at the Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village to benefit The Heights Foundation. 4 p.m. Oct. 21, 9 a.m. Oct. 22. Tickets: $1,200 raised per rappeller, free for observers. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jan-Erik Hustrulid, Tracie Bagans. Contact: Karen Lesza (239) 482-7706, karen@heightsfoundation.org. heights-overtheedge.com
22 Backyard Family Bash at Alliance for the Arts to benefit the Rotary Club of Fort Myers. 11 a.m. Tickets: donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Beth Lobdell, Marshall Howard. Contact: (239) 332-8158. rotaryfortmyers.org
23 13th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at TwinEagles Golf & Country Club, The Talon Course, to benefit Gulfshore Playhouse. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: golf club attire. Chair: Bob Harden. Contact: Kelly Colligan, kcolligan@gulfshoreplayhouse.org. gulfshoreplayhouse.org
26 Business Hall of Fame, Collier County, at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Tickets: $250 per person, $2,000 per table. Dress code: nice business. Chair: Stacey Herring. Contact: Jodie Greenhoe, (239) 225-2590, jgreenhoe@jaswfl.org. jaswfl.org/home/business-hall-of-fame-collier-county
27 2017 Civic Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit The Salvation Army. Noon. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business. Contact: Robin Wendell, (239) 210-4006. salvationarmynaples.org
27 Boat Dedication Ceremony on-site to benefit AMIkids Southwest Florida. 11 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: John Ingraham. Contact: (239) 560-6344.
28 Fifth Annual Golf Tournament at Hammock Bay Golf & Country Club to benefit the Marco Island Center for the Arts. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: country club golf dress code. Chair: Bruce Robertson. Contact: Hyla Crane, (239) 394-4221, hyla@marcoislandart.org. marcoislandart.org
28 Fort Myers Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Centennial Park to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association—Florida Gulf Coast Chapter. 8 a.m. registration. Dress code: casual/comfortable. Chair: Rob Roberts. Contact: Ann Lefcakis, (239) 405-7008. act.alz.org/fortmyers
28 Halloween Trick-or-Trolley to benefit the Naples Junior Woman’s Club. 7 p.m. Tickets: Halloween costumes. Chair: Julia Brackett. Contact: Julia Brackett, development@naplesjuniors.com. naplesjuniors.com
29 Symphony Spooktacular at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. 1 p.m. Dress code: costumes encouraged. gulfcoastsymphony.org
30 Annual Mental Health Luncheon at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre to benefit Hope Clubhouse. 11 a.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Christin Collins. Contact: Christin Collins, (239) 267-1777, christin.collins@leehealth.org. hopeclubhouse.org
31 Halloween Spooktacular on 5th on Fifth Avenue South to benefit the 5th Avenue South Business Improvement District. 4:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: festive-casual. Contact: Lisa Sundrla, (239) 692-8436, lise@fifthavenuesouth.com. fifthavenuesouth.com
Also in October:
Celebration of Inclusion Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Special Olympics Florida—Collier County. Noon. Tickets: $1,000 per table of eight. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Sue Palmer. Contact: Sue Palmer, (239) 775-1991, info@specialolympicscollier.org. specialolympicscollier.org
United Way Campaign Kickoff Breakfast to benefit United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades & Okeechobee. Chairs: Beth Hendry, John Clinger. Contact: Louise Hawthorne, (239) 433-7204. unitedwaylee.org
November 2017
1 Celebrating Our Seniors at the Golden Gate Senior Center to benefit Collier Senior Resources. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150-plus suggested donation. Dress code: business, jackets for men. Chairs: Jim Barton, Tom Gleason. Contact: Jim Barton, (239) 430-1920, jnbart@msn.com. collierseniorresources.org1 For Your Eyes Only to benefit Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Amy Lane, (239) 659-3986.
1-15 Fourth Annual Forget-Me-Not Fundraising Auction online to benefit the Care Club of Collier County. Chair: Kenn Voegele. Contact: Kenn Voegele, (239) 353-1995, kenn@colliercareclub.org. biddingforgood.com
2 2017 Artisans Boutique Preview Party at the Naples Woman’s Club Clubhouse to benefit the Naples Woman’s Club. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $40. Dress code: smart-casual. Chairs: Stacy Vermylen, Teresa Stohs. Contact: Stacy Vermylen, (847) 616-1140. gfwcnapleswomansclub.org
2 2017 MDA Toast to Life Gala at the Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. 6 p.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Erin Randall, (239) 437-6900, erandall@mdausa.org. mdagala.com
2 Connect the Dots/Friend-Raiser to benefit the Collier Resource Center. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Collier Resource Center board members. Contact: Nina Gray, (239) 777-5341, 01ninagray@gmail.com.
2 Corks, Forks and Ale at Fort Myers YMCA to benefit the Fort Myers YMCA. 6 p.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Jen Robinson, Mary Salgado. Contact: Joey Belanger (239) 275-9622, joeyb@fortmyersymca.org. swflymca.org/corks
2 Get Involved Collier! Volunteer Expo 2017 to benefit the Leadership Collier Foundation. Contact: Amanda Beights; (239) 403-2903, amanda@napleschamber.org. web.napleschamber.org/events
2 Men & Women of the Year presented by Gulfshore Life magazine at the Naples Grande Beach Resort. 6 p.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: black-tie. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
2 Scene to be Seen: A Runway Art Show at Volvo of Naples to benefit The Naples Art Association. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $25 per student with ID, $75 per general admission, $150 per VIP. Dress code: your best artistic outfit. Chair: Amanda Jaron. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
2 Uncommon Evening at the Burroughs Home & Gardens to benefit the Uncommon Friends Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: semi-formal, cocktail. Chairs: Kerri Goldsmith, Caryn Smith. Contact: Jennifer Nelson, (239) 337-9503, jennifer@uncommonfriends.org. uncommonfriends.org
3 10th Annual Baby Basics Champagne Brunch & Fashion Show to benefit Baby Basics of Collier County. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $95. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Jean Ann Lynch. Contact: Jean Ann Lynch, (617) 510-4468, dandja@hotmail.com. babybasicscollier.org
3 Annual Fall Fundraiser: Tides of Change at Marine Max of Fort Myers to benefit PACE Center for Girls of Lee County. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200 per person, $1,500 per table of eight. Dress code: boating-chic. Chairs: Cheryl Komnick, Noelle Casagrande-Montgomery, Marc Collins. Contact: Allyson Ross, (239) 470-7548, allyson.ross@pacecenter.org. pacecenter.org/locations/lee
3 Annual Gala at the Florida Gulf Coast University Cohen Center to benefit Quality Life Center of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Anna Wallace, (239) 334-2797, ext. 108, awallace@qlcswfl.org.
3 Celebration of Philanthropy at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Community Foundation of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $185 per person, $1,850 per host table, $2,250 per patron table. Dresss code: business-casual. Chairs: Dottie Gerrity, Tom McCann. Contact: Carri Kreisman, (239) 649-5000, ckreisman@cfcollier.org. cfcollier.org
3 New York Times Best-seller Edwin Black Holocaust Lecture on-site to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. Noon. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
3-5 RedSnook Catch & Release Fishing Tournament at Naples Yacht Club to benefit the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: yacht club attire. Chairs: Henley Shotwell, Mokey Shea. Contact: Nikkie Dvorchak, (239) 403-4219, nikkied@conservancy.org. conservancy.org/redsnook
4 14th Annual Fore-the-Kids Golf Tournament at Fiddler’s Creek Golf & Country Club to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 9 a.m. Tickets: $1,000 per golfer. Dress code: golf attire and cocktail attire. Chairs: Mary Osbourn, Lea Smith, Jane Kerr, Ann Lee, Jay Levitt, Greg Faulkner. Contact: Audra DiNanno, (239) 325-1765. bgccc.com
4 Benefit Dinner with Keynote speaker Jennifer O’Neill at the Naples Yacht & Sailing Club to benefit Sunlight Home. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Jean Beauchamp. Contact: Linda Hale, (239) 352-0251. sunlighthome.org
4 Brew for the Birds on-site to benefit the Everglades Wonder Gardens. 3 p.m. Tickets: $30. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Sabra Smith, Kristin Parsons, Zach Smith. Contact: Thomas Hecker, thomas@evergladeswondergardens.com. evergladeswondergardens.com
4 Cooking for the Arts on-site to benefit the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. 6 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: (239) 333-1933. sbdac.com
4 Courage to Dream Big LifeWalk at Jaycee Park to benefit Lifeline Family Center. 7:45 a.m. registration and breakfast, 8:45 a.m. walk. Tickets: participants asked to get sponsors. Dress code: casual. Contact: Kathy Miller, (239) 242-7238, lifeline4moms2b@lifelinefamily.org. lifelinefamilycenter.org
4 The Giver Challenge at Quail West Naples to benefit Charity for Change. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Kathy Feinstein, Sonya Sawyer. Contact: Karen Conley, (239) 592-6787, karenconley@charityforchange.org. charityforchange.org
4 Monofilament Madness at the Mound House, Fort Myers Beach, to benefit Keep Lee County Beautiful. 8 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: boating. Contact: Mike Thomas, (239) 334-3488, mike@klcb.org. klcb.org/monofilament-madness.html
4 Opening Cocktail Reception: The Maestro Returns at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall to benefit Southwest Florida Symphony. 5 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Chairs: Liz Marnul, Pam Simon. Contact: Liz Marnul, (239) 418-0996. swflso.org/symphony-society/societyevents
4 Walk 4 Life and Fun Fest at Golden Gate Community Park to benefit the Pregnancy Resource Center of Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: athletic wear. Chair: Jillian Young. Contact: (239) 217-4838. supportprc.org/walk4life
5 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
5 Bikers for Babies from North Collier Regional Park to Six Bends Harley-Davidson to benefit March of Dimes. 9 a.m. Tickets: $25. Contact: Megan Flores, (239) 271-2564, maflores@marchofdimes.org. bikersforbabies.org/southwestflorida
5 SW Florida Diabetes Conference at the Greater Naples YMCA to benefit Help a Diabetic Child. 10 a.m. Tickets: $10-35. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Dolph and Sharon von Arx. Contact: Tami Balavage, (239) 821-5051, hlpdiabeticchild@aol.com. swfldiabetes.com
5 Taste of the Town at Alliance for the Arts to benefit the Junior League of Fort Myers. 11 a.m. Tickets: $10 per admission, $2-5 per food and drink ticket. Dress code: casual. Chair: Laura Richardson. Contact: Laura Richardson, (239) 277-1197, tasteofthetown@jlfm.org. jlfmtaste.com
6 Fall Dinner Dance at Shadow Wood Country Club to benefit the Shadow Wood Charitable Foundation. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Lillian Young. Contact: Lillian Young, (239) 390-9401, eyoung2980@aol.com.
6 Friends of Hope Tea at a residence in Bonita Bay to benefit Hope Healthcare. 3 p.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: ladies’ tea. Chair: Donna Roberts. Contact: Heather Chester, (239) 489-9164. hopehcs.org
6 Starshine in the 239 Talent Showcase at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre to benefit AMIkids Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Caryn Clark. Contact: (239) 634-5039.
6-7 Battle of the Sexes with Nancy Lopez and Chris DiMarco to benefit Swinging with Purpose. Dress code: golf. Contact: Diana Riley, diana@swingingwithpurpose.org. swingingwithpurpose.org
7-12 Paint the Beach at Santini Marina Plaza to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 5 p.m. Tickets: $10. Dress code: casual. Chair: Michele Buelow. Contact: (239) 689-1221, paintthebeachfmb@gmail.com. paintthebeach.com
8 Hats in the Garden on-site to benefit Naples Botanical Garden. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $650 per person, $1,500 per patron, $15,000 per table host. Dress code: cocktail dress and your most festive millineries. Chair: Eleanor Chabraja. Contact: Cindy Learned, (239) 325-1927. naplesgarden.org/calendar/hats-in-the-garden
9 Brushstrokes from the Soul at FineMark Bank, Fort Myers, to benefit the Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center. 5:30 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Sharon Eldred. Contact: Jan Kerlin, (239) 437-3007. alzheimersswfl.org
9 World Wine Tour at Bell Tower Shops to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $40 in advance, $50 at the gate. Dress code: casual. Chair: Shannon Starr. Contact: Shannon Starr, (239) 437-0202, shannon@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
9-12/10 Bonita Springs Light Festival at artcenterbonita.org to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 7 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Susan Bridges, (239) 495-8989, bridges@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org
10 Fashion Show & Luncheon: The Real Housepets of Naples at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit The Humane Society Naples. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: luncheon-chic. Chairs: Philip Douglas, Doug Olsen. Contact: Annemarie Zoller, (239) 634-1880, events@hsnaples.org. hsnaples.org
10 Retirement Rethink at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit the Financial Planning Association of Southwest Florida. 7 a.m. Tickets: $250 per member, $350 per nonmember. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Tom Patriccia, Pat Logue. Contact: Mollie Page, mollie@printpageusa.com.fpa-swfl.org/november_2017_symposium
10 Shop for Success at Crowne Plaza Fort Myers at Bell Tower Shops to benefit Dress for Success SW Florida. 2 p.m. Tickets: free after 5 p.m., $50 VIP early entrance. Dress code: casual. Contact: Barbara Dell, (239) 689-4992, swflorida@dressforsuccess.org. dfsswflorida.org
10 The Sounds and Tastes of America at the Cape Coral Yacht Club to benefit Southwest Florida Symphony. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $70 per person, $500 per table of eight. Dress code: dressy-casual. Contact: Symphony Society, (239) 418-0996. swflso.org/symphony-society/societyevents
10 Uncorked at Mediterra Beach Club to benefit Youth Haven. 5 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: resort-chic. Chair: Erin Brahms. Contact: Meredith Chase, (239) 687-5155, meredith.chase@youthhavenswfl.org.
11 12th Annual Bootstrap Boogie Barn Dance on-site in the Riding Arena to benefit the Naples Therapeutic Riding Center. 7 p.m. Tickets: $175 and up. Dress code: casual. Contact: Kim Minarich, (239) 596-2988, kminarich@ntrc.org. naplestherapeuticridingcenter.org
11 Annual Luncheon at the Jubilee Center of St. Ann Catholic Church to benefit Providence House. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $60. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Joan Conroy. Co-chairs: MaryLou Steffens, Audrey Messick. Contact: Jean Takacs, (239) 692-8779, info@providencehousenaples.org. providencehousenaples.org/events
11 Arts for ACT Fine Art Auction at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Abuse Counseling and Treatment (ACT. 5 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Stephen Blancett. Contact: Jennifer Benton, jbenton@actabuse.com. artsforactfineartauction.com
11 BaconFest at the Naples Airport to benefit the Kiwanis Club of Pelican Bay. 10 a.m. Tickets: $15. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jessica Macera, Sandra Melanie Black, Kathie Verderber. Contact: (239) 254-9736. baconfestnaples.com
11 Christmas Market at Trinity by the Cove Parish Hall to benefit Women of Trinity. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jeanne Feight, Sally Weir. Contact: Jeanne Feight, (239) 403-3012, bayshoreplaces@aol.com. trinitybythecovechristmasmarket.org
11 A Home for the Holidays at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Gulf Coast Humane Society. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Lee Meyers, Lynda Case, Paul Howell, Jennifer Galloway. Contact: events@gulfcoasthumanesociety.org. gulfcoasthumanesociety.org/a-home-for-the-holidays.html
11 NCH Hospital Ball at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit the NCH Healthcare System Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: black-tie. Contact: Monica Biondo, (239) 624-2019. nchmd.org/hospitalball
11 The Red Gala at the Hilton Naples to benefit Path2Freedom. 6 p.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Aliette Pettay, Loryn Standifer. Contact: Ana Stevenson, (239) 398-9961, ana@path2freedom.org. path2freedom.org
11-12 Ushering in the Holidays on-site in the Figge Conservatory to benefit Artis—Naples. 3:45p.m., 9:45 a.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: business/festive. Contact: Patron Services, (239) 597-1900. artisnaples.org
12 2017 Charity Classic Pro-Am Pairings Party at The Old Collier Golf Club to benefit The Immokalee Foundation. Tickets: Pro-Am fees $5,000 and up. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Kevin Johnson, Sunny Sapiente. Contact: (239) 430-9122, info@immokaleefoundation.org. immokaleefoundation.org
12 Concert in the Park at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
12 Tour for Epilepsy at Coastline Cyclery to benefit Epilepsy Services of Southwest Florida. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: cycling-appropriate clothing. Chair: Tina Sujana. Contact: (239) 288-4819. coastlinecyclery.com
13 2017 Charity Classic Pro-Am at Bay Colony Golf Club to benefit The Immokalee Foundation. 7:30 a.m. breakfast and golf demonstrations; 9 a.m. shotgun start. Tickets: $5,000 and up. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Kevin Johnson, Sunny Sapiente. Contact: (239) 430-9122, info@immokaleefoundation.org. immokaleefoundation.org
13 Music Under the Stars at Vineyards Country Club to benefit Lighthouse of Collier. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Art and Sue Bookbinder. Contact: Robin Goldstone Garcia, (239) 430-3934, info@lighthouseofcollier.org. lighthouseofcollier.org
13-15 Workshop Vladislav Yelisleyev “Achieving the Freedom of Brushstroke" on-site to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 9 a.m. Tickets: $315 per member, $355 per non-member. Dress code: painting clothes. Chair: Kay Cowan. Contact: Kay Cowan, fmbaaworkshops@gmail.com. fortmyersbeachart.com/workshops.php
14 Dinner with Artists to benefit The Naples Art Association. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
14 “Faces of the Future” Great Futures Start Here Breakfast at the Hilton Naples to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 7:30 a.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Alisa Marie Coccari, (239) 325-1757. bgccc.com
14 Second Annual Loverly Tea at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit Gulfshore Playhouse. Noon. Tickets: $200 per regular ticket, $250 per premium ticket. Dress code: festive attire; hat and gloves optional. Chairs: Jane Akin, Ricki Baker. Contact: Kelly Colligan, kcolligan@gulfshoreplayhouse.org. gulfshoreplayhouse.org
15 The Future of Small Business in Collier County at the Naples Daily News Community Room to benefit SCORE Naples. 8 a.m. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Gray Poehler, Cheryl McDonnell, Ken Antonelli. Contact: Cheryl McDonnell, (239) 430-0081, cheryl.mcdonnell@scorevolunteer.org. scorenaples.org
15 Santa PAWS—The Puppy Project at the Hilton Naples to benefit PAWS Assistance Dogs. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125 per person, $3,00 per patron table. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Kathy Gumph, (239) 775-1660, kathy@pawsassistancedogs.org. pawsassistancedogs.org
16 Casino Night at The Club at Olde Cypress to benefit Literacy Volunteers of Collier County. 7 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: casual. Chair: Janet Saltarelli. Contact: Christopher Nind, (239) 262-4448. collierliteracy.org/events
16 ForEverglades Naples at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit The Everglades Foundation. 5:15 p.m. Tickets: $500 and up. Dress code: forever fun, never formal. Chairs: Ellin Goetz, Fred Genung. Honorary chairs: U.S. Rep. Francis and Kathleen Rooney. Contact: Caroline Ridgway, (239) 206-1685, cridgway@evergladesfoundation.org. evergladesfoundation.org
16 Sip & Sample at The Village Shops on Venetian Bay to benefit Friends of Foster Children Forever. 5 p.m. Tickets: $40. Dress code: casual. Chair: Rosemary Hammar. Contact: Gisela Estrada, (239) 262-1808, gisela@friendsoffosterchildren.net. friendsoffosterchildren.net
17-19 Hogs and Air Dogs at Six Bends Harley-Davidson to benefit Gulf Coast Humane Society. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jen Gayten, Doug Dailey, Sharon Torregrossa, Paul Howell. Contact: events@gulfcoasthumanesociety.org. gulfcoasthumanesociety.org/hogs--air-dogs.html
18 19th Annual Patrick Solis Charity Golf Classic at The Club at Olde Cypress to benefit Special Olympics Florida—Collier County. 9 a.m. shotgun, lunch to follow. Tickets: $400 per foursome by Oct. 20, 2017; $500 per foursome after that. Dress code: golf attire; collared shirt, no denim. Chair: Sue Palmer. Contact: Sue Palmer, (239) 775-1991, info@specialolympicscollier.org. specialolympicscollier.org
18 Christmas Open House on-site to benefit St. John’s Shoppe, Ministry of St. John’s Episcopal Church. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair, Sharon Marceau. Contact: Sharon Marceau, (239) 597-9518, stjohnsthriftshoppe@gmail.com. stjohnsshoppe.com
18 Elephant Fest at the Naples Zoo to benefit the Alzheimer’s Support Network. 9 a.m. Tickets: $25 suggested donation. Dress code: casual. Chair: Liz Neri. Contact: Liz Neri, (239) 262-8388, liz@alzsupport.org. alzsupport.org
18 Heroes for Homeless 5K Run/Walk in downtown Ave Maria to benefit St. Matthew’s House. 8 a.m. Tickets: $20 to register. Dress code: athletic apparel. stmatthewshouse.org
18 Keys of Life at Moorings Presbyterian Church to benefit One by One Leadership Foundation. Afternoon and evening shows. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Keith and Lisa Banks. Contact: (239) 841-4044, icoarts.florida@gmail.com.
18 Music Carnival—Members Recital at First United Methodist Church to benefit Naples Music Club. 4 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Sonya Light. Contact: Sonya Light, slight@his.com. naplesmusicclub.org
18 Naples Walk to End Alzheimer’s at North Collier Regional Park to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association—Florida Gulf Coast Chapter. 8 a.m. registration. Dress code: casual/comfortable. Contact: Ann Lefcakis, (239) 405-7008. act.alz.org/naples
18 Sunshine Kids Rise and Shine Gala at La Playa Beach & Golf Resort to benefit the Sunshine Kids Foundation. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $140. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Joanne Callahan, Dena Wilcoxson. Contact: Brenda Fioretti, (239) 595-6219, brendafioretti@bhhsfloridarealty.com. supportsunshinekids.com
18-19 Edison Garden Festival on-site to benefit the Edison & Ford Winter Estates. 9 a.m. Tickets: free admission; does not include tours. Dress code: casual. Chair: Debbie Hughes. Contact: Debbie Hughes, (239) 334-7419, dhughes@edisonfordwinterestates.org. edisonfordwinterestates.org/events/annual-events
18-19 Old Florida Festival at the Collier Museum at the Government Center to benefit Friends of the Collier County Museum. 10 a.m. Contact: (239) 252-8476. colliermuseums.com
19 15th Annual Sing-Along Messiah at Naples United Church of Christ to benefit Voices of Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 455-2582. voicesofnaples.org
19 FAASWFL Thanksgiving Picnic at Veteran’s Park, Cape Coral, to benefit the Filipino American Association of SWFL (FAASWFL). Noon. Tickets: free. Dress code: summer-casual. Chairs: Jeanne Isberto, Pearl Cruz. Contact: Pearl Cruz, (239) 771-9911, faaswfl@gmail.com. facebook.com/faaswfl
19 PFLAG Naples Gay-La at Vineyards Country Club to benefit PFLAG Naples. Noon. Tickets: $30. Dress code: casual. Chair: Elissa Goldstein. Contact: David Goldstein, (239) 455-2004, goldsteindb@aol.com.
22 2017 Farm City BBQ to benefit the Leadership Collier Foundation. Contact: Amanda Beights, (239) 403-2903, amanda@napleschamber.org. web.napleschamber.org/events
23 Annual Benefit Featuring Darlene Love on-site at Schein Hall to benefit BIG ARTS Sanibel Island. 8 p.m. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: (239) 472-9700. bigarts.org
24-12/31 Holiday Nights on-site to benefit the Edison & Ford Winter Estates. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual. Chair: Lisa Sbuttoni. Contact: Leeanne Criswell, (239) 334-7419, lcriswell@edisonfordwinterestates.org. edisonfordwinterestates.org/events/annual-events
25 Holiday Sale at the United Church of Marco, Dissiler Hall, to benefit the Marco Island Shell Club. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Becky Miller. Contact: (239) 394-7399. marcoshellclub.com
25 Rose Ball at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Mother Frances de Sales Auxiliary to the Homeless. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Allyson Richards, Mari Rodriguez. Contact: Allyson Richards, (770) 366-0653. motherfrancesdesales.com
25 Starlight Auction at the Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa to benefit the Animal Refuge Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Betty Hughes. Contact: Betty Hughes, (239) 841-0810. animalrefugecenter.com
26 Fit & Fuel Iron Joe Turkey Ride at Fit & Fuel Bicycle Café to benefit the Naples Pathways Coalition. 7 a.m. Tickets: $40-60. Dress code: athletic wear. Chair: Craig Manchen. Contact: Beth Brainard, (239) 777-7718, bethbrainard@naplespathways.org.
28 Festival of Trees Preview Party at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Susan Hegarty. Contact: Susan Hegarty, (239) 271-5200, susanhegarty@goodwillswfl.org. goodwilltrees.com
29-12/3 Festival of Trees at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida. 11 a.m. Tickets: $2. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Susan Hegarty, Carolyn Johnson. Contact: Carolyn Johnson, (239) 822-0916, carolynjohnson@goodwillswfl.org. goodwilltrees.com
30 “A Fashion & Friendship Celebration!” Beauty Bash, Fashion Show and Luncheon presented by Royal Palm Academy and Lilly Pulitzer, Waterside Shops, present at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Royal Palm Academy. Tickets: $125. Chairs: Jessica Santella, Gisselle Calleja. Contact: Lynn Girouard, (239) 594-9888, lgirouard@royalpalmacademy.com. royalpalmacademy.com
Also in November:
Annual Solicitation Appeal Letter to benefit the Fresh Start Fund for Abused Women and Children. freshstartfund.org
Insights into Business, Designed for Women by Women to benefit SCORE Naples. 8:30 a.m. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Margaret Holt, Angela Buckner. Contact: Angela Buckner, (239) 300-3782,angela.buckner@scorevolunteer.org. scorenaples.org
December 2017
1 Christmas Gala at Historic Palm Cottage to benefit the Naples Historical Society. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $350, $550, $5,000 and $7,000. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Denny Glass, Elaine Reed. Contact: Geraldine Pessolano, (239) 261-8164, gpessolano@napleshistoricalsociety.org. napleshistoricalsociety.org/christmas-gala.html1 Naples Golisano Gala at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: garden-cocktail. Chairs: Jennifer Parisi, Rob Wilson. Contact: Nicki McTeague, (239) 214-0639, nicole.mcteague@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/golisanogala
1 Night at the Nest on-site at Alico Arena to benefit Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200 per person, $2,000 per table. Dress code: resort-casual. Contact: Matt Ring, (239) 590-7107, mring@fgcu.edu. fgcuathletics.com/nan
1 Power of the Purse at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit the Women’s Foundation of Collier County. 11 a.m. Tickets: $275 per person, $500 per patron, $2,750 per host table, $6,000 per patron table. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Ann Westerfield, Allyson Richards, Lynne Shotwell. Contact: Carri Kreisman, (239) 649-5000, ckreisman@cfcollier.org. wfcollier.org
2 Emergency Relief Food Packing Party to benefit Hope for Haiti. 8:45 a.m. Tickets: $20 suggested donation. Dress code: holiday pajamas. Chair: Niki Whelan. Contact: Stephanie Jepsen, (239) 434-7183, stephanie@hopeforhaiti.com.
2 Food, Wine & Beer Festival at Bayfront to benefit The Rotary Club of Naples. Dress coe: casual. Chair: Mia Delk. Contact: Mia Delk, (239) 272-5186, miadelk@me.com. napleswine.org
2 Jazz & Blues Series—The Dan Heck Blues and Truth Sextet at the Wang Opera Center to benefit the CAPA Cultural and Performing Arts Center. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $40 per general admission, $50 per VIP. Contact: Nikki Clark, (239) 775-2800, info@CAPAcenter.org. capacenter.org
2 Nutcracker at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall to benefit Gulfshore Ballet. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Contact: (239) 590-6191, gulfshoreballet@gmail.com. gsballet.org/events
2 One Walk at The Village Shops on Venetian Bay to benefit JDRF. 8 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Pamela Schmidt-Alagel, (239) 591-2825, palagel@jdrf.org. walk.jdrf.org
3 Concert in the Park at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
4 The First Tee Invitational at Calusa Pines at Calusa Pines Golf Club to benefit The First Tee of Naples/Collier. 11 a.m. Tickets: trustee event; $750 per person. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: Terri Fisher. Contact: Cindy Darland, (239) 825-4851, darlandnfl@aol.com. thefirstteenaplescollier.org
5 60th Anniversary Celebration at Hamilton Harbor Yacht Club to benefit the Mental Health Association of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Brian Follweiler. Contact: (239) 261-5405. mhaswfl.org
5 Home for the Holidays at Emmanuel Lutheran Church to benefit Voices of Naples. 7 p.m. Tickets: Goodwill offering. Dress code: casual. voicesofnaples.org
7 2017 Diamond Ball at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Immokalee Child Care Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Carolyn Malinowski, (239) 261-1774, naplesiccc@aol.com. immokaleechildcarecenter.org
7 44th Annual Christmas Walk & Tree Lighting Ceremony on Fifth Avenue South to benefit the 5th Avenue South Business Improvement District. 5 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Lisa Sundrla, (239) 692-8436, lise@fifthavenuesouth.com. fifthavenuesouth.com
7 Second Annual Veterans Memorial Celebration on-site to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. 4 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
8 Ignite the Spark Within at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit NAMI Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Caroline Ridgway, Gina Thomas. Contact: (239) 260-7300. namicollier.org
8 Ronald McDonald House Charities Grampy’s Pro-Am at Fiddlesticks Country Club to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. Chairs: Shannon Starr, Jim Castle. Contact: Shannon Starr, (239) 437-0202, shannon@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
9 23rd Annual Golf Tournament at Treviso Bay to benefit The Greater Marco Family YMCA. 8 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: casual golf. Chair: Jean Shaw. Contact: Jean Shaw, (239) 248-4366, ejeanshaw@comcast.net. marcoymca.org/event/golf-tournament
9 The Haute Holiday Tea at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Dress for Success SW Florida. 11 a.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: proper tea attire; gloves and hats welcome. Chair: Terri Sobeck. Contact: Barbara Dell (239) 689-4992, swflorida@dressfor success.org. dfsswflorida.org
9 Holiday Tea at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida. 2 p.m. Tickets: $125 per adult, $75 per child. Dress code: holiday. Chair: Dylan Sanders. Contact: Lesley Colantonio, (239) 992-9474, ext. 22, lcolantonio@sflawish.org.
9 Third Annual Zonta Sparkle Fundraiser at Cypress Woods Golf & Country Club to benefit the Zonta Foundation of Naples. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: holiday-festive. Chair: Jean Sloan. Contact: (239) 263-0085.
10 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
10 Candle Lighting at St. Johns the Evangelist Catholic Church to benefit The Compassionate Friends of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Janet Congero. Contact: Linda Wallace, (612) 812-0186, info@tcfswfl.org. tcfswfl.org
10 Holiday Party at Bonita Bay Club to benefit Naples Music Club. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $65. Dress code: festive holiday attire. Chair: Sue Townsend. Contact: Sue Townsend, sctowns@aol.com. naplesmusicclub.org
10 Santa on the Sand at Lovers Key State Park presented by Friends of Lovers Key State Park and the Rotary Club of Bonita Springs to benefit Friends of Lovers Key. 1 p.m. Tickets: pre-registration required; free event for children under 8 with one unwrapped toy donation; park entry fees do apply. Dress code: casual. Chair: Judy Greenwood. Contact: (708) 359-0466, fjgreenwood@gmail.com. friendsofloverskey.org
14 Dinner with Artists to benefit The Naples Art Association. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
15 The Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit The Holocaust Museum & Education Center of Southwest Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $150 per person, sponsorships available. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Tim Morrison, (239) 263-9200, tim@holocaustmuseumswfl.org. holocaustmuseumswfl.org
15 TUBA Christmas in Sugden Plaza on Fifth Avenue South to benefit the 5th Avenue South Business Improvement District. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: festive-casual. Contact: Lisa Sundrla, (239) 692-8436, lise@fifthavenuesouth.com. fifthavenuesouth.com
16 Holidays Without Hunger—Naples at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Meals of Hope. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Katie Schweikhardt, (239) 777-9113, katie@mealsofhope.org. holidayswithouthunger.org
16 Reindeer Run 5K at Community School of Naples to benefit Girls on the Run of Collier County. 8 a.m. Tickets: $10-25. Dress code: running attire. Chair: Chelsea Garlock. Contact: Chelsea Garlock, (203) 537-5880, chelsea.garlock@girlsontherun.org. gotrcc.org/events
17 FAASWFL Christmas Ball at La Venezia Ballroom, Cape Coral, to benefit the Filipino American Association of SWFL (FAASWFL). 6 p.m. Tickets: $45. Dress code: formal. Chairs: Jeanne Isberto, Pearl Cruz. Contact: Pearl Cruz, (239) 771-9911, faaswfl@gmail.com. facebook.com/faaswfl
17 Major Gifts/Keepers of the Gate 18th Annual Recognition Event at Quail West Golf and Country Club to benefit Hadassah—Collier/Lee Chapter. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $1,000 minimum donation, $45 couvert. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: Nancy Wiadro. Contact: Nancy Wiadro, (239) 269-3666, nwiadro@hadassah.org.
23 Holidays Without Hunger—Lee at Lee Civic Center to benefit Meals of Hope. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Katie Schweikhardt, (239) 777-9113, katie@mealsofhope.org. holidayswithouthunger.org
January 2018
2 Annual Campaign Begins to benefit the Gargiulo Education Center. gargiuloed.org3-24 Cast of Caricatures on-site to benefit The Marco Players. Tickets: $150 or $250. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Karen Swanker, Beverly Dahlstrom. Contact: Beverly Dahlstrom, (239) 642-7270. themarcoplayers.com/help-us-grow-fundraisers5 Open House on-site to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Julie Nusbaum. Contact: Julie Nusbaum, (239) 463-3909. fortmyersbeachart.com
8 CAPA Gala—Hitting the Right Note at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit CAPA Cultural and Performing Arts Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $295. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Susan Gibbons. Contact: Nikki Clark, (239) 775-2800, info@capacenter.org. capacenter.org
9 Visionaries of the Visual Arts Awards at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit the Harmon-Meek Gallery Fund at Southwest Florida Community Foundation. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $175 per person, $1,500 per patron table. Dress code: cocktail, coat and tie. Chairs: Juliana Meek, Kristine Meek. Contact: Juliana Meek, (239) 262-2699, juliana@harmonmeek.com. harmonmeekgallery.com/visionaries.html
11 Healthcare Networker of the Year honoring Jerry Nichols at the Hilton Naples to benefit Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: Sarah Hawes, (239) 658-3116, shawes@healthcareswfl.org, or Andrea Diehl, (239) 658-3109, adiehl@healthcareswfl.org.
11, 25 Elliot Katz Lecture Series on-site in the Stock Building/John White Community Room to benefit Hodges University. 10 a.m. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/lifelonglearning. Continues Feb. 8 and 22, March 8 and 22.
12 ARTREACH Exhibition at the Naples Art Association to benefit Human Trafficking Awareness Partnerships. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business. Chair: Nola Theiss. Contact: Nola Theiss, (239) 415-2635, info@humantraffickingawareness.org. humantraffickingawareness.org
12 Helping Kids with Cancer Radiothon at Mel’s Diner, Fort Myers, to benefit Barbara’s Friends. 6 a.m. Tickets: entrance free; appreciation breakfast reciprocated to those who donate $5 or more. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Mel’s Diner, IHeart Media. Contact: Sue Robbins, (239) 214-0639, susan.robbins@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/radiothon
12 March for Life, Naples, with special guest Alveda King on-site to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. 11 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
13 12th Annual Wishmaker’s Ball at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $350. Contact: Lesley Colantonio, (239) 992-9474, ext. 22, lcolantonio@sflawish.org. wishmakersball.net
13 An Evening for Better Tomorrows at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit JFCS of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $375. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: Dr. Jaclynn Faffer, (239) 325-4444, jfaffer@jfcsswfl.org, or Laura Bidireanu, (239) 325-4444, lbidireanu@jfscswfl.org. jfcsswfl.org
13 Annual Charitable Event at St. John the Evangelist Church, Naples, to benefit Action for Life. Chair: Naples Pro Life Council. Contact: Jocelyn, (239) 262-5433. actionforlife.net
13 Puttin’ on the Ritz 50th Anniversary Celebration Gala at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit the David Lawrence Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $550 per person, $1,500 per patron including invitation to Golden Soiree. Dress code: cocktail, white dinner jacket optional. Chairs: Jill and Father Michael Basden. Honorary chairs: Joyce and Bill O’Meara. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505, jenniferde@dlcmhc.com. davidlawrencecenter.org/events/puttin-ritz-50th-anniversary-gala
13 Robbie’s Run at The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club, Sanibel, to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. 4 p.m. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Shannon Starr, Jim Castle. Contact: Shannon Starr, (239) 437-0202, shannon@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
13-14 Bonita Springs National Art Festivals at Riverside Park to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 10 a.m. Tickets: free; optional donation. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Ehren Gerhard, Susan Bridges. Contact: Ehren Gerhard, (239) 495-8989, artfest@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org. Continues Feb. 10-11 and March 3-4.
14 Concert in the Park at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: Free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
15 Nick Linn Lecture Series at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit Friends of the Library of Collier County. Noon. Tickets: $250-500 for the series. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Nick Linn. Contact: Marlene Kern, (239) 262-8135, mkern@collier-friends.org. collier-friends.org. Continues Feb. 5, March 12 and March 26.
15-18 Kathleen Conover "Chaos to Order" Mixed Media on-site to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 9 a.m. Tickets: $415 per member, $455 per non-member. Dress code: painting clothes. Chair: Michele Buelow. Contact: Michele Buelow, fmbaaworkshops@gmail.com. fortmyersbeachart.com/workshops.php
16 Annual Gala at Vineyards Country Club to benefit the Latchkey League. 6 p.m. Tickets: $275. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Richard and Lynette Merillat. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
17 Third Annual Paragon Awards at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Alisa Marie Coccari, (239) 325-1757. bgccc.com
17 Welcome Aboard at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Guadalupe Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Amy Moglia Heuerman. Contact: Tracy Connelly, (239) 657-7120, tconnelly@guadalupecenter.org. guadalupecenter.org
18 Cypress Celebration on-site to benefit Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: by invitation. Dress code: evening-casual, comfortable footwear. Contact: Tabitha Stadler, (239) 348-9151, ext. 114, tstadler@audubon.org. corkscrew.audubon.org
19 Off the Walls at the Center for Performing Arts Bonita Springs to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Susan Bridges, (239) 495-8989, bridges@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org
19 Soiree of the Season at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Youth Haven. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Jessica Santella. Contact: Meredith Chase, (239) 687-5155, meredith.chase@youthhavenswfl.org. youthhavenswfl.org/events/soiree-of-the-season
19 Wild About Fashion fashion show at Windstar on Naples Bay to benefit Literacy Volunteers of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Jackie Mears. Contact: Christopher Nind, (239) 262-4448. collierliteracy.org/events
20 20th Annual Wildlife & Wildlands Art Show at Delnor-Wiggins Park, Area 3, to benefit Friends of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park. 9 a.m. Tickets: free with park admission. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Valerie Thompson, Kathy Foster. Contact: Lori Heath Thorn, (239) 593-2658, lori.heaththorn@dep.state.fl.us. delnorwiggins.org
20 21st Annual Chocolate Extravaganza at the Hodges University White Room to benefit Project HELP. 6 p.m. Tickets: $95. Dress code: business-casual or optional rocking-through-the-decades-themed costume contest. Chair: Laura Press. Contact: Nicole Pigford, nicole@projecthelpnaples.org. eventbrite.com/e/21st-annual-chocolate-extravaganza-tickets-35266413793
20 Ninth Annual Baby Basics Walking/5K Challenge at North Collier Regional Park to benefit Baby Basics of Collier County. 9 a.m. Tickets: $25 for one walker and a child and $10 for additional children. Dress code: casual. Chair: Dick Lynch. Contact: Dick Lynch, (617) 510-4468, dandja@hotmail.com. babybasicscollier.org
20 TD Bank Bike Brunch & Family Festival at Cambier Park to benefit the Naples Pathways Coalition. 6:30 a.m. Tickets: $40-60. Dress code: athletic wear. Chair: Craig Manchen. Contact: Beth Brainard, (239) 777-7718, bethbrainard@naplespathways.org.
20 WINK News Feeds Families Hunger Walk at Miromar Outlets to benefit Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida. 8:30 a.m. registration, 9:30 a.m. walk. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Kayla Richmond. Contact: Marta Hodson, (239) 344-7007, ext. 132, martahodson@harrychapinfoodbank.org. winkhungerwalk.com
20-21 Art Fest Naples at Fleischmann Park to benefit Additional Needs. 10 a.m. Tickets: $5 donation. Dress code: casual-festival. Chair: Taire Malloy. Contact: (239) 634-2337. artfestnaples.com
21 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
21 JHSSWF Celebrates Jewish History with Murray Hendel at the Hilton Naples to benefit the Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $85. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Peter Klein. Contact: Marina Berkovich, (239) 566-1771, jhsswf@gmail.com. jhsswf.org
21 A Tribute to Ella at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. gulfcoastsymphony.org
22 Nonfiction Lecture Series at the Country Club of Naples to benefit Friends of the Library of Collier County. 9:30 am. Tickets: $45-55 per lecture, $125-155 for the series. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Louise Franck, Bob Levine. Contact: Marlene Kern, (239) 262-8135, mkern@collier-friends.org. collier-friends.org. Continues Feb. 22 and March 19.
23 Friends for Friendship, this year honoring Dr. Edward F. Banaszak, at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit the Senior Friendship Health Center. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: cocktail-casual. Chair: Cherry Smith. Contact: M J Scarpelli, (239) 658-3105, mjscarpelli@srfhc.org
24 Open House on-site to benefit Bishop Verot Catholic High School. 6:30 p.m. Contact: Jill Rhone, (239) 274-6760, jill.rhone@bvhs.org. bvhs.org
25 Saint Ann Latino Contemporary Art Auction at The Baker Museum to benefit Saint Ann School. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Casandra Ruanova-Cordero. Contact: Casandra Ruanova-Cordero, (239) 262-4100, chair@salcaa.org. salcaa.org
25-28 Bonita Springs International Film Festival at the Center for Performing Arts Bonita Springs to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $75 premiere. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Susan Bridges, (239) 495-8989, bridges@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org
26 Celtic Ball at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit St. John Neumann Catholic High School. Tickets: $200. Chair: Maria Gal. Contact: (239) 919-0764.
26-28 Naples Winter Wine Festival at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Naples Children & Education Foundation. 11 a.m. Jan. 27. Tickets: $10,000 and up per couple. Dress code: varies by event. Chairs: Becky and Lewie Card, Susie and David McCurry, Kathy and Dan Mezzalingua. Contact: Barrett Farmer, (239) 325-2970, barrett@napleswinefestival.com. napleswinefestival.com
26-28 Scholar in Residence on-site to benefit Temple Shalom. Contact: Jeanette Fischer, (239) 455-3030, jfischer@naplestemple.org. naplestemple.org
27 Annual Celebration at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit Hope for Haiti. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: cocktail, carnival theme. Contact: Stephanie Jepsen, (239) 434-7183, stephanie@hopeforhaiti.com.
27 Empty Bowls at Cambier Park to benefit Empty Bowls Naples. 11 a.m. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual. Chair: Betsy Dawson. Contact: (239) 591-8848. emptybowlsnaples.com
27 New Play Contest Fundraiser on-site to benefit Alliance for the Arts. 7 p.m. Contact: Bill Taylor, (239) 939-2787, theatre@artinlee.org.
27 Run for the Paws 5K Fun Run at Naples Municipal Airport to benefit The Humane Society Naples. 8 a.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: casual run/walk gear. Chair: Alison Duffey. Contact: Annemarie Zoller, (239) 643-1880, events@hsnaples.org. hsnaples.org
27 Screening at Chalk Art on 5th to benefit the Naples Lions Club Foundation. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Dr. Howard Freedman, Dr. Renate Chevli. Contact: Dr. Howard Freedman, (239) 352-7950. napleslionsclub.com
27 Symphonic Chorale SOIREE at The Landings Yacht Club to benefit the Symphonic Chorale of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $85. Dress code: dressy. Chair: Soy Williams. Contact: Soy Williams, (239) 560-5695, symphonicchorale@yahoo.com. symphonicchorale.org
27 Verot Viking 5K on-site to benefit Bishop Verot Catholic High School. 8 a.m. Tickets: $25. Contact: Gina Lombardo, (239) 274-730, gina.lombardo@bvhs.org. bvhs.org
30 Love Your Neighbor at a private riverfront home in Gulf Harbour to benefit The Heights Foundation. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: resort-casual. Contact: Karen Lesza, (239) 482-7706, karen@heightsfoundation.org. heightsfoundation.org/lyn
31 The Art of Giving at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The Archangel Fund for Collier County Charities. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: business. Chairs: Laurie Blatt, Cheryl Bradshaw, Patsy Zalokar. Contact: Patsy Zalokar, (239) 262-0353, cpatzgo@aol.com. artofgivingnaples.org
31 Night of Champions at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Champions For Learning. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: business-formal. Chairs: Barbara Melvin, William Beynon. Contact: Heather Noel, (239) 643-4755, hnoel@championsforlearning.org. championsforlearning.org
Also in January:
2018 NWC Kitchen Tour at the Naples Woman’s Club Clubhouse to benefit the Naples Woman’s Club. Tickets: $140. Dress code: resort-casual. Chair: Lee Kraus. Contact: Lee Kraus, (239) 262-6331. gfwcnapleswomansclub.org
Best New Restaurants presented by Gulfshore Life magazine. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
Chris & Brianne Sale FGCU Shoe Drive at the FGCU basketball arena to benefit Laces of Love. Tickets: admission price plus one pair of new sneakers for a needy child. Dress code: casual. Honorary chairs: Chris and Brianne Sale. Contact: Jeanne Nealon, (239) 591-1172.
House Party Silent Auction to benefit the Gargiulo Education Center. gargiuloed.org
Water Works Luncheon on-site to benefit the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $200 per individual, $400 per patron package (two premium seats); ambassador tables available. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Nikkie Dvorchak, (239) 403-4200, nikkied@conservancy.org. conservancy.org/water-works
Please note: The 2018 Cattle Baron’s Ball has been moved to October 2018. Contact Stacey Mueller at stacey.mueller@cancer.org for more information.
February 2018
1 Feathers & Friends Gala at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit the Audubon of the Western Everglades. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: business. Chair: Andrew Sillin. Contact: Lori Beall, (239) 643-7822, audubonwe@live.com.3 2018 House & Garden Tour at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Naples Garden Club. Tickets: $175 per person, $275 per patron. Chair: Ann Howat. Contact: Ann Howat, annhowat@yahoo.com. naplesgardenclub.org
3 Annual Gala at Gateway Golf & Country Club to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Contact: (239) 277-1700. gulfcoastsymphony.org
3 Golf Ball at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit Susan G. Komen Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Tickets: $500. Chair: Christopher Obetz. Contact: Sarah Owen, (239) 498-0016, sowen@komenswfl.org. komenswfl.org
3 Gourmet Vintner Dinner at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Neighborhood Health Clinic. 6 p.m. Tickets: $375. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Susan Jones. Contact: Marcie Burland, (239) 316-7416, mburland@neighborhoodhealthclinic.org. neighborhoodhealthclinic.org/block-party
3 Power of Community Celebration at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Jewish Federation of Collier County. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Rosalee Bogo, Karen Deutsch, Stephanie Heuer, Joan Saperstein, Phyllis Seaman, Phyllis Strome. Contact: Julie Hartline, (239) 263-4205, jhartline@jewishnaples.org. jewishnaples.org
3 Under the Sea to benefit the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. Contact: Dorrie Hipschman, (239) 395-2233.
3 Venetian Charity Ball at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice. 6 p.m. Tickets: $225. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Charles Anderson. Contact: Charles Anderson, (239) 337-4193, venetianball@ccslee.org. catholiccharitiesdov.org
3-4 ArtFest Fort Myers on Edwards Drive, downtown Fort Myers, to benefit ArtFest Fort Myers. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: outdoor-casual. Contact: Sharon McAllister, (239) 768-3602, info@artfestfortmyers.com. artfestfortmyers.com
3-4 Mendelssohn Violin Concerto at Temple Shalom to benefit Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7:30 p.m. Feb. 3 and 3:30 p.m. Feb 4. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
4 Jazz on the Gulf at a private home to benefit the Latchkey League. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: smart-casual. Chair: Chrissie Paddock. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
5 Strides for Education 5K Run/Walk at Florida SouthWestern State College to benefit The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. 7 a.m. Tickets: $30. Contact: Alicia Miller, (239) 337-0433, alicia@leeschoolfoundation.org.
6 Let Us Entertain You at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit The Naples Players. 6 p.m. Tickets: $350-500. Dress code: theater character or black-tie. Chair: Delores Sorey. Contact: Delores Sorey, (239) 263-2673, soreysan@aol.com. naplesplayers.org
7 Student Scholarhsip Fundraiser—Paint Around on-site to benefit the Fort Myers Beach Art Association and Gallery. 5 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Pam Flaherty. Contact: Pam Flaherty, fmbaapublicity@gmail.com. fortmyersbeachart.com
8, 22 Elliot Katz Lecture Series on-site in the Stock Building/John White Community Room to benefit Hodges University. 10 a.m. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/lifelonglearning. Continues March 8 and 22.
9 Evening of Vision Gala on-site to benefit Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250 per person, $2,500 per patron level. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Dr. Joseph and Jean Beauchamp. Contact: Amy Lane, (239) 659-3986. bascompalmer.org
9 Help Fun Time Kids Bloom! at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit Fun Time Early Childhood Academy. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: casual, plant/garden party theme. Chair: Robin Larkin. Co-chair: Jackie Fritsch. Contact: (239) 261-8284, moreinfo@funtimeacademy.org. funtimeacademy.org/events
9 Pet Lovers Gala: Krewe de Paws: Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit The Humane Society Naples. 7 p.m. Tickets: $400. Dress code: black-tie, masks optional. Honorary chairs: Sharon and Dolph von Arx. Contact: Annemarie Zoller, (239) 643-1880, events@hsnaples.org. hsnaples.org
9 Zoobilee on-site to benefit the Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens. 7 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: Florida-casual. Chairs: Carlo Zampogna, Lee Pinto. Contact: (239) 262-5409, ext 145. napleszoo.org/zoobilee
9-11 Everglades Seafood Festival in Everglades City to benefit the Betterment Association of the Everglades Area. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Carol Foss. Contact: Carol Foss, (239) 695-2277. evergladesseafoodfestival.org
9-11 Lovers Key Nautical Flea Market & Boat Show presented by Friends of Lovers Key and the Rotary Club of Bonita Springs at the boat ramp opposite Lovers Key State Park on Route 865 (Estero Boulevard) to benefit Friends of Lovers Key State Park. 9 a.m. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. Sunday. Tickets: $5 suggested donation, free for children under 10. Dress code: casual. Chair: Mark Generales. Contact: Mark Generales, (239) 676-5676, markgenerales@hotmail.com. loverskeynauticalmarket.com
9-11, 16-18 From Shabby to Chic Designer Showcase at private renovated homes to benefit Southwest Florida Symphony. 10 a.m. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual. Chair: Liz Marnul. Contact: Symphony Society, (239) 418-0996. swflso.org/symphony-society/societyevents
10 The Butterfly Ball at the Naples Airport to benefit the Avow Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: military uniform,1940 USO or cocktail attire. Honorary chairs: Former POWs Capt. Wayne Smith and PFC Jessica Lynch. Contact: Sally Wilson, (239) 430-3476, sally.wilson@avowcares.org. avowcares.org/butterflyball
10 Cars on 5th on Fifth Avenue South, Naples, to benefit St. Matthew’s House. 9 a.m. Tickets: $10 suggested donation. Dress code: casual. Chair: Ferrari Club of Naples. stmatthewshouse.org
10 The Choice Affair 2018 at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit Planned Parenthood of SW & Central Florida. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: business. Chair: Craig Jones. Contact: Rene Givens, (239) 687-2910, rene.givens@ppswcf.org. plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-southwest-central-florida
10 Friends of Hope Evening at Bonita Bay Club to benefit Hope Healthcare. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $235 and up. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Barbara Caccese. Contact: Heather Chester, (239) 489-9164. hopehcs.org
10 Imagination Ball at the JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort to benefit the American Cancer Society—Marco Island. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: black-tie optional. Chair: Debra Shanahan. Contact: Sue Olszak, (239) 642-8800, ext. 3890, sue.olszak@cancer.org. acsimaginationball.com
10 Night at the Museum: Pirate Ball on-site to benefit the Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: pirate-themed attire highly encouraged. Contact: Laura Richardson, (239) 260-1604, development@cmon.org. cmon.org
10 Unveil the Mask of Mental Illness Gala at The Club at Pelican Preserve to benefit NAMI Lee, Charlotte and Hendry Counties. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: sponsorship levels available. Dress code: Mardis Gras, black-tie. Chair: Sally Scott. Contact: Vacharee Howard, (239) 337-9024, vhoward@namilee.org. namilee.org
11 Chorale Concert at Sanibel Congregational UCC Church to benefit Voices of Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: Goodwill offering. Dress code: casual. voicesofnaples.com
11 Concert in the Park at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Naples Concert Band. 2 p.m. Tickets: Free; donations appreciated. Dress code: casual. Contact: Howard Hawkins, (239) 263-9521, info@naplesconcertband.org. naplesconcertband.org
11 Edison’s Birthday Party on-site to benefit the Edison & Ford Winter Estates. 10 a.m. Tickets: free admission; does not include tours. Dress code: casual. Chair: Lisa Sbuttoni. Contact: Leeanne Criswell, (239) 334-7419, lcriswell@edisonfordwinterestates.org. edisonfordwinterestates.org/events/annual-events
11 Junior Parade in downtown Fort Myers to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
11 Mitzvah Day on-site to benefit Temple Shalom. 9 a.m. Contact: Jeanette Fischer, (239) 455-3030, jfischer@naplestemple.org. naplestemple.org
12-18 The Chubb Classic—Pro/Am at TwinEagles Golf & Country Club to benefit The First Tee of Naples/Collier. Tickets: $2,500. Dress code: golf. Chair: Cindy Darland. Contact: Cindy Darland, (239) 825-4851. thechubbclassic.com
15 Annual Golf Outing and Dinner at Shadow Wood Country Club to benefit the Shadow Wood Charitable Foundation. 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. shotgun starts. Tickets: $250. Dress code: casual. Chair: William Lentz. Contact: William Lentz, (239) 498-0253. shadowwoodcharitablefoundation.org
15 Enchanted, An Evening of Wonder on-site to benefit the Everglades Wonder Gardens. 6 p.m. Tickets: $185-250. Dress code: jackets requested. Chairs: Connie McIntosh, Trish Leonard. Contact: Thomas Hecker, (239) 992-2591, thomas@evergladeswondergardens.com. evergladeswondergardens.com
15 Seventh Annual Scholarship Dinner at the The Ritz Carlton, Naples to benefit Ave Maria University. 5 p.m. Tickets: $375. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Katy Thoele, katy.thoele@avemaria.edu.
16 Celebration of Reading at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250 per person, $5,000 and up per sponsorship. Dress code: business-casual. Honorary chair: Jeb Bush Jr. Contact: Angela Bell, (239) 277-6295, angela@gsma.pro. barbarabush.org/events/florida-celebration-of-reading
17 16th Annual NAMI Walk at Cambier Park to benefit NAMI Collier County. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Alex Kincaid, (239) 260-7300. namicollier.org
17 24th Annual Storybook Ball Honoring Kathy Bridge-Liles at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300 per person; sponsorships available. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Beverly Fewster. Contact: Laura Ragain, (239) 437-0202, laura@rmhcswfl.org. rmhcswfl.org
17 Asia Fest 2018 at Alliance for the Arts to benefit the Naples Asian Professionals Association. 10 a.m. Tickets: $5 per general admission, free for children under 12. Dress code: casual. Chair: Dr. Colin Feng. Contact: Dr. Colin Feng, (239) 770-1501, colinfeng@embarqmail.com. napaflorida.com
17 Celebration of Love—Members Recital at First United Methodist Church to benefit Naples Music Club. 4 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Sonya Light. Contact: Sonya Light, slight@his.com. naplesmusicclub.org
17 For the Love of Art on-site to benefit The Naples Art Association. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: general admission $150 per person or $250 per couple, or $1,250 for groups of 10. Contact: Aimee Schlehr, (239) 262-6517, aimee.schlehr@naplesart.org. naplesart.org
17 Gold Garden Gala at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Greater Naples YMCA. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: formal. Contact: Deb Carr, (239) 963-3766, dcarr@greaternaplesymca.org. greaternaplesymca.org
17 Grand Parade of Light from Fort Myers High School to downtown Fort Myers to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
17 Signature Event with honored guest Newt Gingrich at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit the Ave Maria School of Law. 5 p.m. Dress code: business-professional. Contact: Amber Richards, (239) 687-5341, arichards@avemarialaw.edu. avemarialaw.edu
17-18 All-Choral Program with Chamber Ensemble at Temple Shalom to benefit the Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7 p.m. Feb. 17 and 3:30 p.m. Feb. 18. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
18 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
18-19 Mending Broken Hearts with Hope Designer Boutique at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Sue Utz, (239) 775-3862, sutz@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/mbh
19 Let’s Get Historical! Gala at The Community House to benefit the Sanibel Historical Museum & Village. 6 p.m. Chair: Sherry Halleran. Contact: Emilie Alfino, (239) 472-4648, info@sanibelmuseum.org. sanibelmuseum.org
19 Mending Broken Hearts with Hope Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 11 a.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: Semi-formal. Chair: Linda Meak. Vice chairs: Donna Issenmann, Denise Wilburn. Contact: Sue Utz, (239) 775-3862, sutz@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/mbh
20 Lunch and Fashion Show at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit Hope After Stroke Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: Allison O’Reilly. Contact: Allison O’Reilly, (703) 926-3382, allisonoreilly@aol.com. eventbrite.com/e/luncheon-fashion-show-to-benefit-nch-stroke-tickets-35085788538
20 Opera in the Garden at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit Opera Naples. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $350 or $500 per person, $3,500 or $5,000 per table of 10. Dress code: floral attire with black-tie optional. Chair: Richard Gray. Contact: Signe Larson, (239) 963-9050. operanaples.org
22 Give Your Heart to Breast Cancer Care Luncheon at Legends Golf & Country Club to benefit Partners for Breast Cancer Care. 11 a.m. Tickets: $55. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Janet Darnell, Barbara Farrell, Joyce Carden. Contact: Janet Darnell, (239) 454-8583. pfbcc.org
22 Lesley Stahl: Her Stories Today Patron Party to benefit The League Club. 5 p.m. Tickets: $325. Dress code: cocktail. leagueclub.org
22 Pacesetter Dinner at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Collier County. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: by invitation. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: Jennifer Pash, (239) 775-0036, jpash@habitatcollier.org.
22 Third Annual Wine & Wildlife at Emmanuel Lutheran Church to benefit the South Florida National Parks Trust. 5 p.m. Tickets: $50 per general admission, $100 per VIP. Dress code: smart-casual. Contact: Don Finefrock, (305) 665- 4769, dfinefrock@southfloridaparks.org. southfloridaparks.org/event/winewild
23 Lesley Stahl: Her Stories Today at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The League Club. 11 a.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Gigi Stewart. Contact: (239) 353-3100.
24 19th Annual Heart and Soul Walk at Centennial Bank, Naples, to benefit the Parkinson Association of Southwest Florida. 9 a.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: casual. Chair: Tricia Leite. Contact: (239) 417-3465. pasfi.org
24 2018 CREW Concert & Silent Eco-Auction at Riverside Park to benefit CREW Land & Water Trust. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $15 in advance, $20 at the gate. Dress code: casual. Chair: Brenda Brooks. Contact: Anne Reed, (239) 657-2253. crewtrust.org
24 The Gala at Island Country Club to benefit the Marco Island Center for the Arts. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: black-tie optional. Contact: Hyla Crane, (239) 394-4221, hyla@marcoislandart.org. marcoislandart.org
24 Kings’ Celebration Gala at LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort to benefit Royal Palm Academy. 6 p.m. Tickets: $225. Dress code: cocktail attir. Chair: Amy Blair. Contact: Lynn Girouard, (239) 594-9888, lgirouard@royalplamacademy.com. royalpalmacademy.com
24-26 OKLAHOMA! at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. gulfcoastsymphony.org
25 Eighth Annual Tour de Marco on-site to benefit The Greater Marco Family YMCA. 8 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: casual. Chair: Steve Reynolds. Contact: Steve Reynolds, (239) 285-6785, communityrelations@marcoy.org. marcoymca.org/event/tour-de-marco
25 Honor Run at Six Bends Harley-Davidson to benefit Collier County Honor Flight. Dress code: biker. Chairs: Cindy McCue, Carla DeMarco. Contact: Cindy McCue, cindy@collierhonorflight.org.
25 The Phantom Gala at Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church and The Strand Country Club to benefit Gulfshore Opera. 3 p.m. concert, 5:30 p.m. dinner. Tickets: $225. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Stephanie Schwetz, Claudia Polzin. Contact: Michelle Westley, (239) 529-3925, michelle@gulfshoreopera.org. gulfshoreopera.org
25 Singing for Scholarships at Naples United Church of Christ to benefit Voices of Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 455-2582. voicesofnaples.org
26 Imagine Solutions Conference at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Imagine Solutions Conference. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: $650 per person, $320 per nonprofit leadership. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: Randall Antik. Contact: (214) 215-6000. imaginesolutionsconference.com
27 Youth of the Year at The Club at Pelican Bay to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 5 p.m. bgccc.com
28 Thanks a Million cocktails, dinner and speaker event at a private club in Naples to benefit Books for Collier Kids. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300 per person; various levels available, including $500 per classroom. Dress code: business (jackets for men). Chairs: Nora Kolmer, Donna Eskra. Contact: Nora Kolmer, (239) 598-9598, info@booksforcollierkids.org. booksforcollierkids.org
Also in February:
2018 Fashion Show at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit the Saint Ann School Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $750. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Tina Ferrao, Mitzi Magin, Mary Wasmer. Contact: Pamela Macia, (239) 262-4110. stann.net
Annual Gala to benefit Naples Music Club. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Sue Townsend, Beth Smith, Jerry Beaubien, Kathryn Zagel. Contact: Sue Townsend, sctowns@aol.com. naplesmusicclub.org
Crafts on the River at Centennial Park to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
Drug House Odyssey —A Lee County Prevention Event at the Lee County Civic Center to benefit the Lee County Coalition for a Drug-Free Southwest Florida. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Jonathan Engh, Dan Mills. Contact: (239) 931-9317. drugfreeswfl.org
Everblades/Laces of Love Hockey at Germain Arena to benefit Laces of Love. Tickets: admission price plus one pair of new sneakers for a needy child. Dress code: casual. Contact: Jeanne Nealon, (239) 591-1172.
Hearts & Minds of Hope to benefit Hope Clubhouse. hopeclubhouse.org
Immokalee Community Screening at the ITECH Center to benefit the Naples Lions Club Foundation. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jack Arvold. Contact: Dr. Howard Freedman, (425) 785-1447. napleslionsclub.com
Keep the Wheels Rolling mailing to benefit the Christ Child Society of Naples. christchildnaples.org
Minnesota Twins Celebrity Golf Classic at Fiddlesticks Country Club to benefit the Regional Cancer Center. 11 a.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: golf/business-casual. Chair: Debby Welsh. Contact: Nicki McTeague, (239) 214-0639, nicole.mcteague@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/twins
Mutt Strut in downtown Fort Myers to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
Red Sox Celebrity Golf Classic at The Forest Country Club to benefit the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. 11 a.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: golf/business-casual. Contact: Katy Martinez, (239) 214-0639, katy.martinez@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/redsox
Ride-A-Thon at Babcock Ranch to benefit Special Equestrians. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Sherry Gilbert, Jan Fifer. Contact: Sherry Gilbert, (239) 822-7680, gilbertboomer1@gmail.com. specialequestrians.net
STEMtastic Day of Discovery to benefit the Edison Festival of Light. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. edisonfestival.org
Third on Canvas Art Auction on Third Street South at a private Naples club to benefit PAWS Assistance Dogs. 5 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Kathy Gumph, (239) 775-1660, kathy@pawsassistancedogs.org. thirdstreetsouth.com/third-events.html
March 2018
1 Benefit Fashion Show, Luncheon and Silent Auction at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit Sunlight Home. 11 a.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Dolores Sire Sullivan. Contact: Linda Hale, (239) 352-0251. sunlighthome.org1 Guild Luncheon at Royal Poinciana Golf Club to benefit Neighborhood Health Clinic. Dress code: country club attire. Chairs: Gretchen Brown, Anne Gainey. Contact: Rochelle Jackson, (239) 529-2262, rjackson@neighborhoodhealthclinic.org. neighborhoodhealthclinic.org/guild
1 Why Cook Interactive Dinner on-site to benefit the Bonita Springs YMCA. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Pat Suwyan, Shelley Anderson. Contact: Jamie Browning, (239) 221-7560, ext. 152, jbrowning@bonitaspringsymca.org. swflymca.org/whycook
2 Women Supporting Women at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 11 a.m. Tickets: $200-250 per person, $2,500-20,000 per sponsorship opportunity. Dress code: sassy-chic. Chair: Andrea Gordon. Contact: Jodi Bisogno, jodi@cancerallianceofnaples.org. cancerallianceofnaples.org
2-3 2018 Southwest Florida Wine & Food Fest to benefit SWFL Children’s Charities. Chef Vintner Dinners March 2 at private venues. Grand Tasting & Live Auction March 3 at 1 p.m. at Quail West Golf & Country Club. Tickets: $750-1,500. Dress code: resort-casual. Chairs: Elaine Hawkins, Brooke Denson. Contact: Melissa Cofta, (239) 433-4260, info@swflwinefest.org. swflwinefest.org
3 2018 Appraisal Faire Gala at Island Country Club to benefit the Marco Island Historical Society. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Chair: Allyson Richards. Contact: Susan Pernini, (239) 389-6447, administration@themihs.org. themihs.org
3 Annual Dinner & Auction at Gulf Harbour Yacht & Country Club to benefit AMIkids Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: country club-casual. Chair: John Ingraham. Contact: (239) 560-6344.
3 Beach Ball 2018 and Naples City Live Music Festival at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collier County. 5 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: garden party-chic. Contact: Bryan Lee, (239) 263-8383. caccollier.org
3 Hats for Cats at the Naples Yacht & Sailing Club to benefit the Naples Cat Alliance. 11 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: dressy-casual. Chair: Jessica James. Contact: Jessica James, (239) 641-4612, jessica@thepowerhousegroup.com. naplescatalliance.org
3 Hope Gala at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit JDRF. 6 p.m. Tickets: $400. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Contact: Pamela Schmidt-Alagel, (239) 591-2825, palagel@jdrf.org. jdrf.org
3 Naples City Live Music Festival at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collier County. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $22.50. Dress code: casual. Contact: Bryan Lee, (239) 263-8383. caccollier.org
3 Race for the Cure at Coconut Point to benefit Susan G. Komen Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: $35. Contact: Sarah Owen, (239) 498-0016, sowen@komenswfl.org. komenswfl.org
4 “From Jazz to Broadway” Benefit Concert at Covenant Church of Naples to benefit Laces of Love. 7 p.m. Tickets: $45 per general admission, $100 per VIP. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Tamra Nashman Richardt. Contact: Susan Warren, (239) 293-1215. lacesoflove.org
4 A Vintage Affair: Bright Lights & Bubbles at Quail West Golf & Country Club to benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Center of SWFL. 5 p.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Shannon Diener, Nikola (Niki) Varveris. Contact: Kay Jasso, (239) 435-1901, kay@mscenterswfl.org. mscenterswfl.org
4-5 Artists’ Studio Tour in Naples to benefit Artis—Naples. 1 p.m., 11 a.m. Tickets: $55, $70. Dress code: casual. Contact: Patron Services, (239) 597-1900. artisnaples.org
5 Triumph 2018 at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit The Holocaust Museum & Education Center of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $275 and up per person, sponsorships available. Dress code: cocktail/business. Contact: Tim Morrison, (239) 263-9200, tim@holocaustmuseumswfl.org. holocaustmuseumswfl.org
6 Fashion Show at Wyndemere County Club to benefit the Latchkey League. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $130. Dress code: smart-casual. Chairs: Sarann Kraushaar, Alisa Marie Coccari. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
7 Secret Garden Gala at Shangri-La Springs to benefit the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: black-tie. Chairs: Susan Goldy, Scott Spiezle. Contact: Jason Powella, (239) 214-0639, jason.powella@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/kmm
8 Celebration of Hope at St. John the Evangelist Church to benefit St. Matthew’s House. 5:30 p.m. Dress code: business-casual to semi-formal. stmatthewshouse.org
8 Fashion Show at Crowne Plaza Fort Myers at Bell Tower Shops to benefit the Regional Cancer Center. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Patti Chlipala, (239) 214-0639, patti.chlipala@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/fashionforcancer
8 Magic Under the Mangroves on-site to benefit the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $750 per individual, $3,500-50,000 per patron package. Dress code: eco-chic; jackets preferred. Chair: Carol Dinardo. Contact: Nikkie Dvorchak, (239) 403-4218, nikkied@conservancy.org. conservancy.org/magic
8 Sam Galloway Jr. & Friends Soup Kitchen Benefit at Sam Galloway Ford to benefit Community Cooperative. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Stefanie Ink Edwards, (239) 332-7687, stefanie@communitycooperative.com. communitycooperative.com/events
8 Third Annual Forget-Me-Not Fashion Show to benefit the Care Club of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $65. Dress code: luncheon-casual. Chair: Mindy Johnson. Contact: Mindy Johnson, (239) 353-1994, mindy@colliercareclub.org. colliercareclub.org
8-10 Art Walks the Runway on-site to benefit the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. 8 p.m. Tickets: price varies. Dress code: fashionable. Chair: Melissa DeHaven. Contact: Melissa DeHaven, melissa.sbdac@gmail.com. sbdac.com
8-10 Shell Show and Art Sale at the United Church of Marco, Dissiler Hall, to benefit the Marco Island Shell Club. 10 a.m. Tickets: $2 donation. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jae Kellogg. Contact: (239) 394-7399. marcoshellclub.com
8, 22 Elliot Katz Lecture Series on-site in the Stock Building/John White Community Room to benefit Hodges University. 10 a.m. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/lifelonglearning.
9 Big Impressions by Little Artists® at the Hilton Naples to benefit Collier Child Care Resources (CCCR). 11 a.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Tiffany Cawley, (239) 643-3908, tiffanyc@collierchildcare.org. collierchildcare.org
9 Centennial Celebration and Gala at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the American Red Cross Florida’s Southern Gulf Chapter. 6 p.m. Tickets: $750. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Elizabeth A. Star. Contact: Jill Palmer, (239) 785-3664, jill.palmer@redcross.org.
9 Stepping Out for Scholarships at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit Hodges University. 6 p.m. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/campus-events/stepping-out-for-scholarships
10 10th Annual Benefit Luncheon at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit New Horizons of Southwest Florida. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $90. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Kathy Rhodes. Contact: Dort Bear, (239) 948-4146, dort@newhorizonsofswfl.org. newhorizonsofswfl.org/luncheon
10 2018 Night at the Museum Gala at the IMAG History & Science Center to benefit The Imaginarium Group. 7 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: Grisel Brewster, (239) 243-0043, grisel@theimag.org. theimag.org
10 The 30th Annual Auction at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Seacrest Country Day School. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Kyla de Asla. Contact: Claudia D’Alessandro, (239) 793-1986, cdalessandro@seacrest.org. seacrest.org/giving/specialevents/auction
10 Brain Fair 2018 at Collier County South Regional Library to benefit Miracles Among Us. 1 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Suzan Berg, (239) 529-5284, suzanberg@miraclesamongus.org.
10 Denim & Diamonds Gala Event at the Sanibel Harbour Marriot Resort & Spa to benefit the Dr. Piper Center for Social Services. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125 per person, $250 per couple. Dress code: cocktail. Chair: Steve Nemazie. Contact: (800) 332-5346. drpipercenter.org
10 Kind Mariners Ball—Treasures of the Sea at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit the Freedom Waters Foundation. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: inspired by the seas; jacket/tie optional. Chairs: Mike and Meg Bruno. Contact: Kathleen Wheeler, (239) 290-8405, kathywheeler227@gmail.com. kindmarinersball.com
10 Southwest Florida Heart Ball at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit the American Heart Association of Southwest Florida. 6 p.m. Tickets: $500. Dress code: black-tie. Contact: Katie Southard, (239) 495-4911, katie.southard@heart.org. swflheartball.heart.org
10 Star Gala—Dancing Under the Stars at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: semi-formal. Chairs: Carrie and John Cooney. Contact: Becky Stark, (239) 594-9007, becky@fddswfl.org. fddswfl.org/gala
10 Third Annual Charity Fashion Show Luncheon at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Naples, to benefit St. John’s Shoppe, Ministry of St. John’s Episcopal Church. Noon. Tickets: $45. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Margo Ziollo. Contact: Sharon Marceau, (239) 597-9518, stjohnsthriftshoppe@gmail.com. stjohnsshoppe.com
11 Brick by Brick Picnic at Lakes Regional Park to benefit the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation. 3 p.m. Tickets: $25-100. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 533-1333.
11 Fifteen Years of Magic at St. Leo's Catholic Church to benefit Voices of Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: Goodwill offering. Dress code: casual. voicesofnaples.org
11 Taste of Love at The Ranch Concert Hall & Saloon to benefit Special Equestrians. 5 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Adele Smith, Freda Jones, Jan Fifer. Contact: Jan Fifer, (239) 851-7070, jtfifer@gmail.com. specialequestrians.net
11 We the People: Celebrating the American Dream on-site to benefit Temple Shalom. 7 p.m. Contact: Jeanette Fischer, (239) 455-3030, jfischer@naplestemple.org. naplestemple.org
12 A Maine Event at a private home to benefit the Latchkey League. 6 p.m. Tickets: $160. Dress code: casual. Chair: Judy Shanely. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
13 Grande Dames Tea at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre to benefit PACE Center for Girls of Lee County. 1 p.m. Tickets: $40 per person, $500 per table of eight. Dress code: afternoon tea attire. Contact: Allyson Ross, (239) 470-7548, allyson.ross@pacecenter.org. pacecenter.org/locations/lee
13 Rigoletto at St. Leo’s Parish Life Center, Bonita Springs, to benefit Gulfshore Opera. 7 p.m. Tickets: $28-78. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Steffanie Pearce. Contact: Steffanie Pearce, steffanie@gulfshoreopera.org. gulfshoreopera.org
14 Eat, Drink and Be Broadway on-site to benefit TheatreZone. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: business casual; “Cuba” or “tropical” encouraged. Chairs: Joni Brickley, Sarann Kraushaar. Contact: Robin DeMattia, (239) 596-7245, robin@robindemattia.com. theatrezone-florida.com
14 Marco Mutts & Martinis at The Esplanade to benefit The Greater Marco Family YMCA. 5 p.m. Tickets: $8. Dress code: casual. Chair: Fritzi Holmes. Contact: Fritzi Holmes, (314)560-0812, fritziholmes@gmail.com. marcoymca.org/event/mutts-martinis
15 Annual Life Saver Event featuring Gov. Mike Huckabee at the Hilton Naples to benefit Community Pregnancy Clinics. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $720 per couple. Dress code: business. Contact: Domenick Micillo, (239) 262-6381. community4life.com
15 Art of the Handbag at the Center for Performing Arts Bonita Springs to benefit the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs. 6 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Susan Bridges, (239) 495-8989, bridges@artsbonita.org. artcenterbonita.org
16 Batfish Bash for the Bay at Rookery Bay Reserve to benefit Friends of Rookery Bay. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: casual. Contact: Amelia Horadam, events@rookerybay.org.
16 The Bucket List Bash at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit the American Cancer Society, Naples. Chair: Richard Lublin. Contact: Mackenzie Herrick, (239) 261-0337, ext. 3858, mackenzie.herrick@cancer.org. acsbucketlistbash.com
17 Global Food and Farm Festival at ECHO Global Farm to benefit ECHO. 9 a.m. Tickets: $5. Dress code: casual. Chair: Danielle Flood. Contact: Danielle Flood, (239) 567-3312, dflood@echonet.org. echonet.org/food-and-farm-festival
17 Homes Tour in Everglades City to benefit the Everglades Society for Historic Preservation. Contact: Marya Repko, (239) 695-2905. evergladeshistorical.org
17 Run 4 the Cause Fun Run & Walk on-site to benefit Christy’s Cause. 7 a.m. Tickets: $25-35. Dress code: workout attire. Chair: Christy Ivie. Contact: info@christyscause.com. christyscause.com
17-18 Mozart Flute Concerto at Temple Shalom to benefit Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7 p.m. March 17 and 3:30 p.m. March 18. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
18 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
18 Colors of Hope at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club to benefit the Tumaini Fund USA. 5 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: resort-casual. Chair: Mick Moore. Contact: Mike Moore, (239) 216-1816, mikemoore@vanderbiltbeachresort.com. tumainifundusa.org
20 16th Annual Step into Spring Fashion Show & Luncheon at The Forest Country Club to benefit the Candlelighters of Southwest Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Klair M. Snellbaker. Contact: (239) 432-2223. candlelightersswfl.org
21 Annual Fundraising Luncheon at the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs to benefit Amigos en Cristo. Noon. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Rev. Bob Selle. Contact: (239) 437-6727. amigoscenter.org/annual-luncheon
22 Benefit Dinner at McGregor Baptist Church to benefit Lifeline Family Center. 5:30 p.m. VIP reception, 6:30 p.m. dinner. Tickets: $75 per person, $440 per table of eight. Dress code: dressy-casual. Contact: Kathy Miller, (239) 242-7238, setfreeat30@aol.com. lifelinefamilycenter.org
22 Cruising for a Cause on the Naples Princess to benefit Miracles in Action. 5 p.m. Chair: Lisa Crawford. Contact: Lisa Crawford, (239) 348-0815, info@miraclesinaction.org. miraclesinaction.org/cruisingforacause
23 11th Annual Boogie Bash at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit Friends of Foster Children Forever. 6 p.m. Tickets: $275. Dress code: casual and fun. Chair: Rio DeArmond. Contact: Gisela Estrada, (239) 262-1808, gisela@friendsoffosterchildren.net. friendsoffosterchildren.net
23-24 Naples Flower Show—“Naples Style” at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Naples Garden Club. Tickets: free to Naples Botanical Garden members or with Naples Botanical Garden admission. Chair: Sally Lutz. Contact: Sally Lutz, sml02748@gmail.com. naplesgardenclub.org
24 Annual Dinner at Olde Cypress Country Club to benefit the Parkinson Association of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $70. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 417-3465. pasfi.org
24 Celebrity Martini Glass Auction at Artis—Naples and The Baker Museum to benefit PAWS Assistance Dogs. 5 p.m. Tickets: by invitation. Dress code: cocktail-chic. Chair: Kyle Reed. Contact: Kathy Gumph, (239) 775-1660, kathy@pawsassistancedogs.org. naplescmga.com
24 Emerald Ball at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice. 6 p.m. Tickets: $300. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Barbara Rougraff. Contact: Brenda Anderson, (239) 455-2655, banderson@catholiccharitiescc.org. catholiccharitiesdov.org
24 Extravaganza 2018 on-site to benefit Canterbury School. 6 p.m. Tickets: $150 per person, $100 per Canterbury alum. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Deena Schwartz, Elizabeth Cameratta. Contact: Julie Pearson, (239) 481-4323, ext. 213, jpearson@canterburyfortmyers.org.
26 Bubbles, Baubles and Broadway Gala at The Ritz-Carlton, Naples to benefit Gulfshore Playhouse. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $600 per ticket, $1,200 patron ticket. Dress code: black-tie. Contact: Kelly Colligan, kcolligan@gulfshoreplayhouse.org.
30 Throw a Girl a Lifeline at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit PACE Center for Girls, Collier at Immokalee. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: donations accepted. Dress code: business-casual.
31 American Virtuosi on-site to benefit the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. 8 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: semi-formal. Contact: (239) 333-1933. sbdac.com
31 Wellfit Girls 5K at North Collier Regional Park to benefit Wellfit Girls Program SWFL. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $25 early-bird pricing until Jan. 1, 2018. Dress code: wear your tutu! Contact: Colby Hazewinkel, (239) 529-0366, colby@wellfitgirls.org. wellfitgirls.org
Also in March:
Annual Churchill Dinner at a Naples country club to benefit The English-Speaking Union. 6 p.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: black-tie. Chair: Pamela Voss. Contact: Pamela Voss, (239) 775-4754, pgrabczynski@aol.com.
Calendar Art Contest for All Collier County Students to benefit Keep Collier Beautiful. Chair: Jim Zimmerman. Contact: Jim Zimmerman, (239) 580-8319, litternot@earthlink.net. keepcollierbeautiful.com
Cruise on the Marco Island Princess to benefit The Marco Players. 6 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: island-casual. Contact: (239) 642-7270, info@themarcoplayers.com. themarcoplayers.com/tmp-previous-fundraisers
A Gala Evening on-site in Hayes Hall to benefit Artis—Naples. 6 p.m. Tickets: $1,000. Dress code: black-tie-optional. Chairs: Alan Einhorn and Vicki Cooper, Nancy W. and George R. Woltz. Contact: Jan Fernandez, (239) 254-2719, jfernandez@artisnaples.org. artisnaples.org
Gentle’men Against Domestic Violence Annual Tailgate Event at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 4:30 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Colin Estrem. Honorary chairs: John Jordan, Ron Ciesla. Contact: Rebecca Thompson, (239) 775-3862, rthompson@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/tailgate
Madisen’s Match at The Landing’s Golf, Yacht & Tennis Club to benefit Barbara’s Friends. 8 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: tennis attire. Chair: Duane Chaney. Contact: Patti Chlipala, (239) 214-0639, patti.chlipala@leehealth.org. madisensmatch.com
Sound Minds Mental Health Symposium at Moorings Park to benefit the David Lawrence Center. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505, jenniferde@dlcmhc.com.
April 2018
3 Spectrum Series—The Apollo Trio: Serious Musicianship and a Sense of Fun at the Wang Opera Center to benefit CAPA Cultural and Performing Arts Center. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $40 per general admission, $50 per VIP. Contact: Nikki Clark, (239) 775-2800, info@capacenter.org. capacenter.org3 Celebrate C.H.E.F., “The Delights of Evolving Cuisine” honoring Chef Fabrizio Aielli at Venue Naples to benefit the Culinary and Hospitality Education Foundation (C.H.E.F.). 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $150 per general admission, $500 per VIP. Dress code: cocktail-chic. Chairs: Nicole and Brian Roland, Chrissie Forbes. Contact: Venue Naples, (239) 292-1529, info@venuenaples.com. chefswfl.org
4 2018 Old Bags Luncheon at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples to benefit The Shelter for Abused Women & Children. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $350. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Pat Wheeler. Vice chair: Jennifer O’Dell. Contact: Rebecca Thompson, (239) 775-3862, rthompson@naplesshelter.org. naplesshelter.org/oldbags
4 28th Taste of Marco at The Esplanade to benefit The Greater Marco Family YMCA. 11 a.m. Tickets: $8 admission. Dress code: casual. Chair: Fritzi Holmes. Contact: Allyson Richards, (770) 366-0653, togetherhood@marcoy.org. marcoymca.org/event/taste-of-marco
5 Connect the Dots/Friend-Raiser to benefit the Collier Resource Center. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: (239) 434-2030.
5 Face Diversity Summit presented by Gulfshore Business and D’Latinos magazines at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $95-345. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
6 Foolin’ Around in the Garden on-site to benefit Naples Botanical Garden. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $750. Dress code: cocktail. Contact: (239) 643-7275. naplesgarden.org
6 Golden Apple Celebration of Teachers Dinner at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit Champions For Learning. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: business-formal. Chairs: William M. Burke and Martha Rozman. Contact: Heather Noel, (239) 643-4755, hnoel@championsforlearning.org. championsforlearning.org
6 Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Banquet at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. 5 p.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: black-tie preferred. Contact: Beverly Burke, (239) 337-0433, beverly@leeschoolfoundation.org. leeschoolfoundation.org
6 Women of Initiative Awards Luncheon at Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit the Women’s Foundation of Collier County. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $210 per person, $2,100 per host table, $2,500 per patron table. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Stacey Herring. Vice chair: Vicki Tracy. Contact: Carri Kreisman, (239) 649-5000, ckreisman@cfcollier.org. wfcollier.org
7 12th Annual Golf Classic & Celebration at Quail West Golf & Country Club to benefit the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Program of the Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $300 per golfer. Dress code: golf. Contact: Elizabeth Zuluaga, (239) 658-3113, ezuluaga@healthcareswfl.org. healthcareswfl.org/how-to-help
7 AAUW Scholarship Luncheon at M Waterfront Grille to benefit the American Association of University Women Foundation. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $35. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Jeannine Stetson. Contact: (239) 653-9824. aauwgnb.org
7 Butterfly Release at Cambier Park to benefit the Avow Foundation. 10 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Sally Wilson, (239) 430-3476, sally.wilson@avowcares.org. avowcares.org/butterflyrelease
7 Kiwanis “Casino Night” at Royalwood Golf & Country Club to benefit Kiwanis Club of Naples on the Gulf. 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: Mardis Gras, business-casual. Chair: Dick Klein. Contact: (239) 793-7890, beaver.wb2k@comcast.net
7 Relay for Life Marco Island at Veterans’ Park to benefit the American Cancer Society—Marco Island. 3 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual, outdoors. Chair: Cathy Nelson. Contact: Sue Olszak, (239) 642-8800, ext. 3890, sue.olszak@cancer.org. relayforlife.org/marcoislandfl
8 Big Band Jazz Concert at the Cambier Park Bandshell to benefit Gulf Coast Big Band. 2 p.m. Free. Dress code: casual. Contact: Timothy Hains, (239) 877-6090. gulfcoastbigband.com
8 Ninth Annual BBQ Bands & Brew at Centennial Park to benefit Lee Builders Care. 11 a.m. Tickets: $10; free for children under 12. Dress code: outdoor-casual. Chair: Christi Pritchett Sarlo. Contact: Christi Pritchett Sarlo, (239) 938-0056, christi@bia.net. bbqbandsandbrew.com
9 10th Season Announcement & Fundraiser on-site to benefit The Laboratory Theater of Florida. 6:30 p.m. Dress code: dressy. Chairs: Kate Dirrigl, Annette Trossbach. Contact: Kate Dirrigl, (860) 810-6507, educate@laboratorytheaterflorida.com. laboratorytheaterflorida.com
9-10 The Ed Brennan Memorial Golf Tournament at The Club Pelican Bay to benefit The Founders Fund. 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. start times. Tickets: contact for sponsorship opportunities. Dress code: golf attire for golf, cocktail attire for banquet. Chairs: The Founders Fund board members. Contact: (239) 593-0124. thefoundersfund.org
10 Sound Minds Spring Lecture Series at Moorings Park to benefit the David Lawrence Center. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505, jenniferde@dlcmhc.com.
12 Wines Around the World at Shula’s Steak House, Naples, to benefit the Ricky King Children’s Fund. 6 p.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: semi-formal. Chair: Heather Tice. Contact: Jennifer Weidenbruch, (239) 449-0209. rickykingfund.org
14 Apple Blossom Awards at Vineyards Country Club to benefit Collier Child Care Resources (CCCR). 11 a.m. Tickets: $40. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Tiffany Cawley, (239) 643-3908, tiffanyc@collierchildcare.org. collierchildcare.org
14 Bay Days (The Great American Cleanup) at multiple waterway, bay and canal sites to benefit Keep Collier Beautiful. 9 a.m. Tickets: volunteer. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jim Zimmerman. Contact: Jim Zimmerman, (239) 580-8319, litternot@earthlink.net. keepcollierbeautiful.com
14 Denim & Diamonds Gala & Auction on-site to benefit Bishop Verot Catholic High School. 6 p.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: business-casual to casual. Chairs: Robin Collier, Angela Clark, Lisa Quattrone. Contact: (239) 274-6730. bvhs.org
14-15 Haydn Cello Concerto at Temple Shalom to benefit Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7 p.m. April 14 and 3:30 p.m. April 15. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
16 Friends of Hope Spring Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Hope Healthcare.10:30 a.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: ladies lunch. Chairs: Etta Smith, Barbara Caccese. Contact: Heather Chester, (239) 489-9164. hopehcs.org
17 Celebration Dinner at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit the Guadalupe Center. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $85. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Sue Hagemann, Sandy Vasey. Contact: Tracy Connelly, (239) 657-7120, tconnelly@guadalupecenter.org. guadalupecenter.org
19 Chefs Cooking for Kids at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast. 5:30 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Chairs: Susan Battaglia, Ryan Love. Contact: Aimee McLaughlin, (239) 288-4224, amclaughlin@bbbssun.org. bbbssun.org/events
20 Guadalupe Charity Golf Classic at Vineyards Country Club to benefit the Guadalupe Center. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: golf. Contact: (239) 657-7711. guadalupecenter.org
21 Crawfish Boil at Walker’s Marina to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County. 4 p.m. bgccc.com
21 Earth Day Festival on-site to benefit the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. 10 a.m. Tickets: $10 per adult, $5 per child, free for members and children under 3. Dress code: weather-appropriate, comfortable shoes. Contact: Nikkie Dvorchak, (239) 403-4200, nikkied@conservancy.org. conservancy.org/earthday
21 First Annual Cornhole Crusade at Florida SouthWestern State College to benefit Lighthouse of Collier. 11 a.m. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Craig Bamberg, Lorie Bassano Monserrat. Contact: Robin Goldstone Garcia, (239) 430-3934, info@lighthouseofcollier.org. lighthouseofcollier.org
21 Scholarship Winners' Recital at First United Methodist Church to benefit Naples Music Club. 3 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Gerhard Samide. Contact: Gerhard Samide, gsamide@att.net. naplesmusicclub.org
21 Stroke Victor Scramble at Quail Village Golf Club to benefit the Stroke Recovery Foundation. Noon. Tickets: $80 for golf and dinner. Dress code: golf. Chairs: Bob Mandell, Nancy Dagher. Contact: Nancy Farris Dagher, (239) 598-2815, membership@quailvillagegolfclub.org. strokerecoveryfoundation.org
21 Sunshine 5K Run at Vineyards Community Park to benefit Friends of Foster Children Forever. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $25. Dress code: runners’ attire. Chairs: Jim Derham, Craig Harrington. Contact: Gisela Estrada, (239) 262-1808, gisela@friendsoffosterchildren.net. gcrunner.org
21 A Swing of Grace at Wyndemere Country Club to benefit Grace Place for Children and Families. 11:30 a.m. Tickets: $250. Chair: Erik Lutgert. Contact: Barbara Evans, (239) 234-2403, barbara@graceplacenaples.org.
21-22 Sixth Annual Breaking Par at Grandezza Golf Tournament at The Club at Grandezza to benefit Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida. 5:30 p.m. Saturday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday. Tickets: tournament $175 per person or $700 per team, dinner/auction $65 per person. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jim Shields. Contact: Stephanie Hoffman, (239) 225-2590, shoffman@jaswfl.org. jaswfl.org/grandezza-golf-tournament
25 15th Scholarship Spring Golf Classic at Grey Oaks Country Club to benefit Hodges University. 11:30 a.m. registration and luncheon, 1:15 p.m. shotgun start. Contact: April May, (239) 598-6153, amay@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/support/golf
27 Annual Golf Tournament at the Vineyards Country Club to benefit the Parkinson Association of Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: $250 per golfer. Dress code: golf. Contact: (239) 417-3465. pasfi.org
27 Southwest Florida Go Red for Women Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit the American Heart Association of Southwest Florida. 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: red. Chairs: Amy Sanford, Cathy Canterna, Lauren Canterna. Contact: Katie Southard, (239) 495-4911, katie.southard@heart.org. swflgored.heart.org
28 13th Annual Golf Classic at Vineyards Country Club to benefit Royal Palm Academy. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: golf. Contact: Lynn Girouard, (239) 594-9888, lgirouard@royalpalmacademy.com. royalpalmacademy.com
28 March for Babies at Centennial Park and Sun-N-Fun Lagoon to benefit March of Dimes. 9 a.m. (Fort Myers); 5:30 p.m. (Naples). Chairs: Jackie Chand (Fort Myers); Russell Budd and Krist Pickard (Naples). Contact: Elizabeth Esposito, (239) 271-2563, eesposito@marchofdimes.org (Fort Myers); Megan Flores, (239) 271-2564, maflores@marcofdimes.org (Naples). marchforbabies.org
28 Rising Stars Series—Naples Philharmonic Youth Chorus at the Wang Opera Center to benefit CAPA Cultural and Performing Arts Center. 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $40 per general admission, $50 per VIP. Contact: Nikki Clark, (239) 775-2800,
info@capacenter.org. capacenter.org
Also in April:
31st Annual “Fairways for the Future” Golf Tournament to benefit Youth Haven. Contact: Meredith Chase, (239) 687-5155, meredith.chase@youthhavenswfl.org.
Annual Benefit Dinner to benefit Interfaith Charities of South Lee. 6 p.m. Dress code: casual. Chair: Bonnie Olson. Contact: Bonnie Olson, bonnie@icslee.org
Annual Gala to benefit Florida Repertory Theatre. floridarep.org
Annual “Who Dun It” Mystery Event to benefit LARC. 6 p.m. Contact: Angela Katz, (239) 334-6285, ext. 229, angelakatz@larcleecounty.org. larcleecounty.org
Bling & Bags Bingo at The Landings the benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center of SWFL. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $45-50. Dress code: country club-casual. Chairs: Candis Loving, Lisa Rizzio. Contact: Lisa Rizzio, (239) 939-2808, lrizzio@cac-swfl.org.
Blues by the Bay at a private home on Sanibel to benefit The Heights Foundation. 7 p.m. Tickets: $125. Dress code: resort-casual. Contact: Karen Lesza, (239) 482-7706, karen@heightsfoundation.org. heightsfoundation.org/blues
Business Hall of Fame, Lee County, at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa to benefit Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida. 5 p.m. Tickets: $250 per person, $2,000 per table. Dress code: nice business. Contact: Jodie Greenhoe, (239) 225-2590, jgreenhoe@jaswfl.org. jaswfl.org/business-hall-of-fame-lee-county
Charity Golf Outing at Stoneybrook Golf Club to benefit LARC. 9 a.m. Chairs: Duffy’s Foundation. Contact: Angela Katz, (239) 334-6285, ext. 229, angelakatz@larcleecounty.org. larcleecounty.org
Designer Purse Bingo to benefit the Regional Cancer Cancer. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $45. Dress code: business-casual. Chair: Tommie Schott. Contact: Patti Chlipala, (239) 214-0639, patti.chlipala@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/pursebingo
George DeMarco Memorial Golf to benefit the George DeMarco Foundation. Dress code: golf. Chair: Loretta DeMarco. Contact: Loretta DeMarco, (239) 643-4077.
Leadership Collier Foundation Graduation 2018 to benefit the Leadership Collier Foundation. Contact: Amanda Beights, (239) 403-2903, amanda@napleschamber.org. web.napleschamber.org/events
PFLAG Naples Interfaith Convocation to benefit PFLAG Naples. 3 p.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Chairs: Ruth Dorfman, Elissa Goldstein. Contact: Ruth Dorfman and Elissa Goldstein, (239) 963-4670.
The White Party presented by Gulfshore Life magazine. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
YogaCAN at The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club to benefit the Cancer Alliance of Naples. 9 a.m. Tickets: $45-50 per person, $500-5,000 per sponsorship opportunity. Dress code: casual. Chair: Dr. Joel Waltzer. Contact: Jodi Bisogno, (239) 643-4673, jodi@cancerallianceofnaples.org. cancerallianceofnaples.org
May 2018
1-2 Hodges University Identity Fraud Institute Conference at the Hilton Naples to benefit Hodges University. 8:30 a.m. Contact: Carrie Kerskie, (239) 598-6281, ckerskie@hodges.edu. hodges.edu/identity4 Carnival After Dark at Venue Naples to benefit Girls on the Run of Collier County. 6 p.m. Tickets: $80-100. Dress code: cocktail. Chairs: Jaimee Sidisky, Nicole Roland, Monet Layton, Brittany Bower. Contact: Jaimee Sidisky, (239) 580-8425, jaimeesidisky@gmail.com. gotrcc.org/events
5 12th Annual Stingray Golf Tournament at TwinEagles Golf & Country Club to benefit Seacrest Country Day School. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $200. Dress code: golf. Contact: Claudia D’Alessandro, (239) 793-1986, cdalessandro@seacrest.org. seacrest.org/giving/specialevents/stingray-golf-tournament
5 Derby Dash 2018 at Naples Botanical Garden to benefit the Naples Junior Woman’s Club. 5 p.m. Dress code: garden-cocktail. Chair: Julia Brackett. Contact: Julia Brackett, development@naplesjuniors.com. naplesjuniors.com
5 Kentucky Derby Party at a private home to benefit the Latchkey League. 5 p.m. Tickets: $160. Dress code: Kentucky Derby attire encouraged. Chairs: Sarann and Stan Kraushaar. Contact: Lynne Nordhoff, (239) 594-8420, lynnecnordhoff@gmail.com.
5 March for Babies at Laishley Park, Punta Gorda, to benefit March of Dimes. 9 a.m. Contact: Elizabeth Esposito, (239) 271-2563, eesposito@marchofdimes.org. marchforbabies.org
5 Ninth Annual Golf Tournament at Worthington Country Club to benefit New Horizons of Southwest Florida. 8 a.m. Tickets: $150. Dress code: golf. Chair: Barry Dunleavy. Contact: Dort Bear, (239) 948-4146, dort@newhorizonsofswfl.org. newhorizonsofswfl.org/golf-tournament
5-6 Music of MGM at Temple Shalom to benefit the Naples Orchestra and Chorus. 7 p.m. May 5 and 3:30 p.m. May 6. Tickets: $20. Dress code: casual concert attire. Chair: Chris Davies. Contact: noc.inquiry@gmail.com. naplesorchestraandchorus.org
9 Lifetime Achievement Awards presented by Gulfshore Business magazine at the Hilton Naples. 11 a.m. Dress code: business attire. Tickets: $45. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
11 La Fille Mal Gardee Spring Performance to benefit Gulfshore Ballet. Contact: (239) 590-6191, gulfshoreballet@gmail.com. gsballet.org/events
11 National Public Gardens Day at Lakes Regional Park to benefit the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation. 9 a.m. Tickets: free. Dress code: casual. Contact: (239) 533-1333. lakespark.org
12 13th Annual Lovers Key Turtle Trot 5K Run/Walk at Lovers Key State Park to benefit Friends of Lovers Key State Park. 7 a.m. registration and packet pickup, 8 a.m. race start. Tickets: $35 per adult and $25 per youth under 18 through May 8, $40 per person on race day. Dress code: active-casual. Contact: Ranger Station, (239) 463-4588. friendsofloverskey.org
12 NALC Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive at the Collier Harvest Foundation warehouse, 4451 Mercantile Ave., to benefit the Collier Harvest Foundation. 1 p.m. Tickets: free; volunteer activity. Dress code: lightweight, outdoor work clothing. Chair: Connie Preu. Contact: (239) 455-3663. collierharvest.org/volunteer
12 Tosca at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW to benefit Gulf Coast Symphony. gulfcoastsymphony.org
17 FCS Foundation Golf Classic Kick-Off and Evening Reception at Heritage Palms Golf & Country Club to benefit the Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation. 6 p.m. Tickets: $100. Dress code: golf-casual. Contact: Terri Gagliardi, (941) 677-7192, tgagliardi@flcancer.com. foundation.flcancer.com
18 FCS Foundation Golf Classic at Heritage Palms Golf & Country Club to benefit the Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation. 7:30 a.m. Tickets: $250. Dress code: golf. Contact: Terri Gagliardi, (941) 677-7192, tgagliardi@flcancer.com. foundation.flcancer.com
25 State of Our Schools—Partners in Education Breakfast at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre to benefit The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. 7 a.m. Tickets: $40. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Beverly Burke, (239) 337-0433, beverly@leeschoolfoundation.org. leeschoolfoundation.org
Also in May:
Best of the Gulfshore presented by Gulfshore Life magazine. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
Lipman Golf Classic at Naples Heritage Golf & Country Club to benefit the Redlands Christian Migrant Association. 8:30 a.m. Tickets: $225. Dress code: casual. Chair: Jaime Weisinger. Contact: Kathleen Roehm, (863) 781-2874, kathleen.roehm@rcma.org. rcma.net/how-you-can-help/golf-tournament
Pars for Paws Golf Tournament and Auction to benefit Volunteer Services for Animals. Dress code: golf-casual. Chair: Sondra Rice. Contact: Sondra Rice, my7kitties@hotmail.com.
June 2017
Murder Mystery Dinner at Naples Lakes Country Club to benefit Bikes for Tykes. 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $75. Dress code: theme or dinner attire. Chair: Teddy Plaisted. Contact: Teddy Plaisted, (239) 465-9047, teddy@bikesfortykes.org. bikesfortykes.orgSixth Annual SUP Poker Run at The Capri Fish House to benefit Special Olympics Florida—Collier County. 9 a.m. Tickets: $50. Dress code: swimwear. Chairs: Stephanie Dangler, Becky Newell. Contact: (239) 775-1991. specialolympicsflorida.org/collier/fundraising-events/annual-sup-poker-run-benefiting-special-olympics-florida-collier-county
Sunset Cruise for Mental Health on the Naples Princess to benefit the David Lawrence Center. 6 p.m. Dress code: casual. Contact: Jennifer Denike, (239) 304-3505. jenniferde@dlcmhc.com.
Top Doctors presented by Gulfshore Life magazine. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.
July 2017
Best of Business presented by Gulfshore Business magazine. Tickets: $45. Dress code: business/cocktail. Contact: Jaimie Miller, (239) 449-4154, jmiller@gulfshorelife.com.Fourth Annual Grouper Slam at Port Sanibel Marina to benefit LARC. 6 a.m. Chair: Alex Newman. Contact: Angela Katz, (239) 334-6285, ext. 229, angelakatz@larcleecounty.org. fishgrouperslam.com
Laughter Is the Best Medicine at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center to benefit SalusCare. 7 p.m. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Todd Cordisco, (239) 791-1575, tcordisco@saluscareflorida.org. saluscarecomedynight.org
Youth Masterpiece Theater at the Dunbar High School auditorium to benefit Quality Life Center of Southwest Florida. Dress code: casual. Contact: Keesha Allen, (239) 334-2797, ext. 105, kallen@qlcswfl.org.
August 2017
22 Love That Dress! 10 at the Embassy Suites Fort Myers-Estero to benefit PACE Center for Girls of Lee County. 5 p.m. for VIPs, 6 p.m. for general admission. Tickets: $30 per general admission, $150 per VIP. Dress code: best dress. Contact: Allyson Ross, (239) 470-7548, allyson.ross@pacecenter.org. lovethatdress.orgAlso in August:
Love That Dress! at the Naples Grande Beach Resort to benefit PACE Center for Girls, Collier at Immokalee. 6 p.m. Tickets: $30 per general admission, $150 per VIP. Dress code: casual. lovethatdress.org
pARTy with a Purpose to benefit Youth Haven. Contact: Meredith Chase, (239) 687-5155, meredith.chase@youthhavenswfl.org.
RumRunners Celebrity Chef Night at RumRunners, Cape Coral, to benefit Barbara’s Friends. 6 p.m. Tickets: $175. Dress code: business-casual. Contact: Katy Martinez, (239) 214-0639, katy.martinez@leehealth.org. leehealthfoundation.org/rumrunners