This is the time of the year when living in paradise can backfire. Why? Because it’s so dang hot out all the time.
The heat is a game changer in Southwest Florida. But if you’re used to exercising outside, it doesn’t mean you need you need to completely change your game—just alter it. The Mayo Clinic has a few ways to avoid getting overheated during your daily jog:
-- Take it easy: Get acclimated to the heat, especially if you’re not used to working out in hot weather. That may mean dialing it back a notch for a few days until your body adjusts to the heat.
-- Drink plenty of fluids, of course. We all know to drink water when working out. This may be the time to switch to something like Gatorade. A sports drink can replace the sodium, chloride and potassium lost through sweating.
-- Adjust your schedule: If you normally like a lunchtime jog, try switching to early morning or late afternoon. It’s best to avoid the midday heat.
-- Dress appropriately: Think light clothing and a hat. Oh, and don’t forget that sunscreen.
For more tips (and warning signs of heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses) from the Mayo Clinic, click here.
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