Superfood supplements and protein powders can be a boon for health and fitness routines, but many grocery store finds are jam-packed with filler ingredients that can do more harm than good. Gut-irritating thickeners like xanthan gum and trans-fat-laden partially hydrogenated oils are often added in lieu of expensive, quality ingredients. Not at Matterhorn Fit.
The gym with locations in Bonita Springs, Naples and soon Fort Myers, recently launched a line of plant protein, grass-fed whey protein and organic green powders (supplements laden with leafy greens and superfood ingredients). The greens are packed with clearly labeled, quality ingredients, like organic spinach leaf, fruit antioxidant-rich pomegranate extract, digestive-supporting organic cinnamon bark and probiotics.
Blend one scoop of the chocolate-flavored Clean Plant Protein powder and one scoop of the mint-flavored, organic Daily Greens with banana, avocado and oat milk for a Thin Mint-flavored smoothie. Or, drink it like former pro hockey player and Matterhorn co-owner Ryan Vesce—shaken in a bottle with water right after his workout.
Find Matterforn Daily Fit Greens at their two gym locations.
Courtesy Matterhorn Fit